Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1051: I have food in my hands and don’t panic in my heart

Under normal circumstances, the cost of farming underground is extremely high, partly because it requires considerable costs to open up underground space. Another point is that the growth of plants requires photosynthesis, which consumes too much energy to artificially simulate sunlight.

But for infected people, these are not really big problems. Opening up underground space is not a big problem for them.

If hundreds of people are randomly assigned to practice earth-attribute techniques, they can easily control the soil underground. Create a vast space. Just compress the underground soil to the corresponding position according to the structure on the architectural drawings. This can ensure the stable structure of the underground space.

As for the second point, the plants they grow do not need sunlight. The underground lights are just for people to see things clearly. There is still a big difference between lights and sunlight. Even if it is a lamp brighter than the sun, as long as it is not a bathroom heater, you will not feel hot when it shines on it. energy consumed. It is also much smaller than simulated sunlight.

"Based on visual inspection, there are approximately 15,000 acres of land on this level. This scale of cultivation is not unreasonable! There should be other levels underground. This amount of food alone cannot feed so many people."

As the saying goes, if you have food in your hands, don't panic. If these infected people had not started planting, then as the population increased, the supplies sent by the Tiandou Empire would not be enough to feed them.

Even if they don't want to rebel by then, they will because of the shortage of food. They had to fight back, otherwise they would start fighting among themselves because of the lack of food.

Now that we have food in hand, we can accept more infected people. As long as they think about it, they can build this place into an underground city that will never fall.

Even if there is not enough food one day in the future. They also have several large organic matter manufacturing machines sponsored by someone. As long as you put weeds, grain straw and other things into it, you can transform it into organic matter that can barely satisfy your hunger.

Although it will taste terrible. But in a short period of time, it is still very simple to maintain internal order.

The two continued to move forward, calling the bus towards the next floor. Although there was an elevator, they wanted to see the situation outside the field.

The architectural form of the underground city is quite strange. There is a field in the middle and a city on all sides. The city is like a ring, surrounding the fields in the middle. This layout is quite unreasonable in urban planning. Traffic within the city will become extremely congested.

But the infected people still made such a plan, and could not see the intention. Surrounded by the city were not only the fields, but also the possible battlefields in the future.

If the dungeon is invaded, the enemy will definitely come from the center. Enter through the entrance, and when the enemy breaks in with swaying fingers, they are already surrounded. Fighting in the central part will not damage the facilities inside the city. As an underground fortress, this design is relatively reasonable, somewhat similar to the urn city of ancient city walls.

Continuing downward, the building conditions below are exactly the same, except that there are more canteens and dormitories. The dormitories are relatively ordinary, with rooms for four or eight people, which seem to be more crowded.

The cafeteria was a bit weird. A group of people sat in the cafeteria and kept eating. Most of their food is synthetic and unpalatable. It seems that eating is their job.

"What are these people doing? The food on the table feels so unpalatable. They all look so miserable. They have been eating all day, right?" Hyokui looked at them while eating, with a look on his face. The ugly-looking person felt a lingering fear in his heart.

"Hmm... I can probably see what they are doing." Cheng Ying saw the whereabouts of the food in their bodies, and everything they ate was sent to the surface.

"These people should be a group of guys who have practiced the skill of helping others to eat. They are now helping those who are performing in the field to eat.

Those on the surface need to act like they are hungry. So they definitely can't eat at ordinary times, but they can't really starve to death. So let’s make it what it is now! "

Ice Emperor shuddered: "I thought bringing food was a very happy thing. When I eat delicious food from my mouth, the fat grows on other people's bodies. And I am never full."

I didn’t expect that eating for others would be such a painful thing. "

"Since it's work, they definitely won't eat delicious food for others! If it's something delicious, why would anyone expect others to eat it for them? Food that requires others to propose is usually very unpalatable." Cheng Ying I had already guessed this possibility when I got this technique.

"Then is there such a possibility? It is to ask someone else to eat for you." Ice Emperor had an idea, and her mind was spinning very quickly when it came to food-related things:

"It's the kind of thing where I go eat something delicious and everything I eat ends up in someone else's stomach, so I don't gain weight and I'm never full. It's perfect!"

"Uh... it's not impossible. When you go back, you can try to promote it in Tulip. It should create a lot of jobs." When it comes to jobs, Cheng Ying wants to kill those guys from the exercise research department. Since then, After they created the technique of pooping for others, many jobs were indeed created, and many professional poopers emerged in society. The sudden change in style was so unbearable that people couldn't bear to look at it.

"Hmm...wait a minute, this person...something's not right." Cheng Ying seemed to have noticed something?

"What's wrong? Is there anything wrong with that person?" Ice Emperor looked carefully and found nothing wrong there.

"This man's body contains trace amounts of radioactive elements. This stuff can only be produced through artificial synthesis. It is absolutely impossible for him to eat something strange and enter his body. These radioactive substances should have been introduced before he came to Tianjing City. , it was implanted in his body, because there are no conditions to synthesize this element here."

The Ice Emperor thought for a while and said: "Since you can't figure out what's going on, let's think about the role of this element."

"Function... This element has quite a lot of functions, but it seems that there are not many uses that people on Douluo Continent can do.

Well, generally speaking, this element can be used to treat diseases, but it has nothing to do with spar disease. This person's body didn't look like he had that kind of disease.

In addition, chasing elements also have some military functions. For example, they can be used as beacons for aerial reconnaissance aircraft and scanned with special instruments. This element will be very conspicuous. Even if it is hundreds of miles away, it can be easily discovered. "

After hearing Cheng Ying's words, Ice Emperor suddenly seemed to think of something and asked Cheng Ying: "Do you remember that you told me about the mark and recapture method before?"

"Mark and recapture?"

[To be continued]

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