Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,056 Infected Persons in War Zone

"I can still fight, but where is my mecha? The infected have already knocked on the door, so you just lock me in a solitary room? I am a soldier, not your prisoner!" Yak faced the people outside through the iron fence. Roar.

"You used to be a warrior, but now, you are an infected person." The figure outside the door gradually faded away, and Yak held the cold fence door tightly with his hands, feeling complicated.

"Okay, stop screaming!" Russell's voice came from the isolation room opposite: "It's really unlucky to be your colleague! It's okay to lose my job because of your involvement. Now there is another person who has been in close contact with the infected person. You are quarantined. If you ask me, just sleep here obediently. Nothing will happen when you wake up.

With your ability, they will definitely not treat you badly after the war is over. The worst thing they can do is monitor you more closely. "

"But why! Although I am infected, haven't the crystals in my body been removed? Isn't my condition very stable? I won't die suddenly on the battlefield, so why can't I participate in the battle?" A punch hammers the high-strength alloy wall. A deep fist mark was left on the wall.

"Don't be so angry. Think about it. You are an infected person now. Indeed, your condition is very stable. It is impossible for you to suddenly self-destruct and kill one of your own people during the battle.

But they are afraid! I'm not afraid that you will blow yourself up, but I'm afraid that you will turn around and kill one of your own people with a knife.

You yourself think that there is nothing wrong with you, but others don’t think so. They think that you are all infected, and they must be towards the infected! When the time comes for a fight, you can backstab, reveal your identity as an infected person, and switch sides on the spot, without any sense of disobedience at all when you join the other side. Tell me how you want people to believe you. Russell shrugged:

"You see, even I have been imprisoned. The big shots above must be afraid that those of us who come into contact with the daredevils will mutate. Then we will be outside the city wall. Cooperate with the rebels inside, Kabbah! Take the city As soon as the door opens! Gaba! Smash the shield generator!

Wuhu! Done! "

"Can they judge a person's worth just by whether he is infected with the disease? What is the difference between this and ancient times judging whether a person is noble by blood?" Yake sat down on the bed. It was not that he couldn't get out, the person in front of him was The iron fence couldn't stop him at all.

But what's the use of him going out? On the contrary, he was even more suspected and had no chance to go to the battlefield.

"The difference is huge! Let me tell you this! In the eyes of those big shots, the infected are already another kind of creature, even if the infected are not contagious. They will not cause harm to ordinary people. Sooner or later, your specialness will also It will attract persecution." Russell was lying on the bed with his legs crossed, not feeling any sense of isolation at all.

"In ancient times, when soul masters were first born, weren't soul masters special? Why weren't they persecuted by most people? I just became an infected person. Under normal circumstances, I would have lived for ten or eight years. It’s no problem, why should I be regarded as an alien?”

Russell turned over, sat cross-legged on the bed, dug his ears and said: "I have nothing to do anyway, so instead of arguing with the idiots on the forum, I will have a good fight with you!"

Soul masters were not regarded as aliens because mortals were no match for soul masters. With the organizational capabilities at that time, ordinary armies would collapse directly if they were overwhelmed by powerful soul masters. Even if all the mortals combined, They are no match for soul masters, so for thousands of years it has been soul masters who have been oppressing mortals.

But now, the infected are weaker. You are few in number and your life is short. Most of you will not be able to leave any descendants and will die in pain. More importantly, you have no country to back you, no strong industrial base, and no massive preparations. troops,

In the face of the well-trained Imperial army, you have almost no ability to resist.

Even if your individuals are more powerful, even if you may regard soul masters as representing the correct direction of evolution, in the eyes of the conservative upper class, the cancer cells in your empire must be eliminated.

It is impossible for the empire to care about what you think. Indeed, if you are given enough tests, your loyalty will definitely be proven. But the problem is that the empire simply does not have enough experience to assess you. If you are an extreme fighter, Luo, or a demigod, might get a chance to prove himself.

But you are just a little-known Soul Douluo, and you don’t even have a ten-thousand-year soul ring, so you are locked up here now. "

Russell said yes, went to the sink and took a drink of water, and continued: "If you ask me, you also have a problem with your own mentality. Just like what they said, you are already an infected person and you are still thinking about the interests of mankind every day. This is inconsistent with What's the difference between a rabbit among wolves?

If I were you, I would definitely think about how I can survive first. Rather than fighting for the empire. The best thing you can do now is to stay calm and wait until the war is over. It is basically impossible for the empire to lose anyway.

When the war is over, and people see that you are so honest, they will just give you a casual job and monitor your condition. "

Yake didn't speak. He seemed to be unable to think of anything to refute, but he couldn't agree with it.

While the two of them were talking nonsense, the official war had already begun.

After encountering continuous sneak attacks by the infected, the empire finally discovered the weakness of the infected. The infected did not have an organized air force. Although almost all of them could fly, they lacked the means of long-range attacks. The soul cannon had a range of several hundred meters. It is already very far in a ground battle, but in an air battle, this attack distance is really difficult to have much effect.

It is precisely for this reason that the empire dispatched a large number of fighter planes to bomb the areas occupied by the infected. After suffering heavy losses in several tentative counterattacks, the infected should not give up the fight.

The effect of the air force bombing was very poor. After the infected gave up the fight, almost no one was killed. Although the power of aerial bombs is huge, their effect on underground fortifications is really limited. Even if they airdrop a nuclear bomb, it will be no different than scratching an itch for those underground fortifications that are hundreds of meters deep.

Unless a big killer weapon like Big Ivan is thrown here, it will be difficult to cause effective damage to the underground base.

As for things at the level of Great Iwan, even the Tiandou Empire wants to take them out. It also takes a long time to prepare.

After such a long time, God knows how much damage those infected people killed have caused.

For a moment, the Imperial Army, which had just gained a slight advantage, seemed to be in a state of passivity again. At the same time, the infected company troops trapped underground did not give up their actions.

[To be continued]

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