Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 997 Derivatives’ Help

After watching Hirata Shu's experience, Tang San felt even more grateful that he had chosen the path of professional competition, if he were like an ordinary person in this era. You may have to face it when you go to school or go to work. It's the same day as Shuichi Hirata. Maybe even worse than him. To be as miserable as his laid-off employees.

From the bottom of his heart, Tang San didn't sympathize with Hirata, and he gave up on the great future of the big city. Give up on marrying a girl who can achieve success in one fell swoop. In Tang San's opinion, this kind of person deserves to be reduced to this situation. He still has to resign for the poor trash in the company. If this kind of person is not unlucky, who is unlucky?

After experiencing the severe beatings from society without Xiao Wu, Tang San became more inclined towards Chaos Evil than in the original work. In his opinion, let alone having a foundation of emotions, even if there was no emotion, the daughter of a wealthy family was better than a childhood sweetheart in a remote village. Too many, and Hirata's brain will definitely go crazy.

But no matter how much he complains in his heart, this is just the plot of the game, and nothing will change because of his complaints.

As he learned about Hirata Shuichi's identity, he entered a cutscene again. It's just that this time it's completely different from before. The black and white world finally changed and turned into color.

The originally black-and-white world has turned into a film projected on a projector. It is a black-and-white film projected by an old-fashioned projector with noise.

Tang San found with a confused expression that he was being tied to a restraint chair, unable to move his body at all. It looks like he is wearing a straitjacket that only mentally ill people would wear.

In front of him, there was a guy in a white coat and a police uniform. Tang San looked confused when he saw the guy who called himself Dr. Watanabe and started asking about his situation. Tang San, who had absolutely no understanding of the current situation, naturally told the truth. Said he saw a world full of ghosts. Then he killed a certain monster Yunyun. Next to him, the policeman who called himself Tachibana looked unhappy and looked like he was about to rush up and beat him in the next second.

After Dr. Watanabe finished taking notes, he shook his head at the policeman beside him: "Same as before. He could still only remember those monsters. In his mind, the monsters he shot and killed were also the monsters around his wife. "

"I don't want to know his condition, I just want to know the whereabouts of my men!" Tachibana said angrily: "The gun he held in his hand belonged to my men, and now my men are missing. It was probably murdered by him. But he can lie here peacefully." Ju clenched his fists, ready to punch Tang San in the face at any time.

But he was finally caught by Doctor Watanabe, and then Tang San was pushed away with a confused look on his face, and was sent to a ward surrounded by iron bars, without even removing the straitjacket on him. open.

Tang San:? ? ?

After being locked up, no one paid attention to him. But Yi couldn't even move in his current state. Then his vision went dark, and the words "game over" appeared in his field of vision.

However, when these words appear, there is a lot of noise. It was like an old-fashioned TV that had no signal and turned off suddenly.

Then, Tang San's consciousness fell into a trance. Then we came to a space with pitch black above, below, left and right. There was nothing in the space, he was just suspended there. Opposite him, a figure whose gender and facial features could not be discerned slowly emerged.

Although I can't see clearly. But after the other party spoke, his tone was quite bad: "What is on your mind? You have experienced so many dungeons, and you haven't found anything at all? Do you know that I have adjusted the difficulty of your dungeon to the lowest level? . Just now you just had to guess the fact that you committed murder in front of the doctor and the police, and you could escape from this conscious space?

Even if you are not determined to be smart, you should be able to figure it out after experiencing it so many times if you have an IQ that is almost normal. What is it about your pig-like brain that gives you the courage to choose nightmare mode? "

Tang San came to this space,

He looked confused and was scolded when he came up. He was also very irritable, but he couldn't even move in this space. He could only stare straight ahead.

"Forget it, it's impossible to expect you to pass the level by yourself. Although revealing the content of the level will cost you a certain amount, it's better than being stuck in an endless loop with a fool like you.

Listen, you have just experienced a total of three dreams, all of which were experienced by Shuichi Hirata, except that the order of the three dreams was reversed.

The correct sequence is: Hirata laid off employees, learned about his wife's affair with his boss, Hirata came to his boss's mansion, broke up his boss's good deeds, shot his boss to death, and finally Hirata had a mental breakdown, so much so that he couldn't remember where his home was. Where, ask passers-by for directions. When he got home, he found that his wife had hanged herself. "

Tang San was shocked when he heard this. The haunted things he had experienced were actually played backwards. No wonder he couldn't figure out the logic at all.

"Don't be distracted and listen to me. You only have one chance after this time. If you can't pass the level, then you just wait to fall into an endless loop in this copy. I can't save you.

What is in the video is only the superficial content, and is also what the police investigated. I will tell you all the facts now. What you see is the imagination of Hirata who has gone crazy. The passerby with the cracked mouth, the eyes in the gap in the curtains, the wife The monsters around me have all been enhanced with special effects.

The real situation is that Hirata suffered from schizophrenia. After learning that his wife was having an affair with his boss, the sub-personality Shu woke up. The sub-personality fell in love with the eldest lady and hated the backwaters of his hometown. However, he had been suppressed by the main personality. After awakening, he decided to take revenge on the main personality. , so he decided to kill his boss.

If he just killed his boss, the sentence would be very light, so he decided to swindle a policeman first, then grab the gun from the policeman, and then kill his boss. If he didn't die, he would have no time limit, and the motive for the crime was sufficient and the evidence was conclusive.

So he followed his plan, killed a patrolman, took away the gun, and came to the door of his boss's house. During this period, Hirata had no memory. Likewise, you can't see this content.

Then Shuichi returned the body to Hirata. Hirata held the address of his boss's house in his hand and subconsciously went there. Then he saw his wife committing adultery with his boss. He was already mentally broken. He regarded his boss as a monster and shot him to death. .

Then Shuichi took over the body, went home and drove his wife crazy with words, and asked her to hang herself. Then he returned the body to Hirata and let him see this exciting scene. At this time, the neighbor who saw the situation in the room outside the window had already called the police. Shuichi The plan to prevent Hirata from surrendering and commuting his sentence was also successful. This is the general content of the story. Now I will tell you about Tachibana and Watanabe. "

After hearing this, Tang San felt that he was a fool. If he were to figure out the truth on his own, he would probably have to go through it a thousand and eight hundred times. This was not a copy prepared for others at all.

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