Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1020 The Giant of Shit

The first time Ice Emperor saw the boss, he understood why Cheng Ying said that he could not defeat the boss with his own strength, and it would be difficult to even forcefully retreat.

Because the boss in front of him has a body made entirely of material from the ghost swamp. To put it simply, his entire body is made of shit.

Being killed by such a monster, even a forced retreat cannot save the psychological shadow left behind.

With such a strong boss guarding it, it can be seen that the Chuck Morris razor is indeed extremely precious.

"By the way, we have already obtained the equipment, so there is no need to fight against the boss! The boss in the game will not explode the equipment." The Ice Emperor has already decided to give up. Fighting this kind of boss feels like playing a car game. In this game, the screen is full of bullets, and you will die if you are wiped.

The boss doesn't need to use any powerful attacks, just one move, Shit Boundless, can drive the two of them into desperation. Even if the Shit Wave can't cause much damage to the two's survival value, it's enough to force them offline.

"It's too late to run away now. The system has generated a layer of shield to isolate us from this monster. Unless I can use the Purgatory Unparalleled Explosive Heat Wave Cannon at level 40 to penetrate the boundary of the dungeon, otherwise we will be There is no way to escape this battle.”

Cheng Ying replaced the jet backpack with an energy battery, took out a storage laser cannon, and was ready for battle.

"Be prepared to dodge! The boss will use a spherical giant shit to launch a long-range attack at the beginning. If you are hit, you will have to ask for luck."

When the Ice Emperor heard this, he shuddered and immediately took out a skateboard from his bag and stepped on it.

The next moment, the boss launched an attack with a roar. A huge shit ball with a diameter of one meter was thrown out and hit Chengying directly.

Facing the attack of the giant shit, Cheng Ying remained calm in the face of danger. The electric laser cannon in his hand had been fully charged. With one shot, the giant shit exploded instantly and turned into a rain of shit falling from the sky.

"Idiot! What are you doing!" Ice Emperor was flying at low altitude on his skateboard. When he looked up, he saw shit stars falling like rain in the sky. His face turned green. He quickly launched a move called Qi Eruption to burst out the true energy in his body. , blowing away the rain of shit.

"Mistake! Mistake! I didn't expect this thing to explode. Ahem, do you have any reliable ultimate moves? Use them quickly. If we can't solve this form in fifteen minutes, it will enter its second form on its own. , and use a range attack, shit ball space."

ice King:"???"

What the hell is the primordial space? It's also swollen and seeking Tao jade!

"It means literally,

The boss will turn into a shit ball and continue to expand until it covers the entire space inside the shield. "

"Damn! Why don't we kill him quickly!" The Ice Emperor went crazy, and at the same time, she gathered her true energy and prepared to use the strongest fighting skill she could use at the moment, Dragon Break.

Cheng Ying also knows that now is not the time to play nonsense. If he really wants to drown in shit, he can give up this game.

Cheng Ying also mobilized all the magic energy in his body and used the strongest spiritual ability he could use, vigorously.

Facing this kind of boss, unless it is a one-time kill, his broken body can easily be repaired by the endless shit in the ghost swamp.

In order to strengthen the strength of his skills, Cheng Ying used additional extraordinary spells that can be used in this world for assistance. After players gather the props, they can use the spells in the game, even if they don't have skill cards. It's just that the vast majority of players, even if they can gather the materials for casting spells, lack basic spell knowledge and can only rely on skill cards to hone the skills they have mastered.

At this time, countless circular formations appeared in mid-air, with their centers aimed at the boss, looking like space-based weapons aimed at them.

Below, the Ice Emperor, who had already charged up his energy, was the first to take action. The mighty true energy rushed straight into the sky, and the attack range was extremely large. The Dragon Breaking Slash was a terrifying skill that once killed a giant dragon in one blow. Under the urging of the Ice Emperor, All poured into the boss.

Above, the cold demonic energy stirred the dark clouds in the sky. The magnificent magic circle gathered endless magic energy and injected it into the light spear in Chengying's hand. The price of this blow was to consume all the current spiritual power, plus Chengying gathered from the surroundings. The more powerful spiritual energy that can be unleashed is by no means inferior to Dragon Breaking Slash.

The bright spear of light fell from the sky and hit the boss at the same time as Fentian's slash, interrupting his spellcasting before the opponent could launch a large-scale feces attack.

The violent energy burst dented the feces swamp below. The swamp with a radius of several miles seemed to be pressed by a huge invisible finger, showing a strange depression.

And where the boss originally was, the shit giant, which was countless times more terrifying than the starting ancestor giant, had disappeared and was replaced by a humanoid spirit body.

Her size is about the same as that of an ordinary human woman, her body has a translucent spirit texture, and her appearance and figure are excellent. The only thing that is different from humans is that there is no skin or muscles from the bridge of her nose to the area between her eyes. , exposing part of the skull. Although it does not conform to human aesthetics, it is still harmless.

"What is this? The second form of the boss? It seems like he can no longer use feces to attack." Although the Ice Emperor was wary of the boss's changes, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that there was no more feces on the opponent's body.

"Well... this should be considered the second form, but the other party will probably not be our enemy. This person's true identity should be the princess of the original Necronomicon Kingdom, Fuling."

"Huh? Fuling?" Ice Emperor looked confused: "So the princess of the Kingdom of the Dead is actually a mustard spirit?"

Cheng Ying: "..."

"It's not Fuling, that's Peiling. That's what he's called. Because he was framed, he was sealed on Jui Demon Island, and he was sealed in the body of the boss who was covered in shit.

Think about it for a moment, if it were you, who had been sealed in shit for who knows how many years, and finally met someone who helped you break the body of the shit giant, would you continue to be hostile to him? "

The Ice King used his toes to think and he knew the answer. Under such circumstances, it was indeed unlikely that the opponent would continue to attack.

Maybe the two parties can reach some secret agreement. Since the other party is the princess of the Kingdom of the Dead, if they return to the Kingdom of the Dead, they may be able to obtain considerable rights in the Kingdom of the Dead. In this case, for the two of them in the Kingdom of the Dead, Prestige is definitely a huge boost.

The Ice Emperor was still thinking about how to negotiate with the NPC in front of him, but Chengying had already taken out his textbook that he regarded as a bible, the one with barbs and iron chains, and walked towards Fuling. , while walking, he asked: "Do you believe in science?" As if if you don't reason with me, I will tell you physics.

[To be continued]

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