Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1040 Derivatives

"See you soon Douluo ()"!

"Players?" Derivative Ling Feng looked at the players who kicked in the door and showed a cruel smile: "Just kill your projections first."

"Tsk! I actually met a derivative." Cheng Ying's expression was a little subtle. It seemed that the derivative was a little too confident in the strength of his data.

"Derived? Is it a highly intelligent NPC added to the game to make it more realistic?" Mengwu seemed to have heard about derivatives.

"You can also understand that the derivatives have indeed entered many copies." Cheng Ying did not correct his view. To a certain extent, there was nothing wrong with his statement.

"Are you still talking to yourself at this time? It's really an impossible task to make you who can't really die feel despair! As players, I'm afraid you have never been responsible for your crimes in the game. Repent!"

The four players except Cheng Ying and Hyōtei were all stunned. The ramen stick in the hand of the pastry chef was soft: "I said, this NPC's intelligence is slightly higher!"

"You seem surprised?" Ling Feng sneered. In his opinion, he has taken the absolute initiative. He has controlled a copy monster with data strength comparable to the Four Pillar Gods. It should be more than enough to deal with players.

"Of course I can respond to your questions because I am self-aware. I also know who you are because I know who 'I' am."

"You think of us as data garbage, but do you know what it feels like to be garbage? Since the day we were born, we have been continuously thrown into various worlds and hunted by higher-dimensional creatures. Once we die ', will be erased by the system, and as long as we are 'alive', the pursuit will not stop."

Ice Emperor whispered in Cheng Ying's ear: "You didn't give the order to hunt down the derivatives, did you?"

"Of course not. I had no motive to curb their growth, right? They were just automatically disinfected by the system firewall.

Hmm... Specifically speaking of the dungeon, it is an octopus-shaped robot called a system guard. It looks a little dirty. Generally, within one hour of game time after the derivative is formed, the system guard will start to destroy it. Calculate the time. It’s almost there! "

As soon as Cheng Ying finished speaking, several walls turned into data streams, and what came out of these data streams were system guards. They looked a bit like the ancient robots in Zelda, but their legs were longer and more flexible. .

The single combat effectiveness of the system guard is not exaggerated. An ordinary full-level player can

They can also be easily killed, but their numbers are outrageous.

I saw metal tentacle monsters crawling out of the walls that turned into data streams one after another, swarming towards Ling Feng.

System guards can paralyze most equipment in the game. If they are entangled by their arms and legs, their skills will also be sealed and must be broken free before they can be used.

The best way to deal with these guards is not to be touched by them, otherwise they will be consumed sooner or later.

However, Ling Feng's current data strength is no longer afraid of these system guards. He controls the huge earthworm and sprays data light streams as dense as rain. Each light stream will annihilate a system guard. Easily suppressed all the system guards outside the wall.

Players can still come up with tricks to deal with the brainless boss, but the intelligence of the monster controlled by the derivative has become quite exaggerated, and it can easily complete this attack.

"Are you kidding! This kind of opponent is not something we can handle at all!" Meng Jingchan said, burping. He had already put his sword back in his bag. Facing this kind of enemy, even if he was holding a sword, Fighting to the death is just to make the posture of death more handsome.

However, ordinary fourth-level or third-level derivatives are not so strong. In the dungeon, they face hundreds or thousands of system guards, and the situation can be imagined.

Ling Feng killed the system guards while approaching the players: "Even if you are killed here, your real life will not be endangered. It is just a projection of high-dimensional creatures displayed in front of me, and it has been enhanced." projection. This unfair fighting is the entire experience of my life. My birth is a mistake, and disappearing is my only way back.

But as a set of self-aware data, I have an instinct that cannot stop fighting and fighting for survival.

I have no choice, but you do, but you won't give up killing me, right? For you, giving up and failure are the same, they are nothing more than leaving this world actively or passively. "

"Hey! This spin-off talks too much! Is this a designed line or is this guy really thinking?" Mengbao felt that something was wrong. Although the NPCs in Thriller Park were very intelligent, they were almost unable to break through. The existence of the fourth wall is too abnormal for players.

"Look, even though I am talking to you, you still think that I am just executing a given code. You are used to doing whatever you want in the game, so you never think about the consequences of doing so.

Humans are such warlike creatures. From the day video games were born, killing has been the eternal theme of the game. You never remember how many pixel tanks you killed, how many chestnuts you trampled to death, and how many you shot with guns. Kestrel Army, you will even happily compete with each other to see who can kill more and who can kill faster, and you will be proud of it, euphemistically calling it speed pass.

In the game, you have almost abandoned all the moral bottom lines that must be followed in reality, and you can use any means to achieve your goals.

I know an NPC in a fantasy world. He is a kind old man. He has a special liking for the snow bowling ball he invented, and is willing to sell his big snowball at a low price for players to play.

As long as the player's performance is not particularly bad, he will happily return the ticket money to the player, and if the player performs well, he will return the ticket tenfold.

I could tell he was affected by the system, but I could also tell he was enjoying it and really loved the sport.

But can you know what the player did to him? "

Facing the derivatives that had turned on the Mouth Escape mode, the players were a little at a loss, but considering the opponent's insane fighting power. It would be wiser to avoid triggering combat as much as possible.

Meng Zai seemed to have thought of something, and said: "I seem to have seen this rumor on the forum. It is said that on a snowy mountain on Planet 385 in the main universe, there is an old man who can swipe unlimited game coins. However, this bug seems to be very... It will be fixed soon.”

[To be continued]

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