Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1014 Four Pillar Gods

In addition to players discovering the uniqueness of the Scientology, some special beings in the game also discovered this unique existence.

The basic data that can detect these problems are unique data, which cannot be directly copied by the system. It cannot be generated directly in the copy. They can only rely on the authority of the system to influence their actions and cooperate with the copy process.

The Four Pillar Gods in the main universe, including their Tokikan, Jurors, and the Nine Chiefs of the Undead, all have the same existence.

These existences affect the main plot of the main universe. Each of them has boss-level strength, which cannot be defeated one-on-one by players at this stage.

Their intelligence and freedom are also much stronger than other NPCs, so they can take more measures when facing the rising Scientology.

Among them, the Court of Truth is happy to see the rise of Scientology. At least on the surface, the court here maintains the order of the universe, and science is often orderly.

Many monsters with chaotic attributes have been eliminated by the Scientology. Although killing them without teaching them is not something worth advocating, it objectively saves the Tribunal of Truth a lot of trouble.

The Lord of Time on the same side of the order does not care much about the emergence of the Scientology. There is no substantial conflict of interest between the two parties. The power of time is too transcendent and cannot be explained by science in a short time.

In contrast, King Abyss's attitude towards the Church of Science is much worse. Among all the worlds in the main universe, his force suffered the most heavy losses.

Mortals who have mastered psychic powers can cause harm to ghosts, and these ghosts can basically be regarded as citizens of the Kingdom of the Dead. Naturally, he is the younger brother who belongs to the Underworld You King. How can he not be angry when so many younger brothers have been killed?

At this time, King Ming Yuan You was trying to prepare a plan to destroy the scientific reviewers. It's just that this Scientology has developed extremely strangely. Their church preachers can't be found at all, and there is no visible organizational framework at all. However, it has spread almost throughout the main universe, which makes the eradication work extremely difficult.

In addition, the leader of demons does not have very good senses for the Scientology. The monsters in the chaotic scorched earth rarely appear in the human world because they are too crazy. This makes the Scientology have a negative impact on it. The loss is not big.

But the leader of all demons inherently hates the existence of order, and Scientology obviously falls into the category of his disgust.

Generally speaking, the Scientology Church is in a bad situation between the four major forces in the main universe, and it may be wiped out by angry bosses at any time.

But as the saying goes, a single spark can start a prairie fire. The lack of a substantial organizational framework has become the advantage of the Scientology. As long as there are still people who continue to believe in science, the Scientology will be immortal.

This was the power that Cheng Ying had only established after much thought, so how could it be eradicated so easily.

The reading pen that recorded many teaching materials of the Church of Science was a legendary equipment obtained by Cheng Ying in a certain copy. After his transformation, it was embedded in the main universe, which had the immediate effect.

"It's almost time to start the first round of the peak competition!" Cheng Ying muttered: "I almost forgot about Oscar."

"Yes, when we designed the game, we originally planned to design a set for Oscar to slap him in the face. The three-year period has come, and we welcome the routine of the Supreme Dragon King. As a result, you became addicted to the game and couldn't extricate yourself. You didn't care at all. Oscar looks like he’s alive and dead.”

"Hmm... That's right. Let's slow down the game process first. Anyway, it's just to change the level limit. It's not a difficult problem. By the way, how strong is Oscar this guy now?" Cheng Ying looked at the moon. Brain recording.

"Are you referring to his strength in real life or in the game?" Ice Emperor crawled out of the game cabin with red cheeks, waved his hand to freeze the suspicious liquid in the game cabin, and cleaned it up.

It was obvious that the game cabin she was in was not the game cabin of "Thriller Paradise", but some game login cabins that were more open and were often marked with the r18 tag.

Compared with the real world, such a game has many advantages. In addition to meeting the special needs of players without girlfriends, it can also give couples players some special effects that cannot be achieved in reality, such as making their partners grow animal ears. With the tail, it is not impossible to turn it into a furry in the extreme.

Or some R18G content, such as the experience of amputating limbs, is basically impossible to achieve in reality, but it can be done in the game. However, players who apply to use such functions generally need to sign a liability exemption agreement in advance. The game ID will also be submitted to the local public security department.

As for what happened between Cheng Ying and Hyokui in the game just now, please allow me to omit the 5,000-word content that you can’t watch even if you pay.

"Both real and virtual strength are important! You can't let him be eliminated by his team in reality just because of playing games!" Cheng Ying found the information he wanted in just a moment, and after the brain on the moon also It's his own.

"It seems like he's doing pretty well, I feel like he's doing better than the cheating Tang San."

In fact, most people were better at it than Tang San. After all, this guy was too ruthless in cheating. After the cheat was exposed, he was almost banned from the entire network. Now he had no choice but to delete his account and practice again.

As for his strength in the real world, because he invested too much energy in the virtual world, his improvement has slowed down significantly, and he has been overtaken by some of his first-tier peers.

As for whether the reputation he gained in the game can help him in reality, the answer is yes. Although it is not an exaggeration to describe his reputation in the game as notorious, it does not affect his ability to gain success in reality. Benefit.

A man surnamed Xiao who wishes to remain anonymous is also notorious in a literal sense, and even became a hot topic for spraying feces. But objectively speaking, his life is still better than that of most people. It's just that he is notorious. The benefits it can bring are far less than the positive reputation.

In comparison, Oscar is much more down-to-earth. His game cabin was lucky enough to be drawn during the closed beta test, so he does not have a strong sense of utilitarianism when it comes to games. It has not affected the progress of cultivation in reality.

But it is precisely in this way that his excellent gaming talent can be brought into play. At this time, he has become a well-known player specializing in medical treatment and summoning in the game.

In reality, his performance is also quite good. He has escaped the crisis of being eliminated at any time and became a substitute player in advance.

[To be continued]

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