Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,055 The Infected’s Plan

If you lose the shield machine and the empire's powerful logistics capabilities, you can create a new one in a short time, but if you lose a large number of earth-type soul masters, then it will be a different matter.

The attributes of a soul master are quite random. Most souls don't even have attributes. For example, the martial soul is a boomerang or a rhinoceros. There is no way to calculate the attributes of these. Could it be that they are mechanical and insect types? ? Soul Masters are not Pokémon, so they definitely cannot be counted like this.

Therefore, the proportion of soul masters with attributes is not high, but scarcity does not mean they are precious. People with particularly smelly poop are also very rare in the human group, but their wages are not seen to be higher than others.

Therefore, soul masters with attributes will not receive much resource tilt. In addition, the empire needs soul masters with various attributes, and there will be even fewer earth attribute soul masters to be trained.

Even if the empire wanted to temporarily recruit and give soul rings for training, it would not be able to push a first-ring soul master to a soul saint or even higher level immediately.

Indeed, not attaching a soul ring will not delay the improvement of soul power, but the problem is that the training speed of a 20th-level soul master is definitely different from the training speed of a 50th-level soul master. The latter is undoubtedly faster. many.

In other words, the speed at which a normal soul master's soul power improves is X squared, but after the soul power is limited to a certain level, the speed at which it improves is only That is to say, you can get two soul rings at once.

Even if the empire can use drugs to assist in improvement, the effect will definitely be very limited. It has to be said that although the infected people's strategy is cruel, it is quite correct.

For the soul master who lost his earth attribute, the digging speed of the shield machine dropped sharply from more than ten meters per second to a few meters per minute. Although it was still very fast, it had no advantage over the digging speed of the infected themselves. .

The Tiandou Empire suffered a setback in the first battle, and the assembled troops were no match for the infected. After the breakout force created a gap, a full 20,000 infected were killed.

These are the suicide squads among the infected who have failed to treat themselves. They all know that their lives are not long, so they are willing to use their own deaths to fight for the interests of the uninfected.

Although the treatment failed, the symptoms of severe infection made their strength even more violent and terrifying. After the breakout, the 20,000 troops divided into four groups and attacked the four major industrial towns of the Tiandou Empire.

The four major cities are all industrially developed and densely populated. The short-term peace allowed the expansion of the cities to crush the city walls, and also allowed the army of infected people to march straight in. Five thousand strong men who are comparable to titled Douluo really have the ability to move mountains and reclaim seas. ability.

Although reinforcements ranging from 10,000 to 20,000 people had arrived in the city, they could not stop the overwhelming army of infected people. The city defense system only lasted for a pitiful two hours. The combined attack of the infected exploded the shield.

A purple-red light beam with a diameter of 100 meters flew over the city, penetrated the atmosphere in one breath, and then disappeared. All the residents in the city watched this scene with lingering fear. If this episode was directed at the city center, I'm afraid most of them will evaporate instantly.

After the infected troops wiped out the troops in the city, they had no intention of looting at all. Military discipline was strict, and military control of the city was instituted. All kinds of materials were rationed, and civilians were organized to build the city wall. The technicians took the drawings and started. Restart the city shield. These four cities are the escape route for the infected.

Before touching, they have already calculated,

It is an important industrial town, and its production capacity accounts for almost 30% of the empire's entire industrial capacity. If the city is irreversibly contaminated by radiation, the empire will undoubtedly face unacceptably huge losses.

After successfully occupying four industrial towns, the infected began to implement the secret plan they had formulated from the beginning. The infected in the four industrial towns began to count the migrant population in the city.

And find those who are leaving the city, take their IDs and start disguising themselves.

Even though the empire has entered the information age, its organizational capabilities are still difficult to reach down to the village and town level, and remote areas are even more slow to respond to national policies.

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At this time, it was less than forty-eight hours before the infected started to take action, and most areas did not even know that the infected had already revolted.

Many infected people who meet the requirements in height and body shape will immediately obtain the identity documents of outsiders and undergo disguise. He quietly left the city and lurked in their area.

These people are the last trump cards of the infected. Once nothing can be done, they will take the initiative to use their skills to turn themselves into crystal dust.

This can quickly infect all humans contaminated with crystal dust within a kilometer radius, while creating a larger permanent radiation zone. If we say that the loss of 30% of the domestic industrial capacity is still within the tolerance of the empire.

Then the loss of tens of millions of people and the rule of grassroots towns are completely unacceptable to the empire.

If things really get that bad. The infected person will use the last device to broadcast to the whole country, explaining to the infected people that they will understand that once they are infected, they have drawn a clear line from their previous lives.

The only way to fight for the right to live is to let more people become infected and make the infected become the majority.

What will happen next, not even they can predict. There is a high probability that it will be like the Resident Evil crisis, where many crazy infected people use crude weapons, smeared with crystal dust, and crazily attack those who are not infected.

And those who are scratched by weapons will most likely switch sides in a short time. After all, there is a difference between infected people and zombies. They have their own wisdom. After weighing the pros and cons, they will still choose a strategy that is more beneficial to them. .

This is also the ultimate resort for the infected. If this does not allow the infected to fight for equal rights, then they can only blame themselves for their bad luck.

Cheng Ying roughly guessed what they were thinking after seeing the infected soldiers breaking out of the encirclement divided into four groups.

"By the way, did you come up with such a damaging idea for them?" Ice Emperor asked with vacant eyes.

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense! These are all ideas they came up with themselves, and even if their plan is really like this, it may not be implemented smoothly.

Human nature is much more complex than they imagined. Not everyone will consider the interests of the infected person after being infected. Unexpected factors such as hatred, belief, and even luck may cause their plan to fail.

However, their plan is relatively complete. Even if their uprising fails in the end, there will still be a large number of infected people in the empire, and the huge number is enough to give them certain rights. "

[To be continued]

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