Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1021 The Wandering God

The negotiation with Fuling went very smoothly. It turns out that even the princess of the Kingdom of the Dead can believe in science. Who told you that ghosts can't believe in science?

If Cheng Ying could travel to a haunted world with his current abilities, he would definitely be able to knock on the blackboard with a textbook in front of the ghosts, explain to them the first law of psychic transmission, and tell them what the wave-particle duality of spiritual power is. .

If that ghost doesn't listen, he'll be whipped out. If he doesn't listen, he'll be sent back to copy textbooks, ensuring that after graduation, they will all be materialistic warriors... um... fighting ghosts!

Although Fuling was not really beaten, the sharp teaching materials were still very convincing. Fuling had to sign a series of unequal agreements with Chengying that were humiliating and humiliating the country. She promised that after returning to the Kingdom of the Dead, she would strengthen her The construction of domestic spiritual civilization should improve the scientific and cultural level of the people, and strive to make every ghost who walks in the night familiar with "Introduction to the Basics of Psychic Power".

After Fuling left, the ghost swamp returned to its previous calm, except for the stench of shit that filled the sky as always.

This time, the two of them stopped staying and flew straight to the Temple of Faith at high speed. The next step was to find a way to clear the level.

Ju Mo Island is an education for prisoners. Since it is a prison, there will naturally be prison guards. These guards are the hand of rubbing, the soul of imitation, and the heart of fear.

Cheng Ying explained the abilities of these guards to the Ice Emperor: "The ability of the rubbing hand is to play guessing games with others. If you want to win against him, you can only beat him by playing guessing games. If we lose to him, then we will be rubbed in the On the ground, it turned into a dark silhouette.

This guy knows how to cheat. He can know what you want to do, so you will definitely lose in a normal competition. I can change my moves at the moment he takes action, or I can think of scissors in my mind, but what comes out is paper. It is not difficult to defeat him. .

The Imitation Soul can transform into us and cause trouble. As long as we don't give him a chance to change the package, it won't be a big problem.

The only troublesome thing is the fear. Without erasing your fear, there is basically no solution to that thing, so if you encounter it on the way, just avoid it. "

After Cheng Ying finished explaining, the two finally met the first guard, the Hand of the Rubbing, who was guarding the end of the Ghost Swamp.

Knowing the strategy well, the hand of rubbing had no chance. This little boss who knew nothing but guessing was tragically stamped on the floor by his own ability.

The two successfully arrived at the Temple of Faith and received the follow-up mission, entering the bottom floor of the Temple of Faith to summon and defeat the Wandering God.

The bottom floor of the temple was not difficult to find. Cheng Ying found it relatively smoothly. There was an altar at the bottom of the temple. There were murals next to the altar. Obviously, as long as you solved the puzzles in the murals, you would know how to summon the Wandering One. God.

"Well... I don't need you to tell me this time, I've already found the clue!" Ice Emperor took advantage of Cheng Ying's spoiler and pointed to the pattern on the mural: "What is painted on this is the altar under our feet. These two pictures The picture should be the method to summon the wandering god.”

The two paintings that Hyokui pointed at were very abstract, but the meaning could still be seen.

The first painting shows several people standing on the altar peeing and making insulting gestures, and there is an angry wandering god on it. Although the painting is very abstract, it is not difficult to tell from the red eyes that the other person should be very angry.

The second picture was even more abstract. The thing on the altar was replaced by a ball of fur. After looking at it for a long time, Hyokui finally figured out that this might be a person with long hair, probably referring to a woman. The wandering god who appeared this time, His expression became much kinder.

The answer to this puzzle is obvious: "Sacrificing beautiful women and performing insulting actions can both summon the wandering god, but the difficulty level of the boss summoned by different methods will definitely be different."

Cheng Ying nodded in affirmation: "Yes, the one summoned by raising the middle finger is the furious version. Even for us, it is quite laborious to clean up. If it is to sacrifice a beautiful woman, the difficulty will be very low."

Hearing this, Ice Emperor pretended to show a scared expression: "You... you won't just... sacrifice me to the boss just to clear the level!"

"Ah... it's not really a sacrifice anyway, it's just to seduce him... um... well, if you don't want to, it's okay to give him the middle finger."

Which is more important, the game or the wife? Of course the game is important! After all, games can accompany you for a lifetime, but you may never have a wife...

"But... that will increase the difficulty of the game!" Ice Emperor felt aggrieved, but the next moment he showed a smile like a little devil and took out a mop from his bag.

"Why don't you sacrifice your sex image? The Wandering God can't do anything to you anyway." With that said, the Ice Emperor broke off the sophisticated mop, leaving only the mop head.

Cheng Ying: "..."

Although there is such a scene in the original work, he doesn't want to experience it at all!

But Ice Emperor had already taken action. Ice Emperor used the mop head as a wig, put it on his head, and pushed him to the altar.

"Come on! It's up to you!" Ice Emperor gave Cheng Ying a thumbs up.

Cheng Ying: "..."

What could he do? Of course it makes my wife happy...

"Oh hahahaha..." Suddenly, a burst of hearty laughter came.

The voice was magnetic, rich, and distant. A crack in time and space suddenly opened above the altar, and a figure slowly descended from it.

His eyebrows are like a painting, and his majesty is like a mountain. Every move and every move has the femininity and elegance of a woman, but also the strength and coldness of a man.

"Haha... Believers, very good, you have sent me another lovely girl, I can't wait..."

The Wandering God fell from mid-air and leaned over to look at Cheng Ying. The next moment, he was like a chicken with its neck strangled, unable to make a sound.

Ideals are very full, but reality will take out the silicone on your chest, throw the mop head on your face, and tell you that I am a man!

Cheng Ying cannot be said to be ugly, but the contrast between the image of the mop head and the beauty is too great. Before the wandering god could recover from the mental shock, Cheng Ying had already stuffed the mop into his grown mouth. Taking advantage of the situation, he yelled: "Pan him!"

Immediately, the Ice King who had been waiting for a long time rushed forward with a knife, holding a huge kitchen knife in his hand. It was a blade that had been possessed by Oink, the butcher of heaven, and had to break through defenses. No matter how hard it was, its attack power was stronger than The opponent's defense is higher.


Flesh and blood splattered, the Wandering God's eyes widened until he died, staring straight at Cheng Ying, with an expression of aggrievedness after eating Xiang, and then being grabbed by the merchant and pressing down on the five-star review, which was almost the same as Swallowing feces and committing suicide is no different.

[To be continued]

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