Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1023 Because I am a doctor

"Is there a shortage of food here? When I came in, they said the food supply was sufficient?" Cheng Ying remembered how the sentry introduced the infected people who entered Tianjing City like this. There were even a few infected people who responded to the country's call and consciously Came to Tianjing City for quarantine.

When the stall owner heard this, he showed a stiff expression that looked like a mockery. Because there was a large piece of crystal on his face, it was not easy to judge what he meant from his expression.

"You are not a fool who was deceived into voluntarily accepting quarantine, are you! Do you believe whatever they say? You are so stupid! But that's right, the blockade is so serious, and there are professional doctors responsible for rescue. Infected people who are dying, no wonder you are fooled.

When it comes to food supply, it is indeed not scarce, but can you expect them to wear protective clothing, drive armored vehicles, and distribute food door to door? "

The stall owner knocked on his knee and pulled off a piece of crystal with an extremely satisfied expression on his face. It felt like popping two pimples at once, and the juice spurted out more than a meter away. .

"It's impossible for someone to come in and deliver supplies to us in person. They all use planes to airdrop them. They say it's to ensure that the supplies don't float around. They all drop them at the center of Tianjing City. Only windy weather can cause some supplies to float away from the center. come out.

Just say that you are not wicked or not! Their supplies were already rich, and even if they were spread throughout the city, the little that floated out would be nothing. The rest is enough for us to eat.

But those who fly airplanes are as if they are out of their minds. All supplies were thrown towards the center of the city. That was the location where the reactor exploded. The soul power concentration is so high that it explodes.

As long as the food is not taken out for a day, it will crystallize and become so hard that it cannot be chewed. Even if it is taken out in time, it will be like a steamed bun that has been left out for three or four days and can kill someone.

What's even more immoral is that the concentration of soul power over there is extremely high. As long as you go in, the severity of the crystal disease will increase. Have you seen my leg? This was the root cause of the disease after I went in for the first time.

I had no experience at that time and thought that since I was an infected person, I was no longer afraid of radiation. I carried a lot of food inside and laughed at the others who were in a hurry and didn't dare to take more. When I came back, there was a small crystal on my knee. .

I didn't pay much attention to it at that time. That means it hurts a little bit when walking. But later I realized how serious this thing was. Every time you go in, the crystal will get bigger. Now I'm almost as big as a fist, and I can't stand up at all. I can only use the bits and pieces I saved in the past to exchange for some food with you who are still in good health.

This is my warning to you! I don’t have a few days left, but you have to remember that when you go to the city center, you must come out as soon as possible. It is best to go in with a cloak on. This can reduce the crystal dust sticking to you as much as possible. Well... be careful. If so, you should be able to live a few more days.


Hearing this, Cheng Ying frowned and muttered to himself: "It's definitely not the pilot's fault for throwing all the supplies in the center of the city, it's probably the empire's intention.

I'm afraid the purpose is to reduce the number of infected people as much as possible. If you want to get supplies, you have to go to the city center. Going to the city center will undoubtedly aggravate the condition and accelerate death.

The infected have always been a destabilizing factor for the empire. After we were infected, although we were tortured by the disease all the time, we also gained great power and could deal high damage even without using equipment. If it dies, it will self-destruct.

If there are more and more infected people here and the living environment becomes worse and worse, there will probably be resistance. By then, tens of thousands of infected people will definitely cause huge losses to the empire, especially since we are all short-lived. A desperado. We can use those killing moves that ordinary armies cannot use without restraint, and the empire will definitely remain vigilant about this. "

The Ice Emperor on the side couldn't help but retort: ​​"If it is just to reduce the number of infected people, wouldn't it be simpler to reduce the supply of supplies, or directly cut off the supply of supplies?"

"Huh? How is that possible? Doing so will only aggravate the conflict between infected people and normal people. This is tantamount to making the infected people sink their boats and fight against the odds.

On the contrary, putting sufficient supplies in dangerous areas can differentiate the infected people. If my guess is correct, most of the infected people now have actually divided into different classes.

The more powerful infected can drive the weaker ones to constantly go to dangerous city centers to obtain more supplies. Without the loss of life, the overall amount of supplies among the infected is actually not that scarce.

Only those infected at the bottom who are being exploited will be particularly lacking in supplies. This also shifts the conflict from between the infected and the rulers to between the infected.

If this continues, the oppressed infected people at the bottom will resist like a peasant uprising.

But another factor needs to be introduced here, that is, the higher the degree of infection, the stronger the power that can be unleashed, like the uncle in front of us. Regardless of how he is now, if a fight really breaks out, the Titled Douluo will probably have to avoid the edge for a while, don't you think so? "

"Haha! I'm not as powerful as you say. If I try again like this, I'll basically die. Although my life is quite miserable, I still want to live a few more days." The stall owner waved his hand.

"As the infection level of the oppressed lower-level infected people deepens, they will also gain more and more strength, giving them the qualifications to challenge the top. If the challenge is successful, then they will not have to continue to be oppressed. But as the so-called dragon slayers Will eventually become a dragon.

After defeating their oppressors, they will become a new generation of oppressors, and the cycle repeats, just like a pack of hyenas on the grassland. The hierarchy is strict but there are clear promotion channels. Although it seems chaotic, the social structure is actually very stable. Almost all conflicts can circulate internally, causing the infected themselves to split into countless small groups, and no one can show With enough cohesion to lead the infected to resist the empire, I think my guess should be fine. "Cheng Ying actually already knew the answer to the last question he asked. After his mental power expanded, he had basically confirmed that his guess was correct.

"It doesn't look like you two are out of your mind, so why were you tricked in? The infection on your wrists can't be hidden as long as you put a bandage on it, so why bother coming to this miserable place to suffer."

Cheng Ying thought for a while and gave an incorrect answer: "Because I am a doctor!"

[To be continued]

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