Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 998: Psychological Shadow

After listening to the plot, Tang San was completely confused. He discovered that the nightmare copy he imagined was completely different from what he was encountering now.

This thing is simply a big pit. No matter how high your fighting skills are, you can't get past it recklessly. Even if Tang San's martial arts skills are considered among the best in the entire continent, he can only deal with the weakest boss in this environment. .

But Tang San is not discouraged. The reason why he can't pass the level now is because he is too weak. As long as he finds a way to become stronger, there will always be a way to defeat the monsters in the dungeon.

But the figure who summoned Tang San seemed to have seen through his thoughts and shook his head: "What a stupid idea! If violence can solve all problems, I can help you solve all the problems in this copy with one hand. monster.

Listen up, what you are in is not the real world, but the spiritual world of Shuichi Hirata. The monsters you see here can be real, or they can all be fake. If you cannot see through the nature of the spiritual world, No matter how many times you kill these monsters, you can't escape the dungeon. "

Only then did Tang San react: "Do you know about the dungeon? Are you also a player? But this is a single-player survival mode..." Although he couldn't speak. But the other person seemed to understand what he was thinking.

"Are you just realizing it now? Although it's stupid, at least it's not that stupid. There's no need to explain my problem to you. You just need to know that our purposes are the same. It's enough.

Next, I will explain to you Tachibana and Watanabe. I have just told you that what you are in is not reality, but the spiritual world. And after you see enough truth. You will be separated from the deepest spiritual world. "

"Wait a minute, what does the deepest spiritual world mean?" Tang San was confused.

"Of course it means literally. The deepest level is naturally not one layer. After breaking away from this layer, what you come to is not reality. It is another layer of spiritual world.

What you learn here is not the truth either. The so-called truth is just the facts you dictated after the police investigation. This memory and Shuichi Hirata's conscience and self-blame turned into Tachibana, while Shuichi Hirata's wisdom and kindness turned into Dr. Watanabe.

Actually just calm down. This is very easy to see. All it takes is a little common sense. The crime scene was inside the victim's villa. How is it possible to have such a clear lens? And it still follows the actions of the protagonist. Doing a moving shot?

Don't you think the video Dr. Watanabe showed you is strange? Obviously that is definitely not the surveillance video of the crime scene. Even if there is a stalker, it is almost impossible to follow you to that point.

In fact, you can find out just by asking your doctor. The video you are watching was actually filmed by the police using actors. But in fact, even if you are a murderer, there is no need for the police to hire actors to film your past experiences because of your mental problems. , as long as you have a little social common sense, you can find the violation. It should be very simple to see through this layer. "

Tang San: "..." It's just a hammer! Only a pervert would know so clearly what a mentally ill murderer does after killing someone!

"Anyway, after leaving this layer, there is the last layer."

Tang San: "..." I can go to hell with you! I will never come to participate in the nightmare copy next time. This thing is not for people to play with at all. The plot design does not intend for people to complete the level at all, right?

"Don't be so surprised. The prerequisite for entering the last level is that you have roughly sorted out the case. At this time, you will come to the level closest to reality, where you will be imprisoned in a cell. Opinions are specially used for Come to the cell where the mentally ill are kept.

The layout here is almost identical to reality. This is also the ending of Shuichi Hirata in reality. Even if he is unable to go through the normal process and stand trial because of his mental disorder.

He can still be imprisoned permanently as a mental patient.

The only difference from reality is that there is an extra psychiatrist here. He will keep regular records of your condition. And recorded the reality that Tenten Shuichi could be sure of into his tape recorder. This represents very few facts that Shuichi Hirata can believe.

After arriving here, you are only one step away from the final pass. If you want to take that step, you need to recognize Shuichi Hirata's split personality, and then go to the next door on the last floor to add the content of the split personality to the complete case. Come up with complete reasoning. This will truly end the copy.

Okay, I’ve told you everything I need to tell you. Got so much information and detailed strategies. Even a pig should be able to pass the level. Now go back and complete your main mission, I won’t accompany you anymore! do not ask who I am! You don't need to know! "

After saying that, Tang San left that space violently and returned to the beginning of the dungeon, where he looked at each other in disbelief with the cracked woman.

Seeing the cracked girl, Tang San instinctively wanted to take out a weapon, but he quickly realized that he couldn't take out a weapon at this time. With great difficulty, he finally came to his senses. The cracked girl was just an ordinary passerby. It looked like Like a monster, just because of Hirata Shuichi's hallucination.

If I kill the cracked girl at this time, when I analyze the case later, there may be an innocent passerby as the victim. This may not match the original plot, causing the copy to fail.

Although Tang San had failed countless times and could almost memorize the location of every monster, he still didn't want to do it again.

There are some things that you won’t be afraid of just because you know they will appear. Even if you tell people who are afraid of spiders that the spiders in front of you are very docile, don’t bite and will bite you, are you really not afraid after seeing them? Yet? How can it be?

Tang San said that he didn't have much san left, and if he continued, he might go crazy in reality.

However, Tang San already knew too much truth this time, so he just played the game step by step, and successfully met Tachibana and Watanabe. After explaining the truth to them, Tang San successfully left this level of consciousness space and came to In the psychiatric cell, he immediately found that his hands and feet were chained to the chair and he was being questioned by a doctor. It was already twenty years after the case was pronounced, and the case had been concluded.

After Tang San revealed the fact that Hirata Shuichi was schizophrenic, he finally came to the next door, another Hirata Shuichi's spiritual world. The other party had also been tortured by past memories, watching Hirata Shuichi reject his sweetheart over and over again, and also returned to his hometown. Looking for his childhood sweetheart in a remote rural area, I always felt that it was not much better than the first Shuichi Hirata.

At this point, Tang San completed his nightmare copy for the first time.

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