Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,029 Beautiful girls don’t know how to poop.

Although it's too much to say, but with this kind of farming, it's completely possible to make an anime about "This lord is obviously super powerful but too cautious".

Cheng Ying's estimate of the odds of victory is completely different from that of ordinary people. According to his calculations, the possibility of failure in the uprising of this group of infected people is quite high, so they must be more cautious.

When he led the rebellion in the colonial star, several emperors saw that there was a monster in the empire that could crush him to death with one finger because of his weird ability to estimate the odds of winning, and they still stood there. Hit him.

In the end, I was almost driven crazy by the psychological pressure. I hugged Cheng Ying's thigh and cried to express our surrender. Can you please stop expanding the army? The floating battleship is almost covering the sky of my royal city! I am so afraid that you will massacre the country!

In this frenzied spirit, Cheng Ying contacted the scientific research department, sent the body data of the infected people, and asked: "You can study the body data of these infected people and see if you can find anything? By the way, give it to them. They have developed several sets of exercises. I don't think they have any high-tech weapons. Just relying on brute force, the Tiandou Empire will suffer heavy losses when a missile hits them. It is best to have those kind of linked defense exercises or formations. Yes, can it be done?"

In the scientific research department, those who study martial arts are among the most difficult departments, because this stuff is basically only needed by the private sector, such as the Tulip version of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament. If you really want to fight, you still need to rely on equivalent force. An analogy is that in the Chinese Academy of Sciences There is another person studying free fighting. Do you think he is embarrassed?

Now they finally got through it, and the big boss said he needed them, so it was definitely his duty.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of it! Not to mention coordinated defense, coordinated attack, coordinated eating, and coordinated exercise, we can handle it all. Even if you want to coordinate shit and let hundreds of people take the responsibility of shitting the shit of 100,000 people, we can't do it. We can find a way!”

Cheng Ying: "???"

When did my family’s technology become so advanced? Have you developed techniques to replace people's poop? This is truly an unimagined path.

"Ahem... Forget the last one, I think there may be internal problems, such as some people who particularly like spicy food or something."

The researcher became excited when he heard this: "Don't worry, it's not a problem, it's not a problem at all. This set of exercises will strengthen the anus and sphincter of the person who poops. Even if he eats spicy hot pot every day, there will be no problem!"

Cheng Ying: "Your skills are quite mature!"

In fact, these hard-working people are forced to have no choice. They are really like a few people from the Chinese Academy of Sciences who study free fighting and ancient Chinese martial arts. Even if no one can say anything, they themselves feel awkward! You have to research something, even if it has no military value, it would be good to have some economic value!

As a result, ordinary exercises could no longer satisfy them. They said they wanted to create more jobs for the country, so they created a bunch of quite novel exercises.

Taking someone else's place to poop is just one of the weirdest ones. It has already begun to be put into the market, and the response has been good. Tens of thousands of jobs have been created, and more professional poopers may appear in the future...

In addition, there is also a method of eating for others. Although some foods are very nutritious, they taste extremely unpleasant. People who want to eat without sufficient nutrition but are afraid of the taste of food use this invention. Please People eat on their behalf.

However, these two exercises have been jointly complained by the organizers of the major eating competitions. They reported that someone was helpless during the competition. While eating, he was delivering the nutrients he had eaten to others, and at the same time, someone was helping him. Feces, expelling waste from the body, led to easily breaking the record of the big eater.

After seeing these reports, Chengying

I feel like my face is numb. What the hell is this invention? It’s comparable to a land machine! It is the kind of project that Wang Duoyu can invest in.

"Let's just...believe them for once..." Chengying hung up the communication with a dull face, and then saw the Ice Emperor looking at him expectantly, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, and then heard the Ice Emperor's pitiful voice. Said: "Well... I remember you said that beautiful girls can't poop..."

Cheng Ying: "?!"

At that time, he wanted to strangle the bastard who invented this technique to death. Even a beautiful girl like God can't poop! If you don’t know how to poop, could you be pooping unicorn powder?

It is said that after the invention of this technique, it seems that beautiful women really can’t poop! Because there will be countless licking dogs rushing to do it for them!

Although the beautiful girl who couldn't poop in the fantasy was really born, Chengying...why couldn't he be happy at all?

This is a scam!

He could even imagine the scene of a couple quarreling in the future. The wife grabbed her husband's clothes and shouted loudly: "You still said you love me! You are not even willing to poop for me!" Just imagine this scene, Cheng Ying felt extremely sore in his balls.

Please can you develop this kind of heaven-defying skill that involves space into a more serious place! Even if the shit is directly transported into the toilet through space, that would be great!

The researcher said that our goal is to create new jobs! If it is sent directly into the toilet, there will be no soul!

In the end, Chengying still didn't teach the Douluo people about linkage shit. Tulip's system and laws were sound, and they could also supervise the use of exercises.

If this thing is thrown to the Douluo people whose life is controlled by capital, then most of them will be made into literal r (meat) b (poop) q (container). If this is done, it will not be r18 but r18g. .

"Ahem! This is the correct technique I gave you. Although the soul master's system is full of loopholes, it has a long history and profound foundation. Although you have huge energy in your body, you don't even have a clear classification.

Practicing the skills will at least allow you to be sure of your own strength, so that you won't accidentally cast spells and hurt your own people. "

Everyone was already used to the doctor's magic. He had shocked them when he brought out the magical seeds before. If he showed off the magical skills this time, there would be no surprise.

At least that's what they thought at first...

"It seems that you have accepted my suggestion, so you should remember that this book is a method for linking soul power, which can connect your soul powers together, and this book is a method for linking attack and defense.

Well, there are two more books here. This one is about linked exercise. You can freely allocate the results of exercise to different people. There is also this book about linked eating, which literally means that one person is full and the whole army is not hungry. You can eat for others, saving time on meals. If the army goes on an expedition, leaving some people at home to eat can save a lot of luggage. "

After hearing this, everyone finally realized that they had underestimated the doctor's magic. This... he even had the ability to eat on behalf of others...

[To be continued]

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