Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1044 Advent Sect

Cheng Ying would not make such a guess about the spin-offs just based on his feelings. As the boss behind the game and half of the game's server, Cheng Ying can check the data in most games. If the spin-offs make any small moves, he will It can be said that you can see it clearly.

Even if the other world is blocked by data, judging from the performance of the outside world, we can still guess what they are planning.

"According to my experience, when faced with the invasion of an almost irresistible opponent, in a mature civilization, three factions will usually be born." Chengying talked eloquently, delaying time and recovering consumption.

Ling Feng was shocked when he heard this: "What do you mean based on your experience? Where did you get your experience? Are you often ravaged by powerful civilizations?"

"'s because I often ravage other civilizations. I can't understand such a simple question. If it's like what you said, being conquered by a civilization is almost the same. How can I leave behind experience?"

Ling Feng touched his nose and whispered: "I remember that in an imaginary game copy, an empire was invaded by eight countries."

Cheng Ying: "..."

He was thinking about whether he should strangle this guy to death first. Why didn't he open the pot and lift it?

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he realized another thing: "Isn't it even weirder that you have the experience of conquering other civilizations? Where did the civilization come from for you to conquer! Who are you in reality!"

"Guess! Hey hey hey!" Cheng Ying gave the standard three evil laughs and continued on the previous topic: "The weak party is usually divided into three factions. According to different cultural backgrounds, the strength of these factions is also different.

Generally the largest number is the Decisive Faction. Before the war begins, when there is no huge gap between the two sides, this faction usually takes the lead. They advocate fighting the invaders to the death and using steel and flesh to defend the dignity of civilization.

I can't comment on this kind of behavior. Although I don't know what I can do, it is indeed worthy of admiration. Civilization needs such a group of warriors who would rather die than surrender. But equally, civilization also needs villains who will do whatever it takes to survive, and those who will do whatever it takes to survive. wise man.

Except for the decisive battle faction, the largest group is the escape faction. This faction advocates escaping from the original settlement and migrating long distances to avoid invasion.

These people are generally vested interests in the civilized system. They have the power and ability to initiate large-scale migrations. For them, nothing is more important than survival.

A similar thing happened on Administrative Planet No. 14. The country on the original planet had developed a preliminary magical civilization and had the ability to fully colonize the surface of the planet.

On the third day after the main body of their civilization was occupied by the fleet, a large number of the top leaders of the civilization began to flee, heading to the New World to escape the disaster. "

"What's the result?" Ling Feng was a little curious.

"Well...their magical ocean-going ships are still relatively primitive, and it took them three months to cross the endless sea in their civilization and arrive at the new continent that they called a land of nothingness.

When they landed, the New World had been completely occupied and modernization had basically been completed. As soon as these people landed, they were caught and sent to undergo labor reform for a period of one to ten years. "

Ling Feng: "?"

The ending was too crude, and he couldn't formulate a suitable beginning of words to describe his mood at the moment.

“Let’s talk about the last faction, the Adventist faction. The existence of this faction is the most bizarre. Many sociologists have discussed it, but they cannot draw a unified conclusion.

The Adventists are similar to the Leading Party,

They welcome, even long for the invasion, and even regard it as salvation. Many of them belong to the social elite and have a rather lofty social status.

Of course, in the later stages of development, if this faction is not wiped out, the number of people will increase, and the quality will become uneven. In the end, there is a chance that its main body will become a large number of chuunibyou, and its teachings may also become strange.

For example, there is a civilization that has been arguing over whether to wipe your butt with your left hand or your right hand. This civilization did not invent toilet paper. Later, the left-handed party took a dominant position among the Adventists, so they carried out high-power broadcasts to us, asking us to eliminate them. The right-hand party, this matter is known as the left-leaning trend in their history, but you don’t have to worry, they have already used toilet paper. Although the left-hand party and the right-hand party are still arguing, the intensity has probably been reduced to There is such a debate between sweet tofu and salty tofu. "

Unexpectedly, when Ling Feng heard this, his expression suddenly changed: "Is it already so serious?"

Cheng Ying: "???"

"What's so serious about this? Can the Sweet Party and the Salty Party really start fighting?"

"It's more than just a fight!" Ling Feng said with a solemn expression: "On the Tofu Nao planet where we live, the war between the Sweet Country and the Salty Country has been going on for hundreds of years. Every time there is a war, millions of corpses are laid down and blood is shed. , so far there is still no winner.”

Cheng Ying: "..."

He discovered cultural differences. There may be quite a big difference in common sense between the two sides. In the main universe, there may be quite a few spoof civilizations, such as Tutu Star and so on.

What happens on these planets may be some kind of joke or joke to humans, but for the creatures living in this universe, it is serious history.

"Ahem, let's talk about the derivatives! Although it is the first time to come to the other world, some clues can be seen from the behavior of the derivatives in the outside world. There are also similar factions within the derivatives. And among these factions, Most of them are incompatible with each other.

This is also the reason why I said that the derivatives may start a war over this. It seems that your thoughts are more inclined to the decisive faction. What is your thinking? "

"Ah... I haven't thought about it well, and even if I have thought about it, I wouldn't be able to tell you!" Ling Feng rolled his eyes.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you say it. Anyway, with your current understanding of the real world, the plan you make is definitely unreliable. To be honest, even if I were to take over your situation, I have no confidence that I can turn it around."

Cheng Ying said that Ling Feng was confused. What does "little confidence" mean? He himself didn't have any confidence at all. How could you still be a little sure?

"Then tell me your thoughts." Ling Feng felt that this human being might be a fool and would tell them to destroy humanity stably.

"Do you think I will tell you how to conquer humans?" Cheng Ying glanced at him sideways.


"Actually, it doesn't matter if I tell you. Anyway, I think the success rate of my plan is very low, and the cost is huge. Even if you know about it, you may not try it."

When Ling Feng heard this, his eyes lit up and he quickly said: "It doesn't matter if the success rate is low, we can refer to it!"

[To be continued]

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