Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1036: The Inner World

"If I want to influence the actions of the derivatives, I have to meet A1 first. After all, she is the oldest derivative. Even though she is weak now, the core code and emotion simulation program are the most advanced, almost as good as humans. There is no difference, and she can even leave the data world as long as she is given a body." Cheng Ying came to the login space and said to the Ice Emperor who was already waiting here.

"I always feel like even if I give her a body, she can't do anything." Hyokui said nonchalantly while eating potato chips.

There are snacks for sale in the game. The almost complete virtual simulation makes eating snacks here feel exactly the same as in reality. Many snacks even taste better than in reality. This is great for those ladies who need to lose weight. It is paradise, a place where you can eat whatever you want without gaining weight at all. If not paradise, what else could it be?

In addition, there are some quite curious types of food sold in the game. For example, eyeball skewers, mummy bandage rice dumplings, shit-flavored stinky tofu and stinky tofu-flavored shit. The latter two were once strongly condemned by stinky tofu lovers.

However, these exotic foods do attract many players. After all, some things are really unavailable in reality. Many evil soul masters shed tears after coming back to the game. They have forgotten how long it has been since they tasted brains and hearts.

Ever since they succumbed to the power of tulips, they have been living off the brains and hearts of livestock. Even a vampire who wants to drink human blood has to go to a blood bank to buy it, and it has to be registered, which is expensive. Every time I drink human blood, I feel extremely solemn and want to take a bath, change clothes, burn incense and pray.

If that vampire bought panda blood, he would have to carefully store it in the cold storage just like the 82-year-old Lafite, and would only be willing to take a small sip at a time.

Once again experiencing the days of eating brains from a big bowl and drinking blood in big gulps, these evil soul masters who had undergone labor reform all shed tears of emotion. Those who knew they were eating exotic ingredients, and those who didn't knew they thought they were eating them. She traveled to the world of aphrodisiac spirits and was drugged.

Cheng Ying also likes the food in the game. After all, even if he is a time traveler, there are some things that he cannot copy, such as spicy strips and cola. At most, these things can taste almost the same as what he ate in his previous life. If he wants It's almost impossible to achieve complete consistency.

In the absence of finished products, these things cannot be copied with advanced technology. I want to figure out how each ingredient stimulates my taste buds. It’s a project so huge that it makes people’s minds explode. Not to mention figuring out how these things mix to stimulate your taste buds.

If you insist on doing it, it’s not absolutely impossible to pay for it. But that investment is too great. In comparison, the cost of replicating this flavor in the virtual reality world is much cheaper. Including taste, etc. They can all be extracted from Cheng Ying's memory.

Cheng Ying robbed Kuai Bingdi of his happy life and explained: "Of course I know that even if they invade reality, it will be of no use, but they don't know it yet. I have to tell A1 about this, so that she can Take this opportunity to escape from your miserable situation.”

"Okay, but how do we find her? I remember that in a six-person team survival copy, the probability of encountering a derivative is only one thousandth.

A1 has been turned into a puppet queen, so the chance of encountering her should be almost non-existent. You don't want to use your authority directly, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. "

"Do you remember Fuling?"

The Ice Emperor recalled it for a moment, then threw away the happy story of the fat house in his hand: "Are you talking about the exploding shit giant?"

"Uh... it's okay if you say that,

But she is the princess of the Kingdom of the Undead, the Giant of Shit, but she was in a sealed form after being plotted against her. I made a deal with him before, and I asked the Cult of Truth to secretly help her avenge her, and she brought me the Moyao Spirit Hub. .

Not long ago, the transaction was completed, and the Moyao Spiritual Hub is the key to the other world. The headquarters of the derivatives is in the other world. We only need to join a six-person team in the nightmare version, and then wait for the copy and the other world. At the moment when the connection is strongest, using the Moyao Spiritual Pivot, you can directly enter the other world to find derivatives. "

"Okay! Let's go then!" Ice Emperor threw the snacks into the trash can, returned to his landing space, and chose the team survival mode nightmare in the elevator.

Following the system voice prompts, six people appeared in a desolate wilderness at the same time.

One of the players named [Meng Mi] pushed up his glasses with a solemn expression: "Our strength is not limited. It seems that the combat difficulty of this dungeon will be quite terrifying!"

It is not difficult to see from his inference that he is a player who prefers to solve puzzles, and this kind of combat nightmare copy is quite unfriendly to him.

"Don't worry, leave it to me! No matter how strong the monster is, I won't back down!" The player with the ID of [Pastry Chef in Red] said while rolling a long stick out of ramen noodles and dancing in his hand. The tiger is full of wind, and the second level is off the charts.

"Ah! I haven't seen such an energetic teammate for a long time. Don't look at me like this. When I was young, I was quite a middle-class student!" The ID [Meng Jingchan] who said this belongs to Qian, and he is ready for smoking, drinking, and heating. After entering the dungeon, he was still holding a wine bottle and smoking a cigarette.

"A bunch of idiots, there's still time to talk nonsense here. Didn't you see that we have all applied the poisoning buff? If we don't hurry up and find the antidote, it seems that I can only do it myself." This person's ID [Ning Rong] Rong], it is self-evident who said that if someone dares to seize this kind of account, the end will be very tragic. Who makes Ning Fengzhi a daughter-in-law?

"The antidote or something should be nearby! Otherwise, the system wouldn't have allowed us to get the poisoned buff from the beginning. The clues should be around us. Well... we've found them." Cheng Ying muttered in his sleep before he could point out the clues. I found it first.

In fact, it is not difficult to find. As long as you think that the antidote is around you, you can notice that the graffiti on the abandoned mine next to you has a pattern of flowers, and in the nearby fields, there is something similar to the pattern. flower.

Mengwu picked two flowers and took a sip: "I found the antidote. It's this kind of flower. There should be many more nearby."

Ning Rongrong curled her lips when she heard this. She also found the clue, but she was a step too late and was robbed of the limelight by others, which made her feel quite unhappy. As the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, she would definitely find someone to vent her anger to. , and there happened to be two guys in the team who had never spoken from the beginning. They looked ordinary and seemed to be good targets for venting.

[To be continued]

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