Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1034 Zhu Zhuqing’s Strength

Dai Mubai's special training before the game was very effective. His shooting specialization and reconnaissance specialization had all reached A level. The level beyond that could not be reached by relying on this kind of ordinary practice.

But his level is at least better than those who have only reached A level in a single specialization. Even if the combat ability is not outstanding. Coupled with a large amount of special ammunition, it is possible to reach the finals. Still no small feat.

"I'm going to match up with an opponent right now!" Dai Mubai now felt as if he had mastered his magic skills and was ready to find someone to practice. The stunt he had just learned would be incomprehensible if he didn't find a rookie to torture him.

In the preliminary round, everyone has to match fifty games. Generally, as long as you win forty-one or two games, you have a high probability of advancing, so Dai Mubai is not worried about losing. Even if he loses, he can just be more careful and win back.

There were many people participating, and the matching process was very fast. Not long after, his opponent appeared in front of him, a girl with long, straight black hair who looked familiar.

The battlefield between the two of them was the most common jungle battlefield. Thick trees several meters thick and hundreds of meters high could be seen everywhere. Being in them felt like they were in the kingdom of giants.

This kind of terrain is slightly disadvantageous for players who specialize in shooting, but Dai Mubai was relatively decisive and chose to climb the tree immediately.

There is a platform enough for him to place heavy firearms between the branches of the thick trees. A condescending attack, coupled with his A-level detective skills. Most opponents cannot escape his sweep.

This is what he thought and what he did. Filling a heavy machine gun with special bullets was no longer a simple luxury. But the effect is outstanding, even trees will be broken wherever it is strafed.

Ordinary opponents would probably lose a lot of blood if they were touched by him. If he was hit head-on, he might die suddenly.

Facing the surging attacks, the straight black girl did not panic at all. Dressed as an assassin, she accidentally split into three parts, and then three parts into nine parts.

The weirdest thing is that each one of them attacks and moves in a different posture, as if there are really nine of them fighting.

And nine didn't seem to be her limit. More and more figures were jumping between the forests, and Dai Mubai had no time to count how many there were.

"Damn! What kind of skill is this? I can't tell the difference between real and fake."

Click, click, hit, the heavy machine gun fired, and a clone was shattered immediately, but the one he hit was obviously not the original body, and the other clones still went their own way. Rushed towards him.

Even if the machine gun in his hand fires very fast. It was impossible to completely take care of the 360-degree range around him. After smashing the third clone, a clone finally rushed behind him.

Immediately afterwards, he saw several strange marks formed between the fingers of the clone, and then suddenly spit out a large ball of flames from his mouth.

Dai Mubai was shocked when he saw this scene and quickly put away his heavy machine gun. He jumped down from the treetop in a panic, and relied on the gliding function of his flying squirrel suit to successfully reach the trunk of another tree.

"What the hell! The one just now was obviously a clone, how could he launch an attack?" Before escaping, Dai Mubai left a grenade on the spot. The clone that sneaked up on him had been blown to pieces by the grenade, but it was obvious that Still not the original body.

"We can only try using weapons with large area of ​​destruction." As he spoke, Dai Mubai put on a rocket launcher and put it on the rocket he fired. Also marked with a yellow and black nuclear bomb symbol.

It appears to be a weapon with greater killing range than range.

[Name: Shoulder-launched tactical nuclear bomb]

[Type: Weapon]

[Quality: Excellent]

[Attack power: extremely strong]

[Attribute: Fire]

[Special Effect: Launch and detonate a tactical nuclear bomb]

[Note: Obviously, this is a weapon with a larger damage range than the set value. We have fired the programmer who designed this prop and are cleaning up the various props designed by him. If this is brought to your game What's the inconvenience? You hit me! 】

The usual special effects and painless notes can be regarded as the characteristics of this game.

But there is no doubt about one thing, the power of tactical nuclear bombs is absolutely reliable, and Dai Mubai has an item in his hand that can avoid damage in a short period of time.

Being rich means being so willful, so you can use this kind of strategic item as soon as you want.

In the violent explosion, countless clones were turned into flying ashes. Dai Mubai thought he could hear the victory decision. But I didn't expect it. After the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, the girl who appeared opposite him was still the long, straight black girl.

The other person didn't look injured. Only one blood-red eye turned gray-white, as if he had lost his vision.

"It's really dangerous! Even Izanagi was forced out by you." The straight black girl spoke for the first time: "But it's almost time for you to leave."

"What!" Dai Mubai declared that he would die. Usually he would only say this before the villain was killed.

The straight black girl in front of me suddenly disappeared. Then he felt a chill in his heart. A kunai pierced his heart.

After Dai Mubai turned into white light, the straight black girl breathed a sigh of relief: "The survival value is only 10%! If he hadn't just taken the opportunity to leave the mark of the Flying Thunder God on his cloak, it would have been really dangerous. Got it!"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the messy battlefield, and then chose to teleport into white light and leave.

That's right, Dai Mubai matched with Zhu Zhuqing, who was supposed to be his wife, because he opened the Crystal Palace. His original wife has left him.

After all, Zhu Zhuqing is a very important female character. If she becomes one of the harem, she can probably barely accept it. In that case, she can be divided into three or four people at most. Five equal parts are already as high as heaven.

But joining the Crystal Palace and sharing Dai Mubai with hundreds of girls was something she could never accept, so the two families severed ties. When each plays his own game, it becomes possible to meet in the game.

In fact, Dai Mubai's loss was not unjust at all. He doesn't pay attention to the power rankings in the game. So don't know. This player whose pseudonym is Zhu Qing is firmly in the top five in the combat power rankings.

Relying on a ninjutsu that I didn't know where I learned from. The other strong men who were beaten completely lost their temper. His strength is unfathomable. Almost no one can test her limits.

Because of this, although she is not ranked first, she is the favorite to win the championship. She is much more famous than Oscar and Tang San.

[To be continued]

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