Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1026 Happy April Fool’s Day

Two days later, the stall owner's legs had fully recovered. Chengying pinched his nose and poked his feces with a wooden stick, and found that there were indeed crystals in it that had been expelled from the intestines.

"Ugh...that's disgusting. What are you doing! You poke poop, how perverted!" Ice Emperor hid behind Cheng Ying, not looking at the poop.

"It's like you've never been to a shit swamp! When I faced Fuling's big shit, I didn't see you acting like this. By the way, aren't you a spirit beast? Why are you still disgusted by human shit? Look at the dog At once……"

As Cheng Ying spoke, he felt a soft little hand pressing the back of his head: "If you continue talking, I will press hard. I really want to know if you hit your face, the shit will be smeared on it." It’s so even.”

Listening to that yandere-like voice, Cheng Ying immediately shut up. He didn't want to experience the feeling of drowning for a second, so he changed the subject and said: "During the observation just now, I found that the crystals in his body have begun to be eliminated by themselves. Next, even if If he enters an environment with a certain soul power concentration, it will probably not cause harm to him. On the contrary, it may promote his evolution and accelerate the elimination of foreign matter from his body.

I think this should have reached a point in evolution. After passing this point, the dangerous period has basically passed. Those goddesses of the Soul Beast Empire seem to be like this. When I gave the goddesses a physical examination before, I came to the conclusion that they His body has been transformed into semi-energy, similar to the bodies of those guys in the God Realm. Now it seems that it did not mutate into this all at once, but it should have evolved from humans bit by bit.

Hmm... Although this path of cultivation is a bit simpler and rougher, and the mortality rate is slightly higher, at least the cost should be much lower than that of the soul master. If it is promoted, the mainland should be able to survive this period. A round of disaster. "

"Ah! I remember that in the history of Gu Douluo, we seemed to have seen that after defeating disasters many times, the intensity and frequency of disasters would increase. In the last period of time, in order to limit the scale of disasters, Gu Douluo followed As the territory expanded, it stopped all interstellar colonization and entered a cyberpunk-like life style. Relying on the productivity of reports, it continued to fight the doomsday. In the end, it ushered in a backlash and caused a disaster of contained objects.

If we solve this doomsday, will the next one with greater intensity soon come? If we keep stuck on the progress of the apocalypse, is it possible that we will keep delaying it and the apocalypse will not come next time? "Hyoudi suggested to prove that she was still thinking hard.

"It's not impossible, but it's not easy to operate in this area. A disaster that can be called the end of the world must basically have the ability to destroy the civilization, otherwise it won't be called the end of the world. We can find a way to solve the end of the world. , only suppress but not eradicate.

But after the suppression methods mature, this kind of disaster may not be considered to be a level that can destroy civilization. We still have no way to judge whether this situation can be regarded as solving the end of the world. If we want to keep the disaster stuck at the level that can destroy civilization, it is not that bad. At one point, the difficulty is probably no less than H. Give yourself a break. "Cheng Ying also gave his own understanding.

"Although I think what you said makes sense, I always feel that your metaphor is driving... I understand, are you implying? Then tonight... hehehe!" Hyokui showed a sly smile. .

"No...wait, I'm not! I didn't! Don't think so!"

In the infected neighborhood, Chengying and Bingdi got enough supplies from the cured stall owners and built a decent-looking shack.

After the stall owner healed his leg, he felt refreshed and could walk around the city center casually, so he no longer cared about the supplies on his stall.

In fact,

There is no shortage of supplies in Tianjing City. It was only because all the supplies had been airdropped to the city center where the radiation environment was extremely harsh that no one could get them. In his current state, where he was almost not afraid of a high-concentration soul power environment, he could just pick up as many supplies as he wanted.

Cheng Ying also set up a shack to provide free clinics for patients with spar disease, and also accepted apprentices in order to train more doctors who could work independently, so that after she left here, there would be others who could help these infected people. Have surgery.

