Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1052 Mark and Recapture Method

Chengying certainly knows what mark-recapture means, which is a very limited estimation method.

To give a simple example, if you want to know how many fish there are in a pond, you can first catch a few fish, then color all the fish, and then put them back into the pond.

Wait for a period of time for the fish to be fully mixed together before fishing, and count the proportion of dyed fish in each catch, plus the number of dyed fish that is already known. You can easily estimate how many fish there are in the pond.

This method was once widely used to estimate the number of wild animals. Tulip often used a similar method to estimate data in its early days. So when Ice Emperor mentioned this word, what did Cheng Ying immediately think of?

"What do you mean? Is anyone using this method to estimate the overall number of infected people?"

"Yes, and this is normal, isn't it? Even if you don't consider the possibility of their planned exposure, it is necessary to regularly count the number of infected people. Reconnaissance planes cannot accurately count. Then this method becomes a convenience A quick statistical method?" Ice Emperor said proudly, she finally reacted faster than Cheng Ying.

"It's indeed a bit troublesome to say that. This statistical method can directly see through the disguise of infection." Cheng Ying frowned.

If you use other estimation methods, you may be fooled by infection. But the mark-and-recapture method, which seems to be a very primitive method, cannot be deceived by the superficial work of the infected.

The infected people may not know that someone has been secretly marked, so when allocating people who stay on the surface, they will not consider whether they have been marked, which means that it is basically random. In this way, the people who have been marked will not be considered. The proportion occupied on the surface should be similar to the proportion occupied underground.

Therefore, even if we only count the number of people on the surface, we can estimate the total number of infected people.

At the same time, in the sky...

The fighter plane driven by soul power flew over at high altitude, and the pilot controlled the fighter plane to hover at high altitude: "Yak! You can see it clearly this time. Last time you told me that only one person out of a hundred was marked. I almost let him go." We both got scolded by that fat woman.

If you count wrong again this time, I'm afraid our fighter jets will be confiscated, and from now on we will have to fly airplanes to spray pesticides in the countryside. "

The fire control fighter known as Yak has two white, four yellow and two purple bodies, eight soul rings, and his eyes turn into ice blue. In this era, having such a configuration of soul rings is already quite advanced.

After all, it is done slowly, there are too many people, and almost everyone can become a soul master. Where can a soul beast breeding farm raise so many soul beasts? If I had known, even in the Chinese country on earth, the annual pork consumption per person is only about 30 kilograms. This amount is already the first in the world. It can be imagined that a person eats pork in his lifetime. A maximum of ten pigs will suffice.

The living standards of the people of the Tiandou Empire are still far behind those of the Hua Kingdom. Even if they are comparable, and using soul beasts as their entire source of meat, the average person can only receive ten soul rings in a lifetime. A white soul ring, and a yellow hundred-year soul ring requires at least ten ten-year soul rings to synthesize. It is conceivable that even if everyone has the talent for cultivation, it is impossible for everyone to be assigned a soul ring.

Contra is not a high-end combatant at the national level, but among the people, his social status is almost that of an ordinary business owner. What's more, his martial spirit is still a precious physical martial spirit, and his eyes have astonishing vision.

"Don't make any noise. I saw it clearly. I definitely didn't count wrong last time. That old woman was just jealous of us being young and promising, so she deliberately gave us small shoes.

I counted correctly this time. We found a total of one mark, and there were a total of 153 people in this area. The number of marked people accounted for definitely less than 1% of the infected people.

No matter how much that fat woman threatens me, I won't change the report again. I'm really scared. The worst I can do is change jobs. Who is afraid of whom? "

"That's right. I've had enough of that fat woman. I hope someone will come and replace him soon. By the way, you really counted correctly this time. If it's really less than one percent, how about the infected people? Instead of 300,000, we marked three thousand people back then." The driver said in disbelief.

"Who knows, maybe the marks of the infected people were pulled out when they pooped. Or maybe the marked infected people all died, or maybe there are really 300,000 people.

No matter what, the number of infected people is not a problem we need to worry about. How to figure it out is just left to the big shots above to quarrel. Let's just do our own thing. Let's fly around again just in case. "Yake said without caring.

"It's because you are so upright that you have always been a pilot on field duty. If I had your talent, I would be lying in the office soaking in wolfberry water."

"Yes! By then you will drink the Mediterranean and get gastroptosis! Hurry, although the official says there is no radiation in the sky. But only a fool will believe the official lies. I don't want to be infected with the spar. Disease." Yake stared at the infected people below, silently counting their numbers in his mind.

He is still young, and the future can be said to be bright. In this era, the originally powerful beast spirits have declined, and those spirits often cause large changes in the body that the spirit uses.

For example, the limbs swell and grow brown hair or scales. Grow tails, ears, or claws. If you were in the Star Luo Empire, these would be relatively easy to deal with, because the armors of the strong men were all tailor-made battle armors.

But in the Tiandou Empire, this is very troublesome. Everyone's mechas come off the standard assembly line. You need to find an extra pair of ears. When wearing a helmet, you must fold down the four channels on the top of your head. If you have an extra tail, you have to tie it around your waist. If you have an extra pair of wings, you can basically say goodbye to mechas.

In contrast, weapon souls have become the son of versions, especially those auxiliary souls that are even more popular. Their bodies will basically not mutate, and they can drive standard mechas without any problems. As for the martial soul, it is an item anyway. You can put it anywhere. Some are more compatible with mechas. It can even be held in the hands of mechas.

Although Yake was only the fire controller of the fighter jet, it was only because he had a bad mouth and offended his superiors that he was expelled from the Mecha Legion. No, he obviously did not learn the lesson from the last time. He still has no intention of compromising with his boss, and plans to report this report truthfully. Of course, the reason for his uncompromise is probably that his boss is a fat woman. If it were a beautiful woman, this first battle of infected people might not be possible. It's another ending.

[To be continued]

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