Tiandou Palace, the originally magnificent palace has now become the most important administrative institution of the Tiandou Empire. It has the highest upper limit and the lowest lower limit among all the systems in the imperial city.

It is highly dependent on the emperor's personal ability, and throughout the millennia of ancient and modern times, Xue Ye can be considered a wise emperor.

And a wise king obviously needs to have the ability to see the subtleties, and Yak's report would not have received such attention. However, Xue Ye keenly discovered the seriousness of the matter from many files, and then began a comprehensive investigation.

After a one-time detection via drone, the Empire basically determined that the infected were secretly resisting. At the same time, they also began to mobilize troops as soon as possible. Prepare to suppress the resistance of the infected.

If the rebels were anyone else. There is still the possibility of negotiation or even recruitment, but this is definitely not possible for infected people. Their death will easily cause a radiation zone within a hundred meters. The impact of these radiations on animals and plants may be limited, but it is undoubtedly fatal to humans.

This does not mean that animals and plants will not be affected by radiation. It is just that animals and plants have short life spans and will die before they affect their lives. That is to say, the legend says that as long as I die quickly enough, the disease will not be able to harm me.

If an infected person with this characteristic lives together with ordinary people, the radiation zone created will be quite huge. The consequences would be devastating.

No one can accurately determine when each infected person will die, and the empire cannot afford to take this risk. Close to half a million infected people can make the elite areas of the empire barren. If they really accept them, the empire will face destruction. danger.

The Tiandou Empire mobilized its strongest military force, the Vast Sea Xuanqi Troops, to transport all the cloud energy reserves from various parts of the empire. Arriving at the outskirts of Tianjing City.

Earth attribute soul masters were mobilized to cooperate with the construction machinery. High walls of reinforced concrete were built. The high wall, which is more than fifty meters thick, almost completely surrounds Tianjing City.

The strategic purpose of the empire is to limit the battlefield to this circle. All pollution must be blocked inside by this circular city wall. The purpose is to prevent an infected person from having a chance to successfully break through.

At the same time, the Tiandou Empire urgently contacted the Soul Beast Empire and asked Cheng Ying for help. Unfortunately, they did not receive full assistance and only received partial material support from the Soul Beast Empire.

Such a result is also expected. I am afraid that for him, it does not make any difference whether the Tiandou Empire is ruled by ordinary people or infected.

With his ability. It may not be difficult to develop protective clothing that allows ordinary people to live in radiation.

The Star Luo Empire also provided some symbolic material assistance. Then he happily watched the Tiandou Empire get into trouble. This kind of thing was the type of thing that people loved to hear about. Just like before, the Tiandou Empire madly mocked the Star Luo Empire and was harassed by the rebels. It would be no exaggeration to say that the two empires were feuding, and each wished that the other would die immediately. At this time, he didn't add insult to injury because he was concerned about Duke Tulip's face and was worried that he would be sanctioned for interfering in the situation on the mainland at this time.

Outside Tianjing City, the army is being mobilized. Even with today's convenient transportation, it is very difficult to mobilize a million troops within 24 hours. Not to mention building a complete city wall to trap the infected inside.

In comparison, the infected who had been planning for this day for nearly a year were obviously much more advantageous. After a war mobilization and speech, the troops responsible for the breakout were ready to go.

Their weapons and equipment are definitely incomparable to the regular army of the Empire, and their industrial capabilities are even more incomparable. Their biggest advantages are their individual strength and radiation deterrence after death.

Therefore, the purpose of the breakout force is also directed at the opponent's armory. They need to plunder enough military supplies from there. Therefore, even if they do not use weapons, the infected are still very powerful. But there is no doubt that it will be stronger when using weapons.

The Tiandou Empire produces standard weapons for humanoid creatures, and they can use them as soon as they get them. Even mechas and tanks are not skilled in driving. It's also good to be a shell.

A major advantage of a soul-driven engine compared to a diesel engine is that even if it is destroyed, it will not cause a violent explosion. So you don’t have to worry about being shot out of the gas tank while in the car. As a result, before he could show his strong fighting power, he was killed in the explosion in frustration.

The infected's attack was swift and powerful, leaving no time for the Imperial Army to react. The goal is to destroy the opponent's shield machine and destroy the enemy's armory.

A shield machine is a piece of equipment that can dig underground at high speeds. Cooperating with an earth attribute soul master, the digging speed may be faster than the running speed of an adult on earth. If this kind of crazy thing is not destroyed in time, the underground base of the infected people may never have peace.

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The breakout troops were divided into two groups. TBM and armory. All are heavily guarded. But unfortunately, the troops who broke through came out of the ground.

They built such a big base in the ground. Why not send a few channels to the outside? The earth is opened. Three hundred elite infected people rushed out from the ground.

They only have the simplest soul-guiding weapons with them, but each of them controls the soul power extremely well, and can even bend the soul power beam emitted. The most exaggerated one can even be like controlling a flying sword. Control a beam of light hundreds of meters per second to shuttle among enemy troops.

It can even control dozens of such energy beams at the same time. After entering the enemy's army, it is like thousands of swords returning to the clan. Every energy is like precision guidance, destroying the most vulnerable part of the enemy.

Many pilots screamed and were killed before they had time to board their mechas. Although the soldiers who enlisted were all soul masters, due to insufficient soul ring configuration, their cultivation levels were generally below the third ring, and their soul rings were all White. Facing mortals with no cultivation, they are considered powerful, but without their mechas, they are just a piece of cake in front of infected people whose minimum strength is no less than that of a top-level soul saint.

For a moment, the camp was blazing with flames. When the support troops arrived, all they heard was violent explosions. The commander of the support troops looked ashen, and their armory was ruined.

By the way, there was a serious subsidence in the military camp. The infected blew up the passages they used when evacuating, and the underground structure fragmented, causing earthquakes on the surface.

Fortunately, the simple earthquake did not cause much damage to the troops. On the other side, the troops guarding the shield machine also suffered heavy losses. The infected had a clear purpose. After destroying the shield machine body, they began a crazy pursuit of the earth-type soul master.

[To be continued]

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