Although the empire divided the infected into different classes by simply dropping supplies, there were still a few infected with good intentions who were willing to become the doctor's apprentices.

At first, everyone was suspicious of this doctor of unknown origin. Not very trusting yet. But when he saw the lame old Li who had been setting up the stall before, he was jumping around like a husky. He also claimed that he was cured by a doctor, which immediately dispelled most people's doubts.

The first ones to come to us are those with the most difficult conditions. They are all doctors like Lao Li who treat a dead horse as a living horse. If they can't be cured, they will probably die. As for whether they can be cured? That is of course no.

If Cheng Ying really doesn't want the patient to die, then it's useless for the King of Hell to come. Even if the body is smashed to pieces, the soul can be extracted and resurrected. What's more, the physical condition of the patients in front of him is much better than being smashed to pieces. , at least I can still breathe.

Surgery on infected people is actually not that difficult. Most of the pain caused by infected people comes from crystals in the body. Many crystals can compress internal organs and blood vessels, or cut off bones or joints, causing every body movement or even Breathing will be extremely painful.

If you were an ordinary person, you would have to go into the operating room to remove such a stone from your body, and you would have to be extremely careful. The infected person has mutated himself, and his self-healing ability is far beyond that of ordinary people. As long as he dares to operate, even if he has not learned surgery at all, he will still be five years old. There is a 60% chance that he can be saved. What's more, Cheng Ying's mental power is better than X-rays. Even the smallest capillaries in the body can be seen at a glance. There is no need to worry about which artery is cut with one knife, causing massive bleeding. .

During the operation, he still had the energy to explain to the apprentices who were watching: "This one with three stubbles is the aorta. If you cut it with one knife, the person will basically be gone. If the patient's stones grow in You'd better not touch this position. After dealing with the stones that mark other parts of the body, you can only resign yourself to fate.

Look at the upper and lower heel again. Although these two are veins, you wouldn't want to do anything to this thing if you are so rough! Even if it's not an artery, if you cut it with one knife, the person will be gone. Damn it! What are you doing! Put the knife away, you have no grudge against this man! "

Although the operation process is a bit unorthodox, this seemingly simple teaching is still very effective. As long as these people avoid those blood vessels and organs that can kill with one blow, the probability of success of the operation will not be too low.

Of course, a few guys with bad brains were also fired in the process. I don’t know if it was due to IQ issues or anti-social personality. After these bastards learned how to do it, they specially stabbed people in places where they could die, as if they were seeking revenge...

[To be continued]

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There was no sign that the news of Chengying's treatment of infected people was spread in a short period of time. In fact, the high-concentration soul power environment also had a great impact on various technological equipment. Before a targeted shield was developed, such In a soul power environment, monitoring instruments will lose their effectiveness in a short period of time.

The precision parts inside the instrument will be the first to crystallize, causing damage to the entire instrument. Therefore, in addition to the most primitive human monitoring, the only internal monitoring of the city is satellite monitoring and aerial photography.

None of these methods can produce a very accurate image, at least not with the technology of the Tiandou Empire.

It was with this in mind that some infected people in Tianjing City who were already dissatisfied with their situation spontaneously gathered together and began to discuss fighting for more rights from the empire.

Most of these infected people are at the bottom or are lone wolves who have never joined any organization and are self-reliant.

They were the group of people most dissatisfied with the oppression of the Tiandou Empire. In order to avoid being noticed, they gathered in the ruins in the center of the city.

Because the radiation concentration here is too high, the buildings have not suffered excessive damage. They are just surrounded by crystal clusters, as long as they can endure the effects of radiation. It is possible to live in these very well-preserved buildings.

Meetings held here will not be affected by aerial photography and satellite surveillance at all.

One of the patients was the first to speak: "It is up to the infected people to fight for their rights!"

This beginning immediately aroused everyone's response. They would be isolated and squeezed into such a city full of radiation. It's not because the infected people are not united at all and don't know how to fight for their own interests.

