Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1017 Jui Demon Island

"Welcome to the horror paradise!"

No matter how much Hyokui still wanted to spit, the two of them joined the team survival mode, Nightmare.

After the introduction to the script, the two came to the copy. Ice Emperor was dressed in ordinary casual clothes, and Cheng Ying was similar. The only difference was that he had an extra book in his hand.

He held the Bible in the posture of a priest, holding the big book covered with barbs and even blood grooves. His expression was very kind, as if if you don't listen to his preaching, he will immediately throw the Bible away at 180 meters. The kind priest who sticks to your face every second.

oh! Lost lamb! I hope this compulsory course on the basic application of psychic energy can illuminate the fog in your heart and guide you to move forward bravely!

Ice Emperor recalled Chengying's lines during his sermon and felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Don't worry, I won't preach here! This is Jumo Island, and no living creature will listen to my teachings."

Bing Dixu stared at Cheng Ying with a suspicious look on his face: "I remember you said the same thing in the previous copy of World of Warcraft, but I remember you pinched the orc named Gul'dan with one hand. Holding the compulsory course one with one hand, he smeared the paste on his face one by one, memorizing formulas while smearing, until he memorized the entire book backwards and forwards..."

"Ahem! That was an accident! Do you understand accidents? It will definitely not happen this time. The island we are on now is basically full of creatures from the chaotic evil camp. The possibility of making them believe in science is very slim. Even if I grabbed their necks and stuffed the book into their stomachs, but it probably had no effect." Cheng Ying said helplessly.

"It's definitely ineffective! If you put this thing in your hand and stuff it into your stomach, you'll basically die. This thing is the image. Not to mention gastric perforation, if you eat it, you may even lose your stomach."

"Don't worry about these details. There is a very powerful item in this dungeon. As long as we get it, our actions in the subsequent dungeons will be very smooth. But if we want to get him, we have to endure a little bit. Physical discomfort."

"Wait a minute, is there only one prop? How to divide it?" Ice Emperor pouted, with a wanting expression on his face.

"Well... it's not a bound equipment anyway. You can use it if you want. After all, this item is not disposable, but there is still a price to pay for using this item to become stronger." Cheng Ying explained.

"What price?" Ice Emperor asked vigilantly: "It can't be a sacrifice of moral integrity. If so, I don't think you can use this equipment."

Cheng Ying: "..."

"Although it's not the sacrifice of moral integrity, in a sense it's the same thing. If you want to become stronger, you have to use that thing to turn yourself bald. As the saying goes, I become stronger even if I'm bald!"

ice King:"……"

"Then you should keep this thing for yourself! Farewell!"

"Look... even if I give it to you, you won't use it. Well... now we need to find an NPC carrying an axe, and tell him the seven crimes in exchange for the trash-talking tree spirit having to die."

Ice Emperor rolled his eyes: "When I heard this familiar naming method, I thought of the famous dwarf master craftsman, Al Quan De Die. I remember that last time he was jumped by two robot immortals. He created the robot and must die. Last time he was deceived by a goblin merchant and the blood corpse must die. He must die if he created goblins. What is this this time?"

Chengying opened the system menu and showed the equipment description to the Ice Emperor.

[Name: The trash-talking dryad must die]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Attack power:? ? ? 】

[Attribute: None]

[Special effect: Causes fixed damage to the "Tree of Taunt\

,"It can only cause the basic damage of an ordinary ax to any other target]

[Equipment conditions: Select Idient as your faith, it cannot be traded after picking it up]

[Whether the script can be brought out: No]

[Note: This ax is the work of the legendary dwarf craftsman "Al Quande". Once, he passed through a forest and encountered several "trees of ridicule". Although these mischievous tree spirits did not have any practical attack methods, they were extremely poisonous and extremely hard. Even if they were magical weapons, they would Only minor damage can be done to them. That day, after being humiliated, Mr. Quan became angry. So, he spent two days to make this weapon that was specially designed to restrain the Tree of Mockery. Later... he also used the wood from the Tree of Mockery to make the infamous artifact - "Mean Armor". Of course, That's a story for another day. 】

"I always feel that the life of this legendary dwarf craftsman is a tragedy!" Ice Emperor complained.

"I think so too. Well, the guy with the ax in front is the NPC we are looking for. Let's go and fight the seven crimes with him."

The Ice Emperor tugged on his twin ponytails and showed a troubled expression: "What is a crime? Does killing count? For example, those other soul beasts that were eaten by me?"

"Ah... probably not, at least it's hard to satisfy me." The Ax NPC shook his head and rejected the Ice Emperor's description.

"Huh? Your demands are quite high. Why, it has to be the kind of murderous and heinous crime to satisfy you?" Cheng Yingxu stared at the NPC.

"Not necessarily, but it's certainly better to have that kind of person."

"Ha! Hahaha! This is not easy! Listen carefully!" Cheng Ying cleared his throat and began to tell: "It was a different world from this place. There was a plumber named Mario. His jumping ability is different from ordinary people. Even those three or four floors can be jumped up. One day, he heard that the princess was captured by the devil, so he massacred the devil's people, chestnut boy, turtle..."

Cheng Ying was getting more and more enthusiastic as he talked. If he wanted to kill Yingye, then Mario definitely didn't run away. I must have trampled countless chestnuts to death in our childhood, and pushed countless innocent turtles off the cliff.

The Big Ax NPC also listened with great interest, and was not unhappy at all because Mario was a game character.

After talking about Mario, Cheng Ying immediately started talking about Double Dragon, Contra, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Metal Slug, MapleStory, Bomberman... The protagonists of each game are literally killing Ying Ye, Hundreds of People. It's all an insult to them.

The Ice King was stunned when he heard this: "This is all okay! If I had known it would be like this, I can do it with me! I have also played Snow Brothers, Squirrel Wars, Shadow Legend, and Bubble Bobble. Even if these are not okay, there are It’s Dynasty Warriors!”

"It's such a world full of sin. Just hearing the name makes me excited!" The NPC looked at the Ice Emperor with interest, making the Ice Emperor feel uncomfortable.

"Is there anything surprising? I am describing evil deeds in the game. Isn't he an NPC in the game? What is the difference between this and real crimes for him?"

[To be continued]

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