Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1032 Xiao Wu’s Account

After hearing Tang San's words, Oscar was not worried, but comforted: "It doesn't matter even if you can't beat him head-on, I don't have to win.

The team has no requirements for me. If I can enter the top 100, I will take the opportunity to promote it. Even if I can't enter, there will be no shortage of resources before level 30. By the time I reach level 30, it will be almost there. He is ten years old, and the second peak competition must have been held by then, so there is still a chance. "

The pressure on Oscar's side was much less than that on Tang San's side. Although the resources needed were the same, Tang San had been included in some undisclosed lists by the local public security organs.

If he cannot show his talent far beyond ordinary people, he may be subject to close supervision by the public security organs. What's more, it may even affect the management of the team and cause him to be directly expelled from the team.

Since then, the pressure he has to bear is naturally much greater than that of Oscar, and Oscar is also very aware of this. The game also took great care of Tang San, which allowed Tang San to reach his current level with the trumpet in such a short period of time.

Tang San pursed his lips, not knowing what to say for a moment. Since coming to this world, he has been nothing but a taciturn father. Everything is full of malice towards him. When faced with this pure kindness without any private messages, he doesn't even know how to respond.

"Don't look at me like that. Have some confidence in me. You know, I still have fear spray on me. If an ordinary player goes one-on-one with me, I have a 50% chance of winning."

Tang San had experienced the power of fear spray. That thing could forcibly increase the player's fright value, and it could actually make the player feel fear.

Even if a player acquires this piece of equipment, they must be careful when using it. I was afraid that I would also inhale the spray and be forced to disconnect.

Only Oscar can directly attack in a range when using this thing, ignoring the fear of the enemy and ourselves, as if it cannot affect him. No matter how powerful the opponent is, it will be difficult to resist such a mental attack.

There are indeed enough mental attacks in the game, but such attacks will not be directly fed back to the player. They will only directly deduct survival points based on the offensive and defensive attributes of both parties.

Fear gas is one of the few items that can directly affect the player's mental state. Therefore, no matter how strong the player is in the game, if the player cannot bear the fear, he will be forced to log off.

It feels like if I can't beat you online, I will crawl along the network cable and beat you physically. If Oscar hadn't lost his fear, he really wouldn't dare to use such props at will.

Hearing this, Tang San also relaxed a little. Oscar's combat effectiveness was not weak either, but judging from the panel, it was a bit worse than those professional players. With the trump card included, his record might not be worse than him.

Ma Hongjun,

The encounter between Tang San and Oscar seems to prove that there is a force pulling the Shrek Seven Monsters together.

Cheng Ying originally thought that it was almost impossible for them to gather the Shrek Seven Devils. Others could say that if children recognized each other, even if there was a huge gap in status, they might not be unable to be friends.

But Xiao Wu has been incarnate for thirty or forty years. If she had the personality of a child when she first transformed, now she has the mind of a mature woman, if not a middle-aged woman.

This can be seen from the appearance she uses. Although the appearance of the soul beast after its transformation is difficult to change, the age of the appearance after the transformation can still be adjusted to a certain extent.

When Xiao Wu first transformed, she used the form of a little lolita. She would even act coquettishly and cutely with guys who were obviously tens of thousands of years younger than her, and even succeeded in doing so cutely many times.

However, as time went by, and as her mind gradually matured, her appearance changed into that of an adult before she knew it. Although she was not as plump as a young woman, her appearance was at least two decades old.

As for... the transformation of the soul beast can adjust the age, why the Ice Emperor is still in the loli form, that is another sad story. After all, some people, even if they already have children, are still obsessed with A...

It stands to reason that Xiao Wu, who has matured both mentally and physically, is basically impossible to hang out with the Shrek Seven Devils. But who knows what she was thinking. She probably saw those who transformed at about the same time as herself. The sisters are now doing better than her, and they often ask her to go shopping. The purpose is to show off themselves and pull out a target as a control group.

As a result, her mentality exploded, so she used the game world to deal with mental stress.

In any case, Xiao Wu did use her real name to register an account in Thriller Paradise, and her game level is quite good. Like Tang San, she is not strong among spirit beasts, but she has developed a He has quite exquisite martial arts skills.

The huge energy in the body and the powerful soul skills in reality cannot be brought into the game, but the fighting skills that are known in reality can be used freely in the game. After all, the body structure has not changed, at least for humanoid creatures. There has been no change.

Relying on her very powerful close combat skills, Xiao Wu's combat expertise has also exceeded the S level. She is one of the few masters who have reached this level. She is also somewhat famous in the player circle, and has won the title of Sister Xiao Wu. honorific title.

She obviously signed up for this competition. Originally, she was not very interested in this competition, but after hearing that several "good sisters" in real life also signed up for the competition, he came immediately. interested.

If we don't teach them (bloody), guide (abuse) them at this time, then how can they be worthy of their hard work to reach level 50 and participate in the competition?

In reality, her entire body was exposed to the sun. In the game, she had to at least fight for a breath and repay the humiliation those guys gave her twice as much. Xiao Wu also signed up for the game with this in mind.

If it is basically impossible for her and the other Shrek Seven Devils to get together in reality, the probability of them knowing each other will be greatly increased in the game. In addition, these people are all very skilled players, so they can be considered small players. Have a reputation. The probability of getting to know each other and even matching together is even greater.

No matter how you look at it, it is almost inevitable that these people will get together in the game.

Cheng Ying has no intention of stopping this. Although the game Thriller Paradise hides his backup plan for super-dimensional invasion, the players' strength is limited after all. Compared with Cheng Ying who really cheated, it is even more difficult. There is an insurmountable gap. Even if a super-dimensional invasion is realized, it cannot threaten Chengying.

[To be continued]

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