Before becoming infected, each of them was an ordinary resident and did not think about being infected at all. When they were infected, they were unprepared. After being detected, they were sent here for forced isolation.

They were faced with a difficult living environment, leaving them no time to think about how to fight for the interests of the infected as a whole. Now their illnesses have been basically cured.

Even if they live in this radiation-filled environment, their lives will not be in danger. In this way, they will have room to consider their own rights and interests.

"Before engaging in armed confrontation, I think we should first unify the opinions of the infected, at least the opinions of most of the infected." Someone else added.

Although not everyone is a smart person, you don't need to be very smart to see the Tiandou Empire's actions to divide the infected. As long as you settle down and think a little, you can more or less see the problems.

"We do need to unify our opinions. Although we represent the interests of the majority of infected people, in fact, most of the combat power of infection is concentrated in the hands of the bosses.

To be honest, their lives are actually quite good, and some are even better than those outside. I don't think they have the motivation to resist. Especially when fighting for rights with arms and using them as the main force, this is basically impossible to achieve. "This is a relatively pessimistic statement from an infected person.

"To say that I can't defeat those bosses, that was a matter of the past, now? Hum! I can hit them all over the head with one hand. It was because there were too many rocks in the body that got in the way, but now we don't care Whether it is the energy in the body or the control of energy, it will definitely not be weaker than them.

With doctors here, our numbers will only increase. Now we are four to five times the number of the bosses. In a few days, beating them will not be the same as beating a son. When the time comes, it doesn’t matter if they agree or not. If they don’t agree, beat them if they agree. "The irritable infected person slapped the table, and the crystallized table was suddenly cracked by his slap.

"I don't object to us being able to defeat those guys, but to put it bluntly, how many of you will have the will to resist the empire after we win? So the life of the leaders is not that luxurious, but I'm afraid it won't be as luxurious as ours. Compared to the days we live in, it can already be considered a life of luxury and lust. How many people can resist the temptation?" The person who spoke this time sneered and continued:

"Even if we don't say this, let's assume that we can truly unite all the infected people and face the empire's recruitment. How many people can stick to their true intentions and fight armedly? I'm afraid as long as the empire proposes to give us soul masters with the same strength, Even with first-class treatment, many people will surrender directly!"

"Fart! You started questioning your brothers before the fight even started! I think it's because of people like you that infected people can't unite!" The irritable infected person looked like he wanted to hit someone.

"Hmph! I just told what might happen. It's better to discuss a charter now than to mess up the situation later! And you, before you came in, you were the director of a small factory, so naturally you don't care about the possibility of the empire The temptation given.

But you fucking see it clearly, before all of us here come in, how many are people like you, and how many are ordinary people who have nothing! I’m not saying that I look down on the poor. I am a poor person myself, so I know very well what kind of virtue I am. If we ourselves cannot come up with a reasonable system, I don’t even know whether I will rebel or not. Guaranteed!

Nothing can be achieved by relying on people's hearts and beliefs. Only interests can unite the majority of people. "

The words were so unpleasant that no one in the room spoke for a while. But when everyone puts themselves in their shoes, they feel that there is some truth in this statement. Faith and will can indeed achieve great miracles in many cases, but it is precisely because of the difficulty and rarity that these things are called miracles.

A mature and rational interest group will never rely solely on faith and will, let alone expect miracles to happen. Only the most real and unofficial interests can unite them.

Bang bang bang!

Sudden applause sounded from the shadows of the secret room. Everyone picked up their weapons vigilantly. Those without weapons also gathered high energy in their palms. This is not a world without extraordinary power. A surprise attack on the enemy's headquarters has a lot of potential. There is a high probability that he will be pinned to the ground by a group of powerful commanders from the other side.

However, when the man in the shadow came out and showed his appearance, the tense atmosphere was instantly relieved. Everyone consciously put down their weapons and even began to salute in various ways. There were uneven salutes in the secret room. :

"I've met the doctor!"

[To be continued]

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