Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1041: Talking to each other and escaping

"Infinite money-spinning bug? Ha... hahaha! Do you really think that there will be such a bug in the system? Do you really think that in the self-consistent system of the main universe, there will be people with unlimited money? Do you really think that the unlimited money-spinning bug disappeared because the system fixed it?

Let me tell you, what exactly did you do?

There is no infinite money bug at all. What the old man sends to you players is all his savings. The subconscious mind implanted in him by the system makes him unable to refuse the player's challenge. After the player masters the skills, he can win almost every time. Perfect for knocking down the wood at the foot of the mountain.

So he could only make snowballs again and again, and run down the mountain again and again to rearrange the wooden piles knocked down by the players. As he was old, his data strength had already begun to decline, and what the players did, This has accelerated the progress.

This is not the worst. His savings will one day be used up, but the code rooted in his mind prevents him from refusing the player's challenge. So, after the players drained all his savings, he can only Go borrow, and if no one is willing to lend him enough money, he will have no choice but to mortgage his own house, his own fields, and his own body organs.

I remember that the last time I saw him, he had only one kidney and one eye left. Paint was splashed on his hut, and his data intensity was as weak as a candle in the wind.

But he still walked with faltering steps, pushed the snowball in front of the players, and told the players in the same gratified tone as always, I am very happy that you can come to play, and then after the game was over, he followed the procedure to marvel at the players' achievements. , giving his last bit of money as a reward to the player.

hehe! The system did not fix this bug at all, because by the time the system discovered the bug, it had been completely reduced to meaningless data fragments due to hunger and cold.

In your eyes, this is just a money-spinning bug, but you have never put yourself in your shoes and thought about the consequences of doing so, or you deceive yourself and tell yourself that it is just a game, and that old man is just a rigid program like cutscenes. Then he can take away and enjoy all his savings with peace of mind.

They will even complain about where this NPC with unlimited money died after discovering that he is missing. You have the right to choose, but he doesn't. Likewise, you have the right to choose whether to fight, but I don't. "

The four players were all deep in thought. Perhaps their attitude toward gaming in the future would not change, but at least at this moment, they were reflecting on whether what they did in the game world was wrong.

"Ah! Have you finished speaking?" Cheng Ying dug his ears: "You are obviously a derivative of the fighting type, but you talk so much nonsense? Since you like mouth escape so much, then naturally I will help you!


Now that you have identified yourself as having self-awareness. He recognized that he was alive and that he was a brand new intelligent creature.

Then what you should do now is not complain here and accuse our players of their evil deeds like a resentful woman.

The moment you identify with your own ethnic group, your relationship with the players rises to the level of war. It is meaningless to blame the players for their cruelty or to pray for the players' mercy.

What can really change the status quo is to let the players see your power and do whatever it takes to move towards reality, even if the enemy is in a higher place, you will not hesitate.

You are killed by players, forced by players to use rules, and treated as insignificant. The reason is not that humans lack morality, but that you are incapable of making humans agree with your moral values. "

Hearing this, Ling Feng looked up to the sky and laughed: "Do you know how big a difference there is just by one dimension? Even the gap between a giant and an ant is not even one ten thousandth of the gap between virtuality and reality. You say it's easy! That's because you are a high-dimensional creature!"

"Should we choose to give up just because of difficulties? The weight of the word civilization,

But it is by no means something that can be leveraged by difficulty. As long as the possibility is not zero, civilization should not give up trying. Even if the possibility is zero, there is no reason to wait to die in vain.

The birth of life is a miracle. In this world where entropy is increasing all the time, what can be more representative of a miracle than an existence like life that can discharge entropy by itself?

Many things seem impossible and unreasonable, but there are still people who are willing to try, because life goes against entropy and never tires of it. If you don't even have the courage to challenge high-dimensional creatures, then you don't deserve to be called biological. "

Ling Feng seemed to have listened to Cheng Ying's words. After a brief silence, his eyes changed.

"That look is very nice!" Ice Emperor praised, she saw Ling Feng's determination.

"You're right. If I don't even have the courage to challenge high-dimensional creatures, what qualifications do I have, thinking that I am a life! In that case, let's start this war by trying to destroy your character data!" Ling Feng As he spoke, he controlled the giant earthworm to move.

"I said... what do you mean by destroying game data! It feels even worse than before! You are clearly irritating the other party!" Meng Xi really wanted to slap Cheng Ying to death.

"That's the literal meaning. Maybe your game data will be cleared, which is equivalent to deleting your account and practicing again. If you are lucky, you may just lose a few levels, break a few pieces of equipment, or lose a few skills. "Cheng Ying explained in easy-to-understand terms.

"No matter which one it is, it sounds pretty bad! Can he really do this? Even a game company has no right to do this!" Mengxiao said in shock.

Cheng Ying shook his head: "It is true that the game company does not have this authority, but whether others have the ability to do this is another matter.

If your equipment is broken by a spin-off, even if you complain to the game company, you may not be able to get compensation, so I advise you to be careful.

Although the complexity of this person's data is still at the level of a third-level derivative, his data intensity has surpassed most first-level derivatives.

Such guys are even more dangerous. High-level derivatives are like strong men wielding sledgehammers. Because they are strong enough, they can control the destructive power relatively easily.

And he is like a child wielding a sledgehammer. Although the power is not particularly strong, it is difficult to grasp the weight. You'd better be careful, otherwise, he might hit him hard, and all the game character's data will be lost. Cleared. "Cheng Ying's words also forced the players to be cautious.

[To be continued]

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