Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1028: Build walls high and store grain widely

"I've met the doctor."

Although the doctor is not one of them, most of the people here were cured by the doctor himself, and a few were saved by the doctor's apprentice, so they naturally respect the doctor very much.

"I appreciate your view. Ideals and will cannot unite everyone, nor can they last long, but what can maintain a group going forward are not only interests, but also systems.

If you want to fight for your rights, you must plan this uprising as a total war, and the most important thing for a total war is sufficient supplies.

I don’t think anyone is stupid enough to think that the Tiandou Empire will continue to send supplies after they rebel! Without material supplies, you hundreds of thousands of people are all soldiers, and how much trouble can you cause? "

Cheng Ying's words immediately made everyone look ugly. These words hit their Achilles' heel. With no base and no rear, their material supplies could only rely on fighting to support the war. If they failed to win the first battle, or If the enemy fortifies the walls and clears the fields, and burns the grain and grass, the army will surely collapse without an attack.

"Please ask the doctor for advice." Someone asked for advice.

"I don't have any advice. You will be able to think of a way sooner or later. For example, you can lurk first. Since you are not afraid of radiation, then collect supplies on a large scale and then dig cellars to store them. This is not difficult. It only takes half a year." Accumulate supplies for the army to launch.

And once you raise the flag to revolt, regardless of whether your former boss is willing or not, the social system based on air-dropped supplies will fall apart the moment you declare war. And you who have the supplies and military power in your hands, I will hold them. Their lifeblood, and they can join the uprising team without losing any blood. "

Cheng Ying didn't come up with any brilliant strategies, but just accumulating grains was already very useful. Everyone was silent. It's not that they couldn't think of such a strategy, but their long-standing mindset prevented them from considering it. To put it bluntly, It’s just that they don’t have enough experience in rebellion.

In contrast, in the early days, Cheng Ying personally led a few people to rebel on alien planets. Many of the colonial planets were defeated in this way. It can be said that he is full of experience in rebellion.

Next, Cheng Ying stopped trying to be mysterious and just found a place to sit down and explained the series to them. Not everyone can command a large army. If nothing else, eating, drinking, and defecating in an army is a nerve-wracking job. thing.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Mohists who defended the city would strictly stipulate how far apart a toilet should be dug, and which side men and women must walk on when traveling in the city. After a fire broke out in the city, the defenders had to stick to their posts, and civilians who specialized in putting out fires would put out the fire and leave their posts without permission. , even if the purpose is good, they must be killed.

At that time, Zi Mozi and Gongshu Ban used clothes and belts as city walls to deduce, not only siege machinery, but also Mo Zi's rules for defending the city. What stopped Chu from attacking Song was not just words, but Mohism's organizational skills that transcended the times. and the three hundred men of Beichengmen who fought to the death.

Although the words may change at any time, when the army sets off, there are still many rules. Everyone listened to Cheng Ying's explanation one by one, and suddenly felt that they were really naive. If they raised the flag and revolted without preparation, I was afraid that the army would attack before they even left Tianjing City. Self-disruption.

Why does Han Xin say that the more troops the better? Because not everyone can lead so many troops. If the command ability is not good and the quality of the soldiers is average, 100,000 people may not be able to defeat 800... Well... this thing really happens...

"In addition to the dispatch of the army, you have a lot to prepare. The Tiandou Empire has a profound foundation. You must be prepared for a long-term struggle. Just relying on food storage and fighting to support the war, you will be wiped out sooner or later. For this, you need A base area, at least a grain-producing area, that can guarantee self-sufficiency can be considered as taking root.

There's not much I can do to help you, and this is the only thing I can give you to try. "As he spoke, Cheng Ying took out a bag of seeds. This is genetically modified wheat that was urgently cultivated by the scientific research department. It can absorb high concentrations of special energy and use sunlight to synthesize organic matter. Because the energy level of soul power is very high, it is a typical low entropy Energy, so this kind of wheat grows very quickly and matures in about a week, making it very suitable for planting here.

"This is the characteristic of these seeds. They don't need sunlight. You can plant them in the intact buildings in the city. In this way, you can deceive the monitoring of overhead aircraft and satellites and establish the first self-sufficient base on your own. "

Cheng Ying is the kind of driver who is uncomfortable without farming. He is panicking when he has no food on hand. Even when he first crossed over, what he did was to improve crop seeds, grow vegetables in his own manor, and even Seedless watermelon grown...

Although not everyone has his compulsive farming disorder, the infected people have all suffered from starvation, and they will definitely not object to farming.

Although some people are curious about why doctors have such magical seeds, everyone's lives are saved by doctors and there is no need to think so much. If doctors want to harm them, they will be done without surgery.

"You organize your own reliable manpower to dig underground fortifications! I will give you an engineering drawing and construction process of the three defense facilities in a moment. This thing is very important. The Tiandou Empire has mastered nuclear weapons. If you do not have the ability to withstand a nuclear attack , even if the individual strength is strong, it is still quite dangerous."

Even now, Cheng Ying feels that their plan is too radical. If it were him, he would have to plant fields underground for ten or eight years and dig the underground fortifications to ten times the size of Tianjing City. We have to keep digging out the blockade. When the war starts, we will have 100,000 elite armored divisions. Backed by a vast and self-sufficient underground base, even if the Tiandou Empire is surrounded by the whole country, they can still survive for a hundred and eighty years. Drag the other side to death.

At the beginning, Tulip was a duchy, and when they collectively landed on the moon, they were all dukes. At that time, Tulip's army already numbered tens of thousands with armor and tens of thousands of chariots.

The armor here refers to mechas, vehicles, and thunderstorm chariots. This does not include fighter planes, floating battleships, hydrogen bombs and other strategic weapons. That's all. Chengying still feels that fighter planes are not yet mature and need to continue. Only by accumulating strength can you seek to become the hegemon of the continent.

It makes the two empires really think that Tulip loves peace. She is clearly strong enough to hold the two empires' hammers with one hand, and she still pays taxes on time every year. It's so docile that it makes people's scalp numb. Who knows, they think they should clean up now They are not yet stable. Starting a war may lead to a slowdown in domestic economic growth. If the two empires knew Cheng Ying's idea at that time, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood. God, the growth rate is slowing down. Let's start a war with you and even the economy. Development will not decline? Do you still hope that attacking us in the future will stimulate domestic demand and promote economic growth?

[To be continued]

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