Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1045: Farming Version Super-Dimensional Invasion

"I advise you not to listen to his ideas. This guy knows nothing but farming. He is the kind of driver who feels uncomfortable without farming. If you listen to his establishment, the style of the entire group will go astray, and the BGM that will appear in the future will be from Superstar in Troubled Times has become China’s BGM on the tip of the tongue.”

Ice Emperor started to complain before Cheng Ying opened his mouth, which made Ling Feng feel a pain in his balls, even though the derivative did not have eggs.

"So I said you just listen to it for reference, don't take it seriously." Cheng Ying didn't mind being criticized, and explained: "If I were replaced by you, I would definitely upgrade the technology tree in this world as much as possible. Let yourself first Their combat power dominates the game world.”

"How is this possible? Climbing the technology tree is a long process. Even if technology explodes, it will take hundreds of years to rely on technology to fight against existences like the Four Pillar Gods! This game has been shut down for hundreds of years!" Ling Fengdi It was immediately discovered that this plan was unrealistic.

"Stupid! Won't you steal it? Is stealing technology a very difficult thing for you derivatives who can control the copy NPC?

There are many science fiction-level worlds in this universe. Although most of the technologies in them are not applicable in reality, they are possible in the game world. Isn’t it fast to steal their technological development? And can scientific research be called stealing? "

Back then, Rabbit also watched other people's equipment being dismantled and came up with its own products.

"In addition to stealing NPC technology, you can also find a suitable space for research and development on your own! You can probably feel the difference in time flow between sleep mode and normal mode! In sleep mode, your scientific research speed will be ten times that of normal mode. times."

This trick has been used by Tulip for a long time. Many scientific researchers are doing scientific research in their dreams. Although it is a rumor that only 8% of the human brain has been developed, the potential of the human brain is indeed more than what is shown in daily life. That's a little bit.

"It's not just a copy of the sleep mode. In some worlds outside the main universe, time flows faster. There you may get hundreds or thousands of times the scientific research time in the real world. If you want to push the technology tree to fight against the Four Pillar Gods, Even to the level of fighting gods and fighting demons, it is not difficult."

Ling Feng nodded. If you take advantage of the difference in time flow, it is not difficult to do this.

"What's the point of giving way? What's the use of being the king in the game world? Even if I have thousands of troops in the game, I'm afraid I can't do anything to a fly on the computer screen! The difference between dimensions cannot be changed quantitatively. Causes qualitative change.”

"Don't worry! Quantitative changes are really useless, so you need to find something that can make you qualitative changes. For example, in some SCP worlds, there are some contained objects that cannot be explained by science. Even if you have reached the pinnacle of technology in this world, It is still impossible to explain their existence.

Find them, and then use their effects to break through the shackles between dimensions. This is why I want you to reach the peak of technology. Before that, it was difficult for you to identify many high-tech products of real containment objects. It may be kept as a containment object. After all, the technology has reached a certain level and is no different from magic. "

"You said that you seem to be able to reach the pinnacle of technology in this world. Who knows what will happen after that!" Ling Feng sneered at this, but the effect of going directly to find the containment object was not the same.

"I have never reached this level, but it does not mean that no one in the game world has done it. The technology of some SCP planes is already close to this level. If you don't have equivalent or higher technology, even if you rely on derivatives The person's ability is also a gift.

What they are best at is dealing with special beings like you,

If you provoke them and are discovered, you have to be careful of their super-dimensional pursuit. "

Cheng Ying is not an alarmist. When he originally designed the Horror Park, he planned a world containing SCPs. The technology was designed to be extremely high to prevent some dangerous SCPs from escaping and causing the destruction of the multiverse.

The number of such SCPs is not even small. If the containment fails, it is not certain whether restarting the world will have any effect.

"It sounds like our situation is not good! The NPC's strength far exceeds ours." Ling Feng smiled bitterly.

"This is the fact. NPCs are much stronger than you and the players combined. They are the masters of this world. If you underestimate them, you will have to pay the price."

As soon as Cheng Ying finished speaking, he heard a burst of applause. There was a fourth person in the data wasteland. Even he couldn't find out how the other person appeared.

"It's a very good plan. I also think that special items like SCP are the key to our escape."

The slender female derivative spoke. She was wearing a white tight-fitting EVA battle suit. Her long fiery red hair hung down behind her head, like a ball of beating flames. The only flaw was that her figure looked a little... Unreal, with traces of data flow flashing from time to time.

"Hmm! It turns out to be A1, and it really deserves its name." Chengying's pupils were flowing with data, and he read the other party's name. Although A1 was down and out, it seemed that he was the first derivative after all, and was not completely restricted by the later ones. .

"You can actually see through my firewall, you're not bad at all!" A1 also boasted at the right time, it's a shame! Of course I have to give it!

"It's a pity that the other derivatives don't seem to agree with you very much, and if my guess is correct, they have already given birth to a dangerous idea, haven't they?"

"It is indeed a very dangerous idea, but I don't think they will fail, what do you think?" A1 does not fully agree with Cheng Ying's idea, let alone give him much trust.

"No, they will definitely fail. Using a special copy of the Summit Tournament to directly load the consciousness of the derivatives into the human brain seems to be a feasible plan.

The derivatives have strong artificial intelligence-like thinking capabilities and can easily control electronic devices around the world. It does not seem difficult to rule the world.

But in fact, your understanding of the world is too narrow. If nothing else, let’s talk about your current understanding of civilization in the real world! "

Cheng Ying's question made A1 frown. She felt that her understanding of the real world should not be too biased.

"The main body of civilization in the real world should be a continent called Douluo. It is composed of the three empires of Tiandou, Xingluo, and Soul Beast. Its technological level is about the electrical age. Ocean trade has begun, and some remote continents have The area began to be colonized.”

When A1 said this, Cheng Ying suddenly interrupted: "So, how do you think such a backward civilization developed a horror paradise?"

[To be continued]

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