Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1018: Death by drowning

The NPC was satisfied after Cheng Ying finished telling a bunch of crimes, even though it was a story in the game world. But for NPCs who are characters in the game, there is no difference from reality.

And these game characters are undoubtedly listed. They all kill people. Even if they are set as the righteous party in the game, the way they achieve their goals has already committed a lot of blood debt.

After the two succeeded, they obtained plot props. The trash-talking tree spirit must die, and they also learned a shortcut to the mission location.

They need to first pass through the Taunting Woods, then pass through the Ghost Swamp, and successfully reach the Temple of Faith.

And they only had two hours in total. It seemed that time was very tight. Fortunately, Cheng Ying didn't insist on passing the level.

When the two came to the mocking forest, they immediately understood why Al Quan had to die and why the tree spirit who created the trash-talking tree had to die.

These trees of taunting know the essence of trash talk, and each insult is unique to the individual. All of them were scolded to the most uncomfortable point. And he is particularly good at uncovering people's scars.

For example, Ice Emperor heard words such as "a 1.5-meter dwarf", "a steel plate that makes people look at the wall and ponder over their mistakes", and "an ape climbing to overcome its sorrows", which have unclear meanings but are extremely irritating.

"What's wrong with you guys!" Ice Emperor gritted his teeth, pulled out the tree spirit that was talking trash and must die, and began to chop down trees crazily.

Regardless of level or skill, Cheng Ying and Ice Emperor were far superior to other players. In terms of efficiency in chopping down trees, the two of them had nothing to say. Soon a large number of trash-talking tree spirits were chopped down to the ground, but even if they were on the verge of Death, still without fear, continued to verbally abuse the two culprits. It seemed that the Tree of Taunting did not care about his own life and death, which made people even more angry.

"Okay, don't argue with them. There is a dead tree of ridicule in front of you. It merged with an undead man. It was an unlucky guy who pursued immortality. After being deceived, he finally gained immortality, but he grew up with the tree. At the same time, in a sense, eternal life is also a kind of eternal life.

After a while, you cut him from the waist. If you cut it off successfully, we can get a piece of equipment. It helps us navigate the ghost swamp. "

The Ice Emperor gained his body, so he naturally made no mistakes. He successfully cut down the large tree that was fused with the undead, and obtained the equipment inside. It was still a piece of equipment that could only be used in this copy. The Pessimist's Skull, the name sounds very catchy, but in fact he is just a helmet.

"Bringing him with us, we can see a safe path in the Ghost Swamp. However, the equipment we want to get is also hidden deep in the Ghost Swamp. We must conduct in-depth exploration to obtain it."

Ice Emperor wrinkled his nose and showed a strange expression: "Why do I feel that the smell is not right? Is this what a swamp smells like? Why does this smell a bit like..."

"Well, you guessed it right, this smells like shit. There is nothing wrong with calling the so-called ghost swamp a poop swamp. There is only a narrow safe path in the swamp that can lead to the other end of the swamp.

Ordinary players will fall into the swamp once they make the wrong move. At this time, their teammates will often not think of saving them. Imagine trying to pull a teammate out of a swamp. Players who rescue people are also likely to be pulled into the swamp.

Even if a player who fell into the swamp successfully climbed out on his own, he would still be affected by the smell and things on his body. Strongly disliked by other players. Especially in this game where you can't take off your clothes, it's almost impossible to clean up the dirt. "

"Stop, stop! Can you stop talking? I'm about to vomit.

"The Ice Emperor's face turned pale, and he smelled the smell in the air. Just thinking about the situation he would face next made people shudder.

"It is precisely because people don't want to stay in this kind of place for a second that the system can hide a super powerful legendary item here. This is completely in line with the difficulty of obtaining powerful items."

"Yeah, it's really so difficult that people don't want to try it at all!" Hyokui said while retching, regardless of whether he was a human or not. Most living things have an innate repulsion towards feces.

Even in ancient times, after carnivores hunted prey, they would mostly abandon their digestive system when eating, and even if they could eat, they would throw out the feces inside first. It can be seen that this instinct has been engraved in the bones of living things. It does not mean that non-human beings will not feel uncomfortable with feces.

Not every animal has the talent of maggots and dung beetles. As for dogs... the reason why these animals like to eat excrement is puzzling even to Cheng Ying.

As the strong stench in the air became clearer, the two of them came to the poop swamp. The endless poop-yellow swamp made people not want to move on after just one glance.

But their destination is in this swamp. Even if you don’t want to move forward. I can only bite the bullet.

As if intending to lighten the atmosphere, Cheng Ying put on a vicissitudes of life expression towards the swamp, and loudly said in a tone as if he hates the iron, "Then just hold on to your ideals and drown yourself in shit!"

"Drowning in feces is such a terrible way to die! And the hyena will cry! It will definitely cry! Death by drowning in feces sounds more miserable than selling oneself to Alaya!" The Ice Emperor finally couldn't help complaining. out.

"Ah! I just wanted to lighten the atmosphere a little, and it seems I succeeded!" Cheng Ying said proudly.

"No! You didn't relieve the atmosphere at all. Instead, I feel even more uncomfortable now. If I fall inside, I will forcefully retreat without hesitation! I would rather smash the gaming helmet than fall in. "The Ice Emperor said frantically.

Cheng Yingtou led the way, shaking his head as he walked: "Tsk, tsk, tsk! You don't understand! Shit is an extremely precious fertilizer. Did you know that in the eighth century in Europe, planting one millet could only yield two grains? By the 16th century, this amount had become eight times, and from the 18th to the 19th centuries, it had become ten times. They already thought this was a miracle.

But in the mysterious country in the far east, equivalent to the Qin and Han Dynasties before the park, it was possible to sow and reap twenty, precisely because of the rational use of feces. "

"Stop! Stop talking. Although you are talking about the advantages of feces, after you finished talking, instead of feeling better, I felt even more uncomfortable. I'm afraid if you continue talking, I will have a psychological shadow and lead to reality. I also have some bad fantasies about various grains." Ice Emperor didn't want to speak, and even wanted to kick Cheng Ying into the swamp.

But after thinking about it, she gave up this dangerous idea. If Cheng Ying was kicked out of the swamp, it would probably be useless in the future, so it was better not to try it.

[To be continued]

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