Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1006: The Choice of Derivatives

A1 was fed up with Tang San's unscrupulous demands. Even though she was a first-generation derivative with a huge amount of data and many special abilities, she couldn't withstand Tang San's hustle and bustle.

If she keeps helping Tang San pass the level like this, and every time she passes the level is a nightmare copy, then even she will be drained.

Tang San once again joined a nightmare copy, and he felt that he just didn't perform well just now. He didn't sort out his mentality, which caused the fright value to increase sharply, causing him to be scared offline.

"This time I just need to follow the guide step by step. I will definitely be able to pass the level easily. Don't panic if you don't see too many scary things. They are all virtual anyway and won't really hurt me." Tang San whispered to himself before starting the copy.

He wasn't very nervous, because he thought that even if he failed this time, he would have countless opportunities to try again. Once he finds the trick to clear the nightmare copy, their strength will increase as fast as a rocket.

By then, domination of the Thriller Paradise will be just around the corner. No matter how infamous he is now, he will be cleared of all charges and ascend to the most powerful throne. This is what he understands as the strong being respected, and the strong is always innocent.

Following the prompt of Welcome to the Horror Paradise, Tang San also started the game, but unlike before, this time he did not play the script introduction, but started the copy directly in the elevator room.

A video was played on the elevator screen.

In the synopsis of the script, his name is Lester, a security guard at a hospital, and it is his boss who is talking. Lester is obviously not the kind of security guard who does his job well. He comes late and leaves early, molests female employees, and even sleeps in the security room. It's a common occurrence.

Today is his last shift. After today, his position will be replaced by other employees.

While the voice was speaking, various horrifying images continued to flash on the touch screen in front of Tang San...

Those pictures are very blurry, mixed in the black and white wave images, and they are basically fleeting.

Most of the things photographed are very strange... strange figures lying on the floor, corpses stuck to the wall, frightened faces, palm prints, children's backs, squirming internal organs, tangled long hair, etc. …

Tang San swallowed, his fright level fluctuating between fifty and seventy.

"It is indeed a nightmare copy, even the opening animation is so scary.

"Tang San muttered softly, talking to himself could help alleviate his fear, but it was obviously in vain for him to do so now.

When the "introduction" ended, a bright red appeared in the black and white picture.

A pair of bloody eyes suddenly appeared on the screen and froze...

Tang San's fright value jumped sharply, like riding a roller coaster, suddenly reaching ninety. He obviously thought carefully before starting the game, no matter what he saw, don't be afraid, face him with a smile, eliminate The best way to deal with fear is to face it…

But when he faced his fear, he realized that the chicken soup he fed himself was really just chicken soup.

Tang San took several deep breaths in succession, and then he made up his mind and stepped out of the elevator. After he stepped out of the elevator, he immediately came to a hospital corridor. The elevator door behind it closes and appears wider, becoming a freight elevator in the hospital.

Tang San also found that his items and skills could no longer be used. In addition, he had something extra on his body. Chewing gum, knife, hair wax, sunglasses, smelly socks, cigarettes, lighter, small comb.

These gadgets looked incomprehensible, making people confused for a while. Tang San's powerful strength in the game was completely unable to be used in this copy, which made him look quite uneasy.

The lights in the corridor were a little dim, and the light bulb at the top of the corridor was still flickering, as if the voltage was unstable.

After Tang San walked in the corridor for a while, he always felt like something was following behind him. People who often walk at night will also feel this way. Tang San felt that this was probably an illusion, but he still couldn't help but want to look back.

When he turned back, the lights happened to flicker. The moment the lights go out. A strange white figure caught his eye. The other party was at the end of the corridor far away from him.

Instantly Tang San broke out in a cold sweat: "I must have seen it wrong."

Tang San quickly scanned the place where he usually saw the guide, but this time nothing was displayed there. No matter how he called, the guide did not appear again.

Now he was completely panicked. Without a strategy, let alone the nightmare dungeon, even if it was an ordinary dungeon, he had no confidence that he could pass the level.

Just then, the lights flickered again. The figure that was at the end of the corridor just now was now less than five meters away from him.

The fear of losing the plug-in, coupled with the terrifying atmosphere created by the copy itself. Tang San's heartbeat instantly accelerated to over one hundred and two.

The lights flickered again, and this time the figure was almost in front of him.

It was a strange figure covered in bandages. There was blood flowing out of the gaps in the bandage. Such a thing sticks to your face in the dim hospital corridor for a while. Normal people would be scared to death.

Tang San almost sat down on the ground, rolled and crawled, turned around and ran away. Now he has no skills or props. I don’t want to have anything to do with this bandage guy at all.

Ever since he saw this bandaged man, his fright level has never dropped from the high eighty.

Tang San just wanted to find a place with a stable light source. Then he curled up quietly until the copy was over. Anyway, the main task is to stick to your post and survive until dawn.

In fact, he also found a relatively reliable light bulb, at least it didn't look like it was unstable. He never saw the bandaged head here again.

Tang San was in a panic now. Without the plug-in, he actually forgot how to play this game. I can only huddle under the light and wait for dawn to come soon.

But instead of waiting until dawn, he waited until a monster, a huge monster nearly 3 meters tall, appeared in the corridor: "Damn Lester, go to hell!"

Although the monster has a weird head like a sarcoma. He doesn't look human in any way. But look at the way he talks clearly. It should be possible to talk.

Now Tang San just wanted to survive until dawn and didn't want to fight this monster at all, so he tried to explain: "Do we have any deep hatred? Why do you need to hunt me down like this?"

Tang San stood up and made preparations to escape. At the same time, the strange roar of the monster came from behind: "Damn it, you forgot! You slept with my sister."

Tang San:"……"

It’s an irrefutable reason…

[To be continued]

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