Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,039 Controlling the BOSS’s Derivatives

"Have you noticed the deformed tumors on these monsters?" Cheng Ying reminded: "These monsters, including the slimes in front of them, were probably affected by radiation and became what they are now.

The mine beneath our feet is probably a mine for mining radioactive materials. "

"This is impossible. It is basically impossible for natural nuclear materials to have obvious radioactivity. Even if there was before, after thousands of years of decay, it has probably become negligible, let alone causing such weird mutations in living things." Mengwu was the first to retort, it was really out of common sense.

"Most of the nuclear raw materials in nature must be artificially purified to reach a purity sufficient for use. Even if there are indeed veins that gather a large amount of high-concentration radioactive materials, their mining methods cannot be so primitive. This mine , it’s like going back to the Middle Ages.”

"What you said is just speculation based on the actual situation. We are now in a game. How can we completely use reality as a reference?

First of all, you have a misunderstanding, and that is the use of nuclear raw materials. Mining such raw materials does not necessarily mean using them for nuclear bombs or manufacturing nuclear reactors. Different civilization systems may have completely different uses for these dangerous raw materials.

They may simply put these things in boxes. They use their exothermic properties to keep warm, or they may be like primitive shamans, holding or using these things to create hallucinations and gain divine enlightenment.

It's even possible that the humans here have fundamentally different physiological structures from ours, and they can just eat this thing.

Plus here's the game. Although these things behave very much like radioactive substances, their mechanisms of action may be completely different. When we see the things here, we subconsciously think that they are composed of atoms and molecules.

But this is a game world, and our common sense may not be correct. Maybe the land under our feet is not made up of certain molecules, but the element of earth. If everything that happens in the game is applied to common sense in reality, then we should just exit the copy. "

Cheng Ying's absurd reasoning made Meng Gai unable to think of how to refute him for a short time.

"Anyway, we have to kill him. I have a hunch that this copy will probably be just hack and slash. The plot and background are irrelevant." There was a long sword in the Ice Emperor's hand, and the sword light bloomed brightly in the vertical and horizontal directions. The sword energy chopped the two monsters into pieces.

Ice Emperor did not choose the ice attribute ability in the game, even though that is the ability she is most familiar with. In her own words: "Since it is for fun,

Then you must try a power you have never used before! "

So she chose the sword that looked the most cool and developed a strong swordsmanship.

"That's right, just do it!" Just as Cheng Ying was about to deal with the other monsters, Meng Jingchan and the pastry chef rushed up, ready to test their overthinking abilities.

Neither of these two are particularly good at long-range attacks. I was holding myself back just now, seeing that these monsters can be defeated with close combat. They finally couldn't bear it anymore and came out.

Their opponents were both mutated four-legged snakes. The huge four-legged snakes were probably as heavy as an adult man, with flexible bodies and fast speeds.

However, the mine is narrow, and no matter how flexible they are, the space they can dodge is limited, not to mention that the two of them are not slow in the first place.


The sharp claws collided with the weapons, making an unpleasant friction sound, and then they were surprised to find that the power of those monsters was terrifying. Chuanghetang, who was famous for his dexterity, was actually knocked out of the air as soon as he came face to face with him, and his survival points dropped a lot.

"It's so strong. Even an extreme individual like Slime can actually suppress a full-level player. How did these two guys practice? How can they be so strong when their levels are obviously capped?" This is Smoking and scalding the truest thoughts in your heart.

When he looked at Cheng Ying, this feeling of confusion became even more serious. He saw that the magic energy around him was surging like waves and the sea. Facing a four-legged basilisk, he just punched out and killed it. It is crushed into slag.

These two guys, dealing with such a powerful monster, are like chopping melons and vegetables. They are simply incredible. The game is still in the early stages. The opponents of top players are still limited to Tokikan and Jurors under the Four Pillar Gods. These existences have not even been touched by the Four Pillar Gods.

As a result, the two things in front of them seemed to be even more exaggerated than the four-pillar gods' combat power, even to the extent that they were unable to make an accurate evaluation.

"Why are you still standing there? Go to the next floor!" Cheng Ying patted the stunned girl and said, "This floor has been cleaned up by them, and next they will face even more terrifying monsters."

It seems that the Ice Emperor was right. This copy seems to be really hack and slash, just like a side-scrolling game. After solving one layer, a stronger layer will appear. The isolation layer will appear. A small BOSS.

The most important thing is that these little bosses all have low intelligence and can hardly communicate, so they were all hacked to death by two people.

Ning Rongrong was already numb. She found that she still underestimated the strength of these two perverts. Now that these two people have been cleared of monsters, they don't even show any tired expressions. The other four players just follow them and run away. The physical fitness level was almost at its bottom, and it almost didn’t seem like the two sides were playing the same game.

At the same time, in the territory of a mini-BOSS closest to the BOSS, a derivative is slowly taking shape. This is a third-level derivative that has gained considerable wisdom, although it is only stronger than the lowest level four derivative. The player is one level higher, but he has already been chased by dozens of players in the dungeon.

If he were in an ordinary dungeon, his combat effectiveness would probably be stronger than the boss of the dungeon. But in this copy, it's a completely different story.

As soon as he took shape, he noticed the bright and dazzling data next to him. It was a giant earthworm, and the intensity of the data was simply unprecedented in his life. Even the strongest BOSS he had ever seen was not as strong as his ten. one part.

And this earthworm seemed to have discovered the newly formed R3 Ling Feng, and then regarded Ling Feng as its own food and attacked.

Lingfeng could easily interpret the data of this terrifying monster. Its data structure was extremely simple and its attack method was extremely brainless. However, the answer given by the tactical control option was blank, and the survival probability was shown as zero percent.

Just when Ling Feng felt desperate, he suddenly discovered that this monster could be directly controlled by him. Controlling copy monsters is an innate talent of derivatives, but when encountering some powerful monsters , this talent often loses its effect. So much so that they almost never use this talent when facing strong enemies.

When Ling Feng controlled the earthworm, he felt incredible, and then he was ecstatic: "When I devour the data of this monster, let alone the second level, even the first level derivative will not be my opponent. ! Let’s see who else can hunt me!”


The door to this floor was violently kicked open by someone...

[To be continued]

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