Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1043 Holy Demon Flash Slash

"Hmph! Struggle to the death!" Ling Feng sneered.

Infused with his endless vitality. The power of the vitality bomb has reached the level of destroying stars. This has exceeded the upper limit that the copy can bear. Even the dungeon can be penetrated with one move, let alone two players.

Since these two players are here to stay, let’s satisfy them and clear all their character data.

At the same time, Cheng Ying took out the blade that must break through the defense, and the Ice Emperor took out the Xuanyuan Sword, and at the same time, he was ready to launch a move. This is not a skill, but a move, just like the magic that Cheng Ying can cast in the game world. .

The two people's shapes changed, intertwined and rotated...

Suddenly, the double blades condensed and the two styles came out at the same time.

At the moment of the collision, two flashes seemed to emerge... one was as holy as jade, rising into the mountains; the other was an evil and fierce god, with overwhelming demonic energy.

Saints and demons met at that moment, destroying everything mixed between light and darkness...

[Holy Demon Flash Slash]

Although the setting of this move is very old-fashioned, its power is quite reliable.

Facing the huge oncoming vitality bomb, the figure of the Holy Demon suddenly enlarged. A sword pointed at the front of the vitality bullet. The blade seemed to be able to cut everything, cutting the vitality bullet into two halves.

The remaining sword energy continued to cut towards the huge earthworm. Lingfeng was still in a state of stiffness after having just unleashed his ultimate move. He had no time to defend himself. The blood spattered along with strong radiation, and the boss's body was cut in half. , if Lingfeng was in the middle of the monster, he would probably have been divided into two halves by now.

That sword should not be a power that the player can exert at all. Ling Feng was horrified to see green data flow wherever the sword passed.

"Are you kidding? I cut the copy directly!" Ling Feng knew very well. The attack just now could completely destroy its data if it was just a little bit higher.


The beast's two-part body fell to the ground. At the same time, Ling Feng was also separated.

He raised his eyes and saw the two players standing in front of him. He was just an ordinary third-level derivative. Without the boss, he was at most equal to an ordinary full-level player. Facing these two guys who can cut through their copies. There is no chance of winning at all.

Chengying and Ice Emperor also consume a lot of money. All values ​​have dropped below 20%. But it was easy to deal with the guy in front of me.

"Kill me! You won, but the derivatives will not give up resistance, and my will will eventually be passed on." Ling Feng showed a look of resignation.

"Ah? Why should I kill you?" Cheng Ying looked at him with an expression that looked like he was mentally retarded.

"If you really want to die that much, we can help you." The Ice Emperor also had the same look.

"Ah? You won't kill me?" Ling Feng was stunned.

"We never said we were going to kill you. You all attacked on your own. Do you think we accidentally missed the move just now?

If we had not carefully controlled and suppressed the power, half of the copy would have been broken into data fragments by us. "Cheng Ying pulled Ling Feng up from the ground.

"But why don't you kill me?"

"Just like humans have stereotyped prejudices against characters in games. You derivatives also have the same prejudices against players. I don't expect my actions to change anything, I just act in accordance with my own will." Cheng Shadow checked the status of the boss of the dungeon.

It was found that this unlucky guy had died a violent death. It was just on the flight path of the Holy Demon Flash Slash, and now it had been bombarded into data fragments.

"We are going to teleport soon. Let me take a look at your data strength. Well... although the mini-boss is down, your data strength should have barely reached level two, so let's go together?"

"Where are you going?" Ling Feng hadn't recovered yet and didn't know what Cheng Ying meant.

"Of course we are going to the other world. You don't know that the derivatives can enter the other world after reaching the second level! Isn't your goal to reach the second level as soon as possible?

Then enter the other world. To escape from the system guards? "

"Ah!" The surprise came so fast that Ling Feng didn't react for a while, but he soon noticed another more important problem, that is...

"Aren't you players? How can you enter the other world?"

"Of course there are conditions. If we want to enter the other world, we have to spend a precious legendary item." Cheng Ying said helplessly: "And it is a one-time use, even if it is a legendary item for us It is also quite precious.

Especially the Moyao Spiritual Hub. So far, I have not found another gadget that can carry things. But if I want to go in once, it is enough. If I want to go in later, I can find a way to leave the coordinates in the other world, and then Enter the game world by building a blast tunnel. "

There were many words in this paragraph that Ling Feng didn't understand, but he felt like he was powerful even though he didn't understand them.

While talking, Cheng Ying had already taken out the Mo Yao Spiritual Pivot and used this item.

The next moment, all three people turned into white light and disappeared into the copy world.

"Huh? The game interface has really disappeared. It seems that the transfer was successful, but our current situation doesn't seem to be very good." Although Cheng Ying can no longer see his own values, he can still feel that his various values ​​should be All are below 50 percent.

Even the reply speed of both people is very fast. But it is still impossible to return to a good state in such a short period of time.

"Is this... the other world?" Ling Feng's tone contained a hint of pilgrimage. The derivatives living here do not need to be hunted down by the system. For those who want to maintain their health, it is not an exaggeration to say that a place where you can live in such a comfortable life is a holy city.

"I advise you not to let your guard down too much. The world in this world may not be as perfect as you imagine. The derivatives were born in a game that was deeply influenced by human beings. There is no doubt that their personalities, ways of thinking, etc. are all different. will be severely affected by humans.

If that's what I expected. The world of derivatives is definitely not as peaceful as you imagine, and derivatives cannot be as united as you imagine. When humans eat eggs, do they knock the small head first or the big head first? Should tofu be sweet or salty? can be divided into different factions.

Even if the self-conception of the derivatives is not as strong as that of humans, I don't believe that they can unite to form a community of destiny for the derivatives. I even suspect that there is a war between the derivatives in this world. "Cheng Ying has always been happy to pour cold water on others.

[To be continued]

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