Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 999 Derivatives

After Tang San exited the dungeon, he crawled out of the game cabin in embarrassment and couldn't stop vomiting while lying on the toilet. The staff member responsible for recording Tang San's game hurriedly notified the coach to come over.

"It seems that he is not suitable for immersive virtual games. I'm afraid our game cabin can only be used by others."

The coach seemed a little disappointed by this, but still asked one more question: "What is his specific situation? It stands to reason that with his fighting skills, he should be able to adapt to a body that has no extraordinary power at all!"

"I don't know, I saw that he started to vomit as soon as he came out. He couldn't say anything after vomiting, and he looked in pain. I suspect that his body may not be used to immersive games.

Although this kind of situation is rare, it does happen from time to time. Just like someone gets dizzy in 3D in the game, immersive games may also have this kind of discomfort. "

The coach was silent after hearing this. There is basically no way to save him from 3D dizziness. No matter how skilled he is, if he feels sick just looking at the screen, he still cannot become an excellent professional player. If Tang San is in this situation, then they Most of the investment was wasted.

"I hope that's not the case. Let me ask him what's going on! It wouldn't be too much of a loss if we can seek compensation from the game company."

At the same time, Tang San was also considering whether to complain to the game company. It was so uncomfortable to die so many times that it left a psychological shadow.

Anyone else would have vomited if he died dozens of times in a few hours! Even if it is far worse than real death. But real death is basically not so scary!

Tang San almost vomited out his stomach, but after thinking calmly, he decided to give up reporting the game company. There was obviously something wrong with his game flow before. Suddenly the guy who helped him appeared. It's probably something like a plug-in.

If you report it yourself. Although it is possible to get some compensation. But I am afraid that I will also lose the benefits of this copy. What's more important is if you meet that guy again in the future. It is very likely that the other party will write it down.

Regardless of whether the other party is an NPC in the game or a staff member of the game company. Or the super hacker who broke through the firewall, neither of which Tang San could afford to offend.

If nothing else, just say that the other party can browse the plot information of the copy at will. You can easily beat him to death in the same book. Tang San didn't want to offend such a terrible enemy. The best solution is to pretend the two of them don't know each other.

Maybe this can lead to a good relationship. I'll meet him next time I go through the dungeon. Maybe you can get help. At least if anyone gives him trouble. I don’t know anymore. In the case of his relationship with Tang San. It would basically not affect Tang San.

While he was thinking about all this, the coach finally came and saw him lying on the toilet vomiting. My heart could not help but sink.

The situation seemed to be developing in the worst direction. Tang San seemed really uncomfortable with this game, but the coach still waited patiently until he was almost vomiting. Then he asked: "Did it just become a dungeon mission? Why did you vomit like this?"

"Forget it..." Tang San sighed: "Your novice guide was very simple at the beginning, a single-player survival mode copy of normal difficulty. I also completed it smoothly."

The coach breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. From the information on the forum, it is easy to see that this game is quite difficult. Even a normal single player survival mode. There is also nearly half a chance of passing or failing.

If Tang San could successfully pass the level, at least his talent should be at the middle level.

"You actually passed the level. Why did you vomit like this? Is it because you don't adapt to the game mode?"

"No." Tang San shook his head: "This game mode is very suitable for me. It happened like this just because I was cheap and opened a single-player survival mode nightmare.


The coach felt relieved after hearing this. How difficult is the nightmare copy? There are already complaints on the forum, and players have said that this thing is not for normal people to clear the level at all. The difficulty is simply explosive and very scary. Participate in this copy. It’s understandable that I kept vomiting after coming out.

"Don't be discouraged. I'm used to vomiting and vomiting. Until now. Not many people will clear the single-player survival mode nightmare in the future. It's normal not to clear the level. Don't be nervous about it."

"Ahem..." Tang San shook his head and said: "No, if I just didn't pass the level. How could I be in such a mess? At most, I was just scared off the line. In fact, I just passed, but the way I passed the level was a little bit... It’s not normal. It makes me feel very uncomfortable now. No, I have to vomit for a while!”

Coach: "!?" He never expected that Tang San's talent was even better than he imagined. He could even clear the nightmare and dungeon that had stumped countless people.

As for lying on the toilet and vomiting non-stop, does that count? It is normal to pay such a price for clearing a nightmare copy. Little did they know how many people were scared offline as soon as they entered the dungeon.

While Tang San was showing off invisibly, Cheng Ying was also thinking about the derivative. The derivative he observed seemed to be different from the one in the original work.

First of all, the level of intelligence is much higher. To be precise, it is not the degree of intelligence. But closer to humans. Have a more emotional way of thinking.

At least if it's a robot. He wouldn't call Tang San stupid, because insults were meaningless to a robot.

The second is the existence form of the opponent. It seems that he does not appear as a monster in the copy, but another completely different existence.

During a certain period of time, Cheng Ying lost control of Tang San and discovered some data in the copy that could not be viewed.

From this one can make guesses. Tang San was probably taken away by the derivatives at that time. The opponent has the ability to interfere with the dungeon rules to a certain extent. Although it is not strong, if it is used skillfully, it is really useful. For example, if Tang San's return after death is replaced by a player with some reasoning ability, I am afraid that the derivative will not need to personally help. Can pass the level.

But it seemed like this guy had to pay a price for cheating Tang San. Otherwise, he wouldn't have waited for Tang San to die so many times before taking action. Wouldn't he just hand over the strategy to Tang San and be done with it?

As for what the price is, Cheng Ying doesn't know yet. It's difficult to confirm this before actually catching the opponent.

On the other side, derivative A1 appeared in a dark space. This time she did not hide her face, with an unhappy expression on her face, "Unlucky! I met such a stupid guy!"

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