Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1016 Knowledge is power

Oscar watched Ma Hongjun climb out of the wall. As a born old snake, Ma Hongjun could find unscrupulous hair salons, pedicure parlors, bathhouses, and the like with his toes. This was an innate intuition that was extremely accurate.

Just because you can find it doesn't mean you can get in. Ma Hongjun's makeup skills are indeed good. But being able to make your face look mature doesn't mean you can make your height taller.

Ma Hongjun has grown very fast, but at this age, even if he puts boosting pads in his shoes, he is only nearly 1.2 meters tall.

With this height, as long as you are not crazy, you can definitely see that there is something wrong. However, Ma Hongjun is also capable, and we still don’t know if he has eaten meat. But when Oscar saw him again, the local police had already dragged him back.

It seems that he is not good enough and has been involved in some kind of anti-pornography and illegal activities. But because he was too young, he could not be convicted and was deported.

As for the not-so-serious barber shop he went to... I can only say that they are unlucky. If you do business with an underage, you will be severely punished. But when the underage reaches Ma Hongjun's level, the shop owner may not be able to leave in a short time. coming.

In the dormitory, Ma Hongjun took a pocky, took a sip as if he was smoking a cigarette, and then exhaled.

"No matter how much you smoke a chocolate bar, you can't spit out smoke!" Oscar couldn't help but complain, why smoke a pocky when you have nothing to do? Do you think you are Texas?

"Ugh! You don't understand!" Ma Hongjun pretended to spit out smoke again: "You are still a child and don't understand the happiness of adults like us!"

"What an adult! You haven't even celebrated your fifth birthday yet!" Oscar's mouth twitched: "What on earth did you do! I saw you when you were peeing, what can you do at that level? !”

"I told you that you don't understand. This is happiness that only adults understand. A nerd like you who lusts after little lolita every day won't understand."

"Believe it or not, I'm going to beat you up!"

"Come on! Who's afraid of who?"

Almost at the same time, the local public security agency received a report. During the latest anti-pornography and anti-illegal work, the local police discovered an extremely egregious case of child labor.

The suspect is suspected of hiring male children to provide sexual services. The service content is not limited to rubbing, licking, and buckling. The circumstances are extremely bad. The local police have criminally detained the suspect. The court will hear the case soon...

Cheng Ying was naturally concerned about the Shrek Seven Devils. After seeing Ma Hongjun perform such a unique trick on him, he was completely confused.

"Good guy, I thought it was incredible enough that Naruto could develop excellent seduction techniques at a young age. This guy was almost criminally detained for such a thing at the age of five. You are truly worthy of it!"

Cheng Ying asked himself, this time it was definitely not his fault. He had never interfered with Ma Hongjun at all. It was absolutely his own fault that this guy got into this mess.

"I think there are huge loopholes in the laws of the Tiandou Empire. Minors like Ma Hongjun will not be punished at all." Ice Emperor sipped the drink from the trophy.

After eliminating many weird-flavored drinks such as bean juice, cherry cola, and Dr. Pepper, Hyokui was finally able to taste the drinks in the cup with greater peace of mind.

"There's nothing we can do about it.

The law does not stipulate things that are completely unnecessary. For example, the law does not stipulate that it is illegal to eat and defecate in public restrooms, because normal people cannot do this!

Do you think a normal four-year-old child can know how to find a girl who washes his hair, and how to do it skillfully enough to get wetness on his fingertips? "Even now, Cheng Ying still feels very painful.

"But after this time, the Tiandou Empire will probably consider legislative management of this aspect. However, it is estimated that it can only restrict the provision of services to minors and increase the cost of crime. There is no other way. Except for a very small number of freaks, those under the age of five There is no way to think that they have the capacity for civil conduct." Cheng Ying said helplessly.

There are some things that cannot be solved no matter how advanced technology is. Otherwise, why would so many people say sociology is pseudoscience? This kind of thing is difficult to calculate accurately and get a quantifiable result, which is also one of the most troublesome problems for Chengying.

Tulip's current method of solving this problem is quite simple and crude, something that only the ancient imperial system can do.

That is to establish Chengying's separate brains on various planets, and use mental power to monitor every move of every resident on the planet. This kind of situation with no privacy will definitely explode on the earth, but if it is everyone If everyone is being monitored, and the reputation of the monitor is high enough, then over time, most people will become accustomed to it.

Just like on earth, we have gradually become accustomed to filling in personal information into various websites and applications, accustomed to targeted advertising, sales calls, accustomed to big data analyzing personal preferences, accustomed to the recommendation page of a certain product If you see an airplane cup or a ball (cross out)

"Okay, let's ignore them for now. Let's go queue up a dungeon! With our strength, we should be able to get some things." Cheng Ying licked his lips. In the horror paradise, there is an almost invincible piece of equipment. Once you get that thing, you can basically run amok in the game.

"Okay! What dungeon should we arrange this time? You don't want to preach, right? Every time I see you handing compulsory course 1 and elective course 3 to the NPCs in the game, and also seriously instructing them to learn 3- I feel that the basic formula in 3 is extremely inconsistent." Ice Emperor couldn't help complaining that Cheng Ying's missionary posture was too weird, and there was no such weird missionary in history.

"Tch! Do you understand what knowledge is power?" As he spoke, Cheng Ying took out the original book "Basics of Psychic Applications". The thick book cover was wrapped in hard alloy. The edges of the spine and cover are covered with ferocious thorns, and there are blood grooves on the thorns. A tough metal chain is connected to the bookmark. It is not thick enough to be used as a bookmark.

By grabbing one end of the chain, you can swing this thick, thorny book like a bolas.

"I added sharpness, critical strike, shattering, rage, bull power, and many other spells to the book.

Believers who hold this book can use their own methods to let their enemies understand that knowledge is power! "

ice King:"……"

God, knowledge is power. Is there something wrong with your understanding of this sentence? The power of knowledge certainly does not mean sticking knowledge on the enemy's face at a high speed of 180 meters per second! It’s definitely not the case!

[To be continued]

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