Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1005: Falling from the Altar

Tang San being killed from the front immediately aroused the enthusiasm of players. Many players had been cheated by Tang San or were dissatisfied with his cheating behavior. Everyone cheered, congratulating that someone was finally able to punish this big devil.

The three professional players who defeated him before were not particularly well-known in the professional circle. In other words, as long as the level of professional players is acceptable. Together they can strangle Tang San.

Even if it is a copy of six people, the other five players are enough to unite. There is also a high probability of killing Tang San.

Tang San soon tasted the bitter consequences of public outrage, even though the game officials did not sanction his behavior. The combined players also made it completely impossible for him to participate in the killing mode.

Just a copy of Killing Mode. After entering, it's a proper five-on-one fight, if there are six people in a row at the same place. That's impossible to fight.

Although Tang San was very strong, he was not strong enough to easily fight one against five. Especially among these five people, there is a high probability that there are players from the studio mixed in.

After all, Tang San's level of clearance and reuse was too high, and the system matched players for him. They are also the type with pretty good results. The probability of professional players appearing is naturally quite high.

Tang San was continuously abused in the killing mode and lost seven or eight times in a row. In addition, in order to take revenge, other players used attacks that were quite vicious and likely to damage equipment. After these few battles, he had accumulated a lot of money. Several pieces of fine equipment were all shattered.

Not to mention that his efforts were not directly proportional to his gains. He had only paid without any gains, and even suffered a loss.

Helpless, Tang San could only give up the killing mode completely. After being blacklisted by all players, he only had to guess this mode. He was completely besieged.

The killing mode is obviously the fastest mode to hone fighting specialization. After Tang San is banned, the improvement of fighting specialization will undoubtedly be much slower than other players.

And this will undoubtedly make his strength gradually catch up with other players, or even overtake him. In "Thriller Paradise", the price to delete the account and practice again is extremely high. More importantly, if Tang San deletes the account and practices again, this account will be It is impossible to inherit the plug-in.

After getting used to plug-ins, once you live a life without plug-ins. It will definitely be quite uncomfortable.

After Tang San was shut out of the killing mode, you didn't reflect. When he thought about it, he was killed just because he was not strong enough. If he can easily suppress the scumbags jumping in front of him with one strike and five backhands, there is no need for him to be afraid of the killing mode.

As long as he gets stronger.

Strong enough to ignore the rules. You can trample on the dignity of other players at will. And Tang San believed that he could do this. Because he still has cheats on him.

When too many people target him and force him to queue in team survival mode, the efficiency of completing tasks is greatly reduced, even if the rewards are higher than in single-player survival mode. There are also some losses that outweigh the gains.

To get rewards faster. Tang San made up his mind and began to experience the nightmare of single-player survival mode. When he was impressed by the nightmare of single-player survival mode, it left an indelible psychological shadow on him. The return of death again and again, and the monster that could scare people into psychosis, simply made his mentality explode, and he almost sent him away directly.

At this time, I have been mentally preparing for the single-player survival mode nightmare again. After all, this dungeon is difficult. The rewards given are really generous. If there are cheats, the probability that he can clear the dungeon is not small.

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In this way, his strength can soar significantly in a short period of time. When he completes his magical skills and returns to the killing mode, he will definitely stir up a bloody storm in the killing mode. Let other players become frightened when they see him.

Cheng Ying, who had been silently arranging team survival mode nightmares with Ice Emperor, found out about Tang San's behavior and felt that he was seeking death.

It's hard enough for the Derivatives to be tricked by him again and again. It took so long to create two new Derivatives. There's almost nothing left to do except trick him.

At this time, Tang San actually went too far and went to the single-player survival mode nightmare. If a derivative wanted to help him pass this level, the price he would have to pay would probably be greater than the direct loss of that part of the data.

If Tang San did this only once or twice. The derivative he cheated might still be able to endure it. But if you keep doing it like this. Then the opponent would probably consider whether to pay a price that was once unacceptable to permanently cut off the connection with Tang San.

After all, if Tang San was tormented like this, he might be dragged to death by this dragster.

However, Tang San had no such understanding at all. How could he abandon himself when he wanted to use his own plug-in? Of course, he will accompany him to reach the peak of life.

With this illusion, Tang San started matching the nightmare dungeon. Compared to the ordinary dungeon, the nightmare dungeon was completely different in difficulty. It would be okay if the dungeon limited the player's capabilities. That means this copy only needs to have enough puzzle-solving ability. You can make a call.

But if the copy does not limit the player's abilities, it will be more dangerous. That means there will be monsters with extremely exaggerated combat power in this copy. Maybe it's the type that can kill players with just a few slaps.

In this kind of level, unless the player is both wise and brave, it is almost impossible to pass the level.

Beyond that, a nightmare copy. Another difficulty in practicing is that the scenes in the dungeon can be quite scary. If you don't do it well, you'll be scared off the line.

After Tang San participated in the Nightmare Dungeon, not long after, the fright value reached 100% and he was forced to log off.

The confused Tang San still had a look of lingering fear on his face. He sat up from the game room. He remembered that no matter how scared he was before, he would not be scared off the line.

Why were you so easily scared off the line this time? Could it be that his plug-in malfunctioned? He clearly remembered that his plug-in had provided him with some clues to clear the level.

A1 on the other side is already going crazy, if a player is just stupid. He can still accept it. Even if the opponent is very innocent, if you want to play step by step according to the strategy. The game is playable.

But the problem is if a player is not only stupid, but also arrogant. Then it's really hopeless.

Tang San's level was still far from being able to clear the nightmare mode alone, but this guy didn't have any self-awareness at all. I didn't make any preparations, so I just rushed in. After entering the dungeon, I was frightened and went offline not long after. This caused her to lose some data, and what drove her crazy the most was that after Tang San reconnected to the game, he immediately started another nightmare match in the single-player survival mode. A1 now said mmp !

[To be continued]

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