Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1015 Old Snake Skin Ma Hongjun

Oscar's reputation in the game is not particularly high, but he is basically the same as a second-tier professional player. Compared with being unknown in reality, he is actually much better. Occasionally, some of the teammates I get matched with know him, and even some of his fans.

This is also the reason why the real-life team will make an exception and promote him to be a substitute player, because of his popularity in the game. As long as it can be maintained stably. It will undoubtedly give him a high reputation in reality.

Such a player, even if his own strength is not very good, is still good as a vase. In particular, the game "Thriller Paradise" is so well-made that it has exceeded the recognition of major mainland game companies, probably for many years to come. The popularity of this game will never diminish.

Oscar's reputation will only increase as time goes by. No matter how you look at it, he is a player with great potential.

As for Oscar himself...

"Ning Luoli is so cute. When can I get a dungeon with her? I really want to submit a friend application."

This was not Cheng Ying's deliberate guidance, but it developed naturally to the current situation. It seems that the inertia of the plot is still making its final death struggle, using his broken body to linger on and show his last sense of existence.

Oscar still paid attention to Ning Rongrong, and he had a tendency to become a dog licker.

Ning Rongrong was considered a semi-star player after joining the game. After all, her reputation in reality was very high. Ning Fengzhi personally asked her, the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, to manage the social platform. She has millions of fans. After joining the game, she naturally attracted countless fans. Many fans who don't really like to play games flocked to it.

As for her game level... it doesn't matter. As the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, she only needs to be responsible for being cute in the dungeon.

What's more, her game level is not considered weak, and she has a whole team of people to help her plan her future game route. Customize the right equipment for him.

He also has nearly unlimited krypton gold props, including some of the top and most expensive pieces of equipment in the auction house. As long as she wants, she can take it in one bite.

The vast majority of non-first-line professional players faced off against this petite-looking little princess in the killing mode. There is no chance of winning.

As for Oscar's plan to add her as a friend, it had already come to nothing when the idea was born. There are countless players who want to add Ning Rongrong as a friend. Tens of thousands of her fans alone have registered accounts in the game. . Crazy to submit a friend request to her.

You can imagine how difficult it was for Oscar to add her as a friend. Even if they were placed in the dungeon together, Oscar happened to perform extremely well. It may not succeed.

Unless his level in the game can be raised to the level of first-tier players or even top players, then it is possible to add Ning Rongrong as a friend by actively submitting a friend application.

Even so, it is just an opportunity to talk to her. If you say something wrong and make her unhappy, or send messages too frequently and make her feel bored, you may still be deleted as a friend at any time.

He is so willful, and Ning Rongrong also has the qualifications to be willful, as has been mentioned before. Of the seven famous sects on the mainland, only the Qibao Glazed Sect is now the only one left. The other sects are at the level of ordinary local enterprises at best.

Only the Qibao Glazed Sect's status has not declined but risen, becoming the only force in the Tiandou Empire that can compete with the imperial power. As the only little princess in such a force, Ning Rongrong's status is even higher than that of the current crown prince. If you are tall, you will naturally have willful capital. Being a mere commoner, it is already a great honor to appear in her friend list.

In this world line,

The gap between Oscar and Ning Rongrong is much larger than in the original work, and in this world line, even if Oscar becomes a Titled Douluo as a food-based soul master, it is impossible for him to become a Titled Douluo like in the original work. Such an unprecedented achievement would make it almost impossible to close the gap between the status of the two sides.

So much so that even Oscar himself had never thought of pursuing it. Even if he no longer knew himself, he didn't think he could pursue it. The little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

She just opens her social media account on her mobile terminal every day in bed, looks at the cute photos posted on it, and twists into a maggot in bed with her head covered. It is absolutely impossible to have any inappropriate thoughts about her. , let alone develop this photo.

As for whether he, who will turn five years old next month, has this function, Ma Hongjun said that he does. After the spiritual energy was revived, everyone developed earlier.

This age is already mature in some aspects. Oscar has not tried this yet, but a guy who has been born knowing that the place to pee has other functions is already thinking about how to get through the fence of the team training area at this age. Turn it out and go to the red light district to do this kind of thing.

As a born LSP, Ma Hongjun has an unimaginable talent in this area. He can find the location of the red light district by smelling it with his eyes closed, which is really amazing.

As for games, Ma Hongjun's interest is average. Although he has good luck in the game, the strength of the game characters is not bad. But it can only be considered a casual player.

There is nothing that can be done about it. In the game "Thriller Paradise", players are not allowed to take off their clothes. The player's intentions will not be translated into the actual actions of the game character. As a result, the game is much less fun.

Intimate actions between players can only end with kissing. Even intentional touching of thighs is impossible. If repeated attempts are made, the player's identity information will be submitted to the local public security department and become a focus. Monitoring objects.

This kind of thing is completely unacceptable to Ma Hongjun. If he becomes a key surveillance target of the local public security department, wouldn't his plan of sneaking out to vent his anger be aborted?

"Ahem, stop looking. What's so beautiful about little girl's skin? She doesn't have all her hair. Come over and see how my makeup looks. Can you pretend to be fourteen or fifteen years old?" Ma Hongjun asked Oscar from Pulled out of bed, let him help her see how well she disguised herself.

Even if he managed to sneak out and had money with him, the hair-washing girl probably wouldn't provide services to a five-year-old kid like him, so he planned to put on makeup first to make himself look more mature. Objectively speaking, His makeup skills are pretty good, at least the baby fat on his face is hard to see after applying makeup.

"Huh? Pretending to be fourteen or fifteen years old? Are you pretending to be a fourteen or fifteen year old with dwarfism?" Oscar rolled his eyes. No matter how fast he grows, how tall can a five-year-old kid be?

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