Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,022: Cleared and offline

The game settings of Zui Mo Island have greatly increased the impact of negative body sensations such as hunger on players, so you need to eat here.

In the original work, the scene where Brother Jue grills the ribs of the Wandering God while reciting Chinese lines on the tip of his tongue is a classic, but it was replaced by Cheng Ying and Bingdi...

Cheng Ying is still a little uncomfortable with eating humanoid creatures, but the Ice Emperor is different. He is a serious soul beast. Back then, he also ate people without blinking an eye. Even a titled Douluo dared to take a dull breath. As for cannibalism, , there is no psychological barrier at all.

The next dungeon process is relatively simple. Most of the BOSS encounters can be avoided. Samodil and Cheng Ying, who are imprisoned in the Jui Demon Island, have no grudges. Each of them can use their big moves to defeat the enemy. Successfully sent Master Xing, the official boss, to heaven.

The difficulty level of the nightmare dungeon seems to be a bit inadequate, but this is not a problem with the system, but the strength of Cheng Ying and Ice Emperor. In the nightmare dungeon that does not limit the player's strength, this is already possible. This is the most difficult dungeon. If you continue to increase the difficulty, you can only bring in the Four Pillar Gods as the dungeon BOSS.

That is obviously impossible. The Four Pillar Gods will only officially appear as BOSS in the Peak Contest.

"You also got the equipment you wanted, where are we going now?" Ice Emperor came to Cheng Ying's conference room. She knew Cheng Ying's intentions. This game world was one of his trump cards.

If an irresistible disaster occurs in reality, then forcibly speed up the game process and try to let the derivatives borrow the power of the matrix network to launch an extra-dimensional invasion and cover the real world.

At least in theory, this has the possibility of success, but the initiators of extradimensional invasion can only be indigenous creatures in the game, so Chengying can only count on the derivatives to find a way to invade reality on their own.

And if the derivatives want to enter reality through opportunistic methods such as invading the player's brain, he will undoubtedly try his best to stop it.

"Well... log off first! The transaction between me and Fuling should take a while to complete. With his strength, it is not a big problem to get the Moyao Spirit Pivot from the leader. The Moyao Spirit Pivot opens up the other world. Only by getting the key can we truly go to the base camp of the Derivatives." Cheng Ying rubbed his brows. He had little confidence in the plan of superdimensional invasion. After all, it was only theoretically possible.

"What can you do offline? Your clone has already helped with offline matters, right?" Ice Emperor pushed open the lid of the game cabin, then picked up her trophy and started drinking.

"Actually, there is nothing serious to do. I just want to see the disaster with my own eyes and how far the crystal disease on Douluo Continent has developed.

After the war stopped in the past few years, it seems that the three countries are prosperous and developing peacefully.

People's living standards are increasing day by day, but spar disease has not been solved, it is just covered up by the illusion of prosperity. Don't you want to see how the infected people are living today? "

Hearing this, Ice Emperor put the trophy aside, nodded and said, "I understand, um... Since I want to see it in person, I have to dress up."

As he said that, Ice Emperor opened the closet and swept aside the clothes that looked extremely expensive at first glance. He quickly found what he wanted, an old sports suit that Bo Saixi had worn back then. Except for the stretch on his chest, Apart from being a little big, it's still quite suitable for the Ice Emperor.

Cheng Ying also changed into old clothes, and then started teleportation and arrived at the outskirts of Tianjing City.

Tianjing City was once an important industrial base of the Tiandou Empire and the largest source of energy amethyst in the Tiandou Empire. However, it was also the place where those infected with the crystal disease first revolted.

Now, the city has been abandoned and has become a ruined city where infected people are exiled.

Crystal disease does not spread from person to person, and will only be infected immediately in areas where the concentration of soul power exceeds the warning line. However, after death, patients with crystal disease will crystallize all over their bodies, and eventually break into lavender crystal dust, forming a super The contamination of a highly concentrated soul power field will last for several years or even longer.

Just like nuclear radiation, if you live in such an environment where the concentration of soul power exceeds the standard, even if you are not infected with crystal disease, you will still encounter various diseases.

As potential sources of radiation, infected people would not be allowed to live with normal people under any circumstances. The ruins of Tianjing City became a place where infected people were exiled.

The flesh and blood in the infected person's body may crystallize at any time, which not only means that they must endure the pain of stones, but also means that they are an untimely bomb, and fatal crystals may appear in the brain or heart at any time and die suddenly.

And Tianjing City itself is like Chermobeli, full of high-concentration soul power radiation. It doesn't matter even if the radiation concentration is further increased.

Chengying and Bingdi used their soul power to simulate the appearance of crystals on their wrists and necks, and they easily entered Tianjing City. Entering Tianjing City was easy, but if they wanted to get out, they had to face the machine gun positions at the checkpoints outside. , any trespassing on the blockade will be regarded as a declaration of war against the empire, and the guarding sentries can directly fire and kill them.

Along the way, the two of them saw a slum-like scene. The residents who were exiled to Tianjing City could only set up simple shacks on the ruined streets, and domestic garbage was piled haphazardly on the streets.

There is no need to deal with these garbage, because most of the garbage will quickly crystallize under the erosion of high concentration of soul power, and finally turn into a sand-like existence.

Cheng Ying stopped in front of a shack, which seemed to be a trading stall. The stall owner was sitting on a blanket that was dry and hard due to crystallization. On the blanket were cloths, utensils, and rusty weapons that had not yet crystallized.

One of the stall owner's legs was stretched out, and you could see a crystal on his knee. Obviously, this leg could no longer be used, but there was no condition for amputation here, so he could only wait to die.

"How are these things sold?" Cheng Ying knelt down and asked. The things on the blanket should be daily practical things that the stall owner would sell. He probably realized that he was not going to die soon.

"You are new here! You should have food with you! These things can be exchanged for food. Don't look at them. I relied on these rags to survive for more than a year. I will definitely not lose you. .

You can also see that I don't have a few days left to live, so there is no need to trick you. "The stall owner seemed very calm about death, or rather insensitive. Familiar people would die every day. At first, he would be sad and even shed tears. But as time went by, when he heard someone died, he would just say, I won’t ask any more questions.

[To be continued]

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