Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1033 Crystal Palace Team

Even if the combat power of the Shrek Seven Monsters really improves to a level that can defeat most of the dungeon bosses last time, the threat to Cheng Ying is still extremely limited.

Not to mention that he has mastered the technique of directly rewriting the game code without destroying the system framework to a certain extent, even if he does not have these bells and whistles.

He also has the most powerful prop in the game, Chuck Norris's razor, which allows him to break through to a super-limited state and freely rewrite the game code, just like the savior Neo.

For example, if the superdimensional invasion really comes true, Chengying holding Chuck Norris's razor is basically equivalent to Saitama incarnating in this universe. Facing most enemies, as long as he wants to All can be solved with one punch.

Even after the super-dimensional invasion, the gods, demons, monsters, and monsters in the game world all came into reality. Facing a guy with a bald head, there was no chance of winning.

In this case, there was no need to interfere with the meeting between the Shrek Seven Devils. Cheng Ying was thinking about how embarrassing the situation would be if these people sworn off online and acted like brothers and wanted to have sex offline.

Chengying thought about the scenes at the scene. Suddenly, the scene of a kindergarten lady with a group of little kids came into view. She always felt that it was unexpectedly cute.

In addition to Xiao Wu, other members of the Shrek Seven Devils also participated in the competition, such as Dai Mubai.

After losing the pressure to survive, this guy is becoming more and more promiscuous day by day. He has one of the best training resources in the world, but the current battle is a battle between machines. The improvement of personal combat power cannot be achieved unless it reaches the level of grandpa. It would make too much sense to avoid practicing cultivation.

Dai Mubai was not the eldest son of this generation, and their parents had not yet had the chance to be emperors, so no one cared whether they could succeed in practice?

Dai Mubai used this excuse to spend all day living and drinking, and even formed a team composed entirely of beauties in the name of the team.

Nominally, it was a team he formed to prepare for the world's best martial arts competition and win glory for the country. In fact, everyone could see what he wanted to do. It was nothing more than opening the Crystal Palace in an open and honest manner. This kind of thing is not taboo for the royal family. .

This is even secretly encouraged. With the current productivity of the empire, it does not require much consumption to maintain the living expenses of the huge royal family. In this case, the royal family is of course good at having many children and good fortune.

Of course, the royal family would be happy to get more wives and leave more children. The only problem is probably Dai Mubai's current age.

For example, he couldn't do anything at his age. Even if he could, the royal family would not allow him to do such a thing. It's not that he feels like a beast. Rather, he was worried that doing something like that so early would have an impact on his own development.

They could only look at but not touch, which made Dai Mubai feel itchy. At first, watching these beauties exercise was quite interesting. But after a long time, it started to feel boring.

Fortunately, the game "Thriller Paradise" was launched soon, and Dai Mubai discovered a new way to play the Crystal Palace, and asked these girls to accompany him to play the game.

As for the thoughts of Zhu Zhuqing, his unofficial choice for the palace, he said that he had never cared about it, and he had not even seen her face a few times.

It's just that his game mentality has resulted in his game level being only average. Relying on a large number of krypton gold props and various non-for-sale props collected overtly and covertly, his strength can barely reach the level of a first-class player. ranks.

It was supposed to be one of Shrek's Seven Monsters,

Dai Mubai, who is the strongest in single combat, can barely keep up with the others in the game. It is enough to see that women only affect the speed of the sword...

By spending money at all costs, Dai Mubai still managed to sneak into the Peak Contest, but with his current game mentality, he would not have experienced two major setbacks. I'm afraid it can only stop here.

"Ah... why is it a science fiction plot again!" Dai Mubai, who was getting familiar with player PK, felt very bored when he saw another science fiction script.

If it is a supernatural horror script, the girl who can participate in the dungeon with him will definitely scream and throw herself on him, using her body to warm his cold heart. In comparison, the plot of the science fiction script seems lackluster. He was rarely frightened, and the girls couldn't even find an excuse to jump on him.

But consider that this time it’s a kill-by-kill mode. Even if it wasn't a sci-fi plot, no girl would fall on him. As his sparring partner, he was a professional player. Although he was young, his professionalism was still very good.

Both in terms of game level and understanding of the game, he was quite professional. While he was engaging in one-on-one killing mode with Dai Mubai, he explained to him what he needed to pay attention to when facing his opponents.

Lest he be eliminated in the first round of the competition, it would be too embarrassing. This guy used his real name when he joined the game, and he often posts game screenshots on his social account to his fans. Everyone basically knows that he is a player of the game "Thriller Paradise" and already knows that he is preparing to participate in the Peak Contest.

It would be really embarrassing if he was eliminated in just one round. No matter what, he would have to win two or three rounds.


A bullet flew past Dai Mubai's ear, and at the same time, the coach's voice came: "Shooting specialization is the easiest specialization category to improve in a short period of time. If you want to win in this competition, If you want to make a difference, you must upgrade this specialization to A level as soon as possible.

What is needed to do this is continuous shooting. I just want to tell you that shooting specialization is the easiest specialization category to improve. The results are obtained through statistics. Through statistics, it can be found that using certain special bullets will help. Increased the speed at which Marksmanship mastery increases.

This is a very wasteful behavior for ordinary players but it is very suitable for you.

In addition, after you master the shooting skills, you can choose some firearms with larger ammunition capacity and faster firing rate, without considering the cost of bullets.

Loading special bullets into high-speed firearms can often produce unexpected effects. Even if someone is already familiar with the fighting style, this kind of krypton gold-flow fighting style can still exert quite powerful combat effectiveness. "After that, the coach fired another series of shots, and Dai Mubai had to dodge in embarrassment.

“Calculating and avoiding enemy missiles can not only improve your reconnaissance specialization, but also improve your shooting specialization. The two complement each other and are indispensable in battle. Don’t think that improving one of them can control the battlefield. "

[To be continued]

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