Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1037 You are too weak

"You! You! Yes, I'm talking about you two. Hurry over and get the antidote for me." Ning Rongrong said arrogantly.

If it were another player, they would be eager to kneel down and lick her after seeing her. There is absolutely no chance that they would refuse such a small thing as helping to collect herbs. This is a great opportunity to show courtesy.

However, Cheng Ying and Ice Emperor were not ordinary players. They didn't even refute her, they simply ignored her words and went to pick the antidote.

"I didn't expect these two guys to be quite obedient. If they keep working hard like this, I can give them some rewards after the mission is over." Ning Rongrong was thinking like this.

He saw the two people taking control of the antidote and returning to the entrance of the mine. Ning Rongrong looked at them suspiciously and asked, "Where is the antidote?"

However, Cheng Ying acted as if he didn't hear it. Looking at the inside of the mine, all the data flowing through his pupils was data flow, and he seemed to be able to see through all the settings in the dungeon at a glance: "This is really... a very difficult nightmare dungeon! "

Hyokui could actually see these data streams, but she was too lazy to decode them and asked directly: "What are the difficulties you are talking about?"

"In terms of combat, even if the two of us face the monsters in this dungeon, it will be quite difficult! This is probably not the main universe anyway. The boss may be stronger than the Four Pillar Gods." Cheng Ying said helplessly.

"We have to be mentally prepared. There is a possibility of mission failure in this dungeon. The best time to use Mo Yao Ling Shu is when the main mission has been completed prompt appears. If you cannot complete the mission, you can only wait for another round. ”

Ning Rongrong only realized it at this time. The two people completely ignored her, and they suddenly became furious: "You two, you are so arrogant! It sounds like you two can easily pass the nightmare dungeon."

If it weren't for the fact that there was no way to attack teammates in the team survival mode, Ning Rongrong would probably have killed her. As for whether the team could successfully clear the dungeon, her enjoyment of the game was less important.

"Before you say that we are arrogant, I advise you to correct your attitude first and don't bring your eldest lady's temper into the game. This is a game world and we are not your subordinates. No one will spoil you. Do you think Everyone in the world is your mother?" The Ice Emperor didn't even look back, but his tone was quite rude.

"You! Just wait for me! Let me know who you are! Just... hum!" Ning Rongrong gritted her teeth. At this time, she couldn't bear to find the antidote by herself.

"Oh? You mean you can hack into the Thriller Paradise website?

Obtain user's personal information? Then you are awesome! come on! Cheng Ying said with a smile.

The computing speed of the computers on both sides differs by dozens of powers. With this level of hardware gap, even the strongest hacker here can do it. Not possible either. Cracking the encryption of "Thrillerland".

Facing Cheng Ying's smiling expression, Ning Rongrong wanted to eat his flesh. In the past, every time she tried to scare others, they would scare them away. After all, it was just a game to be subdued. If we found it in reality, wouldn't it mean that our family would be destroyed?

But only Ning Rongrong knew that the firewall of Thriller Paradise was indestructible. When the strongest hacker in the family tried to crack the website of Thriller Paradise, his computer exploded on the spot. Even the server of Qibao Glazed Sect was burned down, so she could only bluff. If the other party refused to give in, she actually had no choice at all.

"Alright, I'll give you the antidote. Be careful to unite. This is a nightmare copy that can die at any time." Although Mengya is a puzzle player, he is a good old man and got an extra antidote for Ning Rongrong.

"The same goes for you two. That's almost enough. We still have to rely on everyone to pass the level together!"

"Although it's a bit hurtful to say this, whether you can clear the dungeon this time or not probably has little to do with the four of you." The Ice Emperor shook his head.

At this time, the four people frowned. These two guys seemed to be quite difficult to get along with. Such people were simply a cancer in the nightmare copy.

Cheng Ying also noticed their expressions, shook his head and said: "You have misunderstood. What she said just now was indeed without any malice. Meng Xiao also mentioned it before. This copy does not limit our combat capabilities. In other words, in this The main test in the copy is the player's combat strength.

Compared to the two of us, the combined fighting power of the four of you is. I'm afraid it's less than 10% of the team's total combat effectiveness. This can be seen from the strength of your data. "

Although Cheng Ying was explaining, it was hard to convince others that these people were in the game. They are all considered to be quite advanced in terms of game level. If they were added up, it would still be lower. One-tenth of the two people in front of you, wouldn't the two perverts in front of you be stronger than the four-pillar gods?

"There is no basis for what I say. I'm afraid it's hard for you to believe what I just said. Why don't we go into the mine and let you see the mobs here. After you see it, you will understand the gap between us and the difficulty of the copy. In fact, it is set based on the upper limit of the two of us."

Cheng Ying was polite to the other teammates and allowed them to suppress their dissatisfaction for the time being. He followed the two of them into the mine. Ning Rongrong stamped her feet and had no choice but to follow in.

"This is a bit troublesome. There is only one road in this tunnel. If there is not even a maze, wouldn't all the difficulty be at the combat level? Will there be such powerful unique data in the horror paradise?" Hyokui felt that something was wrong. It's a bit tricky.

"Powerful data is not necessarily unique data. Temporary data may also be very strong. In the final analysis, the strength of a monster is just a set of data, and the basis for determining whether it is unique data is actually the complexity of the code and the intelligence of the personality. level, so we may encounter a slime that can destroy the world soon." Cheng Ying's words were like a crow's mouth.

He just finished speaking in front of them. A shining slime appeared. This guy is round, but like a light bulb, and even if he gets close to it, the player will start to lose blood.

"What the hell? What is this? A nuclear slime?" Meng Jingchan was shocked. He looked at the sword in his hand and felt that if this thing was directly inserted into the slime, it would be directly hit by the opponent. The high temperature melts into molten iron.

This is also true. The slime squirmed and violently sprayed out a high-energy jet. The terrifying high temperature made the players feel that their skin was being burned, and they had no time to react.

Just when they thought they were going to die, a huge amount of magic energy suddenly surged in front of them and gathered into a magic circle, blocking the nuclear blast that destroyed the world.

[To be continued]

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