Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1004 Killing Mode

After Tang San's bad behavior led to a group attack, instead of self-reflection, he intensified his efforts, relying on himself to start earlier and complete many hidden tasks in the previously cleared dungeons. Obtained many excellent props. The combat effectiveness is obviously higher than other players. Rampant and unbridled.

Chengying considered the protagonist's halo problem and did not deliberately target him. Although after professional players joined, Tang San became more and more embarrassed, but he could still hold on.

Chengying didn't comment on this, but silently started the killing mode according to the set time.

Killing mode is just like the literal meaning, it is a mode that allows players to kill each other. In an ordinary team survival copy, it is not possible to attack players, and the intention to launch an attack cannot be converted into the character's actions.

In the killing mode, there is no such restriction. Generally, the requirement for passing the level is that there is only one player left in the copy.

In this mode, players can fight among themselves. From the initial PVE to the current PVP, if you can become the final winner of the game. The rewards you get are even more than in team survival mode.

Even if Chengying is just updating normally. This model still attracted Tang San's attention.

Compared to diligently clearing the dungeon, defeating monsters, and getting rewards. He prefers to kill other players to get bigger rewards. If he hadn't found a skill like the Flying Dragon Cloud Claw that could steal other people's equipment. I'm afraid he has already been thinking about how to turn other people's equipment into his own. Killing and stealing is nothing more than that.

While Tang San was paying attention to the killing mode, players from other studios were also paying attention to this mode. Not just because hunting Tang San became easier in this mode. This is especially because if there is a professional competitive match in the future, it will probably be held in killing mode. Otherwise, it would be difficult to determine the strengths and weaknesses of different teams.

In killing mode, plot and puzzle solving are equally important. These allow players to get help from NPCs in the game, or obtain powerful props that can be temporarily used in the game, or even provide buffs that strengthen themselves or weaken the enemy.

But compared to the team survival mode, combat still occupies the mainstream in this mode. Tang San's hidden weapons were indeed very powerful, especially after he found some. The powerful toxin unique to the game has an astonishing killing efficiency.

It's just that he is not the only one with strong fighting ability. Maybe they have not received systematic hidden weapon training, but it does not mean that the other style of fighting skills they practice are not practical. In the world of Tang San's previous life, the Tang Sect also It is just one of the many sects in the world. If nothing else, if that world is indeed a martial arts style, then at least the court must be more powerful than the sect. Why do you think that the Tang Sect's hidden weapons are the strongest fighting skills? Woolen cloth?

I just participated in a round of killing mode.

Tang San was speechless when he found that he was blocked again, and this time the opponent wanted trouble, a professional player from the studio.

And there were three at once. Six people in total. Two passers-by, three studio players. Those two passers-by also had a very bad impression of Tang San. If there is a high bounty on his head, he may be backstabbed at any time.

The three studio players are obviously matched together, and their respective equipment skills and specializations are all complementary. Together they can produce the effect of 1+1\u003e2.

And this copy has almost no room for solving puzzles. The battlefield unfolded directly in a deserted snowfield. It starts with a confrontation of hard power.

Tang San's equipment and skills did have some advantages. In terms of fighting skills, he even surpassed his opponent. But that's about it. The difference in numbers cannot be made up for by his lack of overwhelming strength.

In this land of ice and snow, even if Tang San used the plot to turn things around, he would not be able to trigger any useful plot here.

Among the three professional players, one raised a large shield to defend against his attack. Almost all abilities point to defense.

Although it couldn't be as exaggerated as in the anime where he would go all-out defense because he was too afraid of pain, it wasn't Tang San's hidden weapon that could break the defense. Occasionally use special hidden weapon techniques. Go around that thick shield and injure the opponent to the point of being poisoned.

The wet nurse hiding in the back row opposite will also release spells immediately to dispel the poisoning effect. The nanny was much further away from him. If you can focus on aiming, it is not impossible to attack. The problem is that the opponent has a sniper further away.

A streamlined, sci-fi-like sniper rifle was holding him in the distance. As long as he dares to mess around, he will be shot immediately.

Although the three people cooperated tacitly, they didn't cause much serious harm to Tang San.

But it made him feel very frustrated. It was good to be able to use one or two of his 100% skills. The two passerby players also felt that Tang San should be eliminated first to determine the outcome.

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Even after killing Tang San, the two of them probably wouldn't be able to fight against a professional player. But as the saying goes, if you can lose in the game, Tang San must die. Both players pulled out their longest-range guns. A cold blow from a distance was given to Tang San, completely making him unable to concentrate on fighting.

Such a bad situation made Tang San more and more exhausted. Fighting required high-intensity concentration. The toll on the mind is huge. Tang San, who was holding on hard, soon lost his ability to concentrate.

It was at a moment when he was in a daze. The professional player holding the shield suddenly gave up his defense, suddenly raised the shield, and smashed it down towards Tang San.

Simple title skill Shield Slam. The effect is as simple as the name of the skill, slamming the opponent with the shield. Hitting the head has a certain probability of triggering a stun effect.

When Tang San reacted, the shield had already hit him hard on the head. Such a strong hit directly triggered the stun effect. Tang San felt like the world was spinning. The scene in front of him shook and he lost control of his body.

Almost at the same time, the sniper ambushing in the distance immediately launched an attack. The most powerful bullet ejected from the muzzle. Various bonuses and skills are attached to this bullet. The powerful power is enough to kill a player instantly.

This is also the most terrifying place for sniper players. It's easy if you don't cry. Once you take action, it's time to kill instantly. And it's usually the type where if you can't kill others in seconds, you will be killed.

Tangshan had not yet escaped from the dizziness, and there was no possibility of dodge. The bullet was heading straight for his head. The next moment, his brain exploded like a rotten watermelon. Consciousness falls into darkness.

[To be continued]

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