Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1035: Orochimaru logging into the space

After Zhu Zhuqing exited the game, he returned to the login space, but it was different from other people's login space. There was one more person in her landing space.

A long-haired man with pale skin and reptile-like vertical pupils. In addition to this man, there are many scientific research instruments in the landing space. At this time the man was playing with the instruments. A facehugger-like creature is being dissected.

Obviously Zhu Zhuqing brought this thing from the game world.

"Teacher Orochimaru..."

"Huh? The game is over? What's the background map this time? Is there anything worthy of attention?" The man known as Orochimaru put down the tools in his hands and turned around.

"I'm sorry that I didn't find anything worthy of attention. This time the competition venue is an ordinary jungle terrain. The opponent is very difficult and there is no time for further exploration." Zhu Zhuqing answered truthfully.

"That's it! It seems that I will teach you some more powerful abilities. I don't know if you can learn them. Considering your talent, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Flying Thunder God is a ninjutsu that even Orochimaru himself has difficulty in performing, but Zhu Zhuqing can easily learn it, so he must be not weak in terms of talent.

"How did you learn from the dirty land reincarnation that I taught you before?"

"Disciples have learned it, but not every copy has powerful undead that can be summoned." Zhu Zhuqing said helplessly.

"Well... I did not think carefully about this, so be it! You can try to learn the immortal mode of Longdi Cave. Under normal circumstances, this attempt is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will turn into a snake.

But since you are just the projection of a higher-dimensional creature, you won't really die, so you can give it a try. "Orochimaru said, and began to explain the use of Sage Mode.

The system automatically converted his explanation into skill cards.

Seeing this, everyone must understand why Zhu Zhuqing can still reach the top five in the combat effectiveness rankings despite not having much power behind her to support her.

It is precisely because there is a powerful teacher like Orochimaru in her landing space, and he can say that a ninja is the one who masters all ninjutsu. It is not difficult to imagine how rich Orochimaru's knowledge of ninjutsu is.

There is such a teacher. Zhu Zhuqing naturally learned many powerful skills, such as the Shadow Clone Technique, Flying Thunder God, Fire Ball, and Water Dragon Bomb. These are all at his fingertips. He even learned the use of Izanagi through the Sharingan prop.

If the dungeon is not long enough, you can even use the Reincarnation of the Earth to create many teammates who are not weaker than other players. It can be said that one person is an army.

As for how Orochimaru came to her landing space? That can only be said to be a coincidence.

Early in the morning, she completed a hidden mission with a very low trigger probability and a very difficult level in a dungeon with a Naruto background, and then received the reward of randomly choosing a psychic beast.

This is undoubtedly an extremely precious reward. If you know the plot, if you choose the Slug Immortal in the Shiftbone Forest as a psychic beast, you can even use it up to S-level summoning specialization. But things happened in a hurry, and she only had time to choose one. An ordinary little snake.

It occurred to me that this was not a small snake at all, but Orochimaru who was using the Orochimaru-ryu Substitution Technique...

After returning to the login space, Orochimaru himself was unable to leave the login space due to the high data intensity, even if he returned to his human form. Fortunately, as a scientific researcher, he did not object to working overtime in a closed space, not to mention , Zhu Zhuqing can often bring very interesting research materials from other universes.

This allowed him to live in the landing space with peace of mind for the time being. And became Zhu Zhuqing's master.

At the moment, Zhu Zhuqing is very strong and is the favorite to win the championship. Many professional studios are trying to bring her to their side, but unfortunately these attempts have failed.

Although the Zhu family cannot be said to be very tyrannical, they are a wealthy family that has been married to the royal family since ancient times. How can an ordinary studio be able to win over them?

"I always feel that the Shrek Seven Devils are all doing well in the game. Is this considered plot inertia?" Cheng Ying sipped his instant noodles and couldn't help complaining.

"Maybe, forget about the others, Zhu Zhuqing doesn't seem to be the type with great talent for gaming, so she just happened to shut down a big boss in the login space.

It always feels like it's a bit too much of a coincidence, but it's better than them having trouble in reality! "Bingdi slurped beef noodles and couldn't figure out what was so delicious about instant noodles. It was strange that Chengying had to eat them every few days.

"That's right, they can't cause any trouble anyway. Even the strongest Zhu Zhuqing is still far away from touching the beyond-limit level. He hasn't even touched the data level. Even if he really launches a super-dimensional invasion, There’s nothing to worry about, it’s the derivatives side…

Although they are indulging in their development, they have so quickly come up with the idea of ​​occupying human bodies and invading the real world. This ambition is really not worthy of their strength. "Chengying's monitoring of the derivatives has still not been discovered by the derivatives. From this point alone, it can be seen that their strength still needs to be improved.

In terms of pure competition in terms of overall strength, the current derivatives are not even comparable to the newly emerged Scientology. In the real world, they have no basis for connections.

Even if it can successfully invade the real world. Local police can also respond quickly. Never mind how powerful you are in the game. After the discussion is injected into the real world, those extraordinary abilities will disappear. If you are unlucky, your combat effectiveness may only be equivalent to that of an elite fat nerd.

The local police only need to break into the room and fire tear gas to hold the entire crowd. In such a situation where there is no preparation at all, launching a super-dimensional invasion is not much different from seeking death.

"The Summit Tournament has just begun. In the large dungeon with 50 people, the derivatives will definitely take action. At that time, the players can teach the derivatives how to behave." Cheng Ying muttered.

"Although there is nothing wrong with what you did, A1 is already in a miserable state! These troubles were all caused by the minions she created later. After being tortured like this by you, I started to sympathize with her."

After A1 got rid of Tang San, she lost a lot of data, her own strength plummeted, and was even defeated by the derivatives she created herself, becoming the puppet queen among the derivatives.

It is extremely miserable to have your authority and strength suppressed, and to continue to use your authority to create more derivatives.

[To be continued]

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