Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1058: Making a sound in the east and attacking in the west

The infected people's counterattack was expected by the imperial army. Although the strongest Vast Sea Xuanqi Army was weakened due to holding back its ultimate move before, this time the empire was prepared.

All soldiers are neatly dressed. The ordinary soldiers are equipped with power armor, equipped with a large amount of automatic firepower, and one rocket per person, which implements the style of Big Bang.

The elite force is composed of mecha divisions. Different models are arranged in different arrays. They swoop down from the sky and cooperate with the cover of fighter planes to pour out terrifying firepower.

In contrast, the battle of the infected on the other side is more fantasy or fairy-tale style. The warriors form a military formation, and the purple soul power evaporated from their bodies gathers above their heads and turns into a sea of ​​purple clouds. .

According to the commander's will, the soldiers can be provided with defense or attack enhancements, which can also be directly converted into powerful attacks. To a certain extent, it is very similar to the Vast Sea Xuan Qi, but not as flexible as the latter. However, this flaw also means that It makes them more powerful.

The bullets hit the purple sea of ​​clouds and were consumed in an instant. The warriors among the infected were really too strong. Their average individual strength was at the level of Titled Douluo. The sea of ​​clouds condensed by such strong men was simply like It's like substantive soul power. The bullet seemed to have shot into the real ocean, or it would lose all speed within a few meters.

They had no choice but to engage in close combat with the opponent. Although all the Empire's side were wearing power armor, the weapons that ordinary soldiers could equip were not very sophisticated.

Most of the cost is spent on heavy firepower, and the flexibility and close combat capabilities are quite weak. After all, the cost to achieve this is extremely high.

On the contrary, if the armor only provides power, allowing soldiers to maintain high mobility even after carrying a large amount of heavy firepower, as a turret output, the cost can be reduced to a very low level. Only then can every soldier be equipped with such an armor. Armor.

The stiffness of the armor in close combat has now become a fatal flaw. Although the infected only have relatively crude weapons. But in the case of crushing strength, even without weapons, punches and kicks are extremely powerful.

Back when the titled Douluo were still at the top of their combat power, each one of them was as powerful as a ten thousand enemy. Now, with tens of thousands of such powerful men forming an army formation, it is really overwhelming.

The vanguard of the Tiandou Empire almost collapsed at the first touch, and was beaten to collapse in an instant. The commander also realized that it was difficult for ordinary soldiers to play a decisive role in dealing with such a powerful coalition.

Maybe forty well-trained ordinary soldiers, relying on traps and attrition, can hunt down an infected person of the Title Douluo level, but if replaced by four hundred thousand ordinary soldiers, they are definitely no match for ten thousand infected people.

The arrival of peacetime forces commanders to pay more attention to soldiers' battle losses. Compared with the war years, the pensions of soldiers today are several times higher than before, and they also have to pay attention to the influence of public opinion. As the days of peace have passed for a long time, the war-weariness in the country has become stronger.

Even on a snowy night, it was impossible for the soldiers to suffer as much loss as before.

The ordinary soldiers who were originally responsible for delay began to retreat immediately after receiving a major blow. The commander's retreat order was quite timely. Only the front army was defeated, which did not affect the formation of the rear too much. After leaving a few soldiers, the rear was broken. At the cost, most people still withdrew.

At the same time, the mecha division, as the backbone, also faced off against the elite of the infected.

Compared with bulky power armor, mechas are much more flexible, with more joints and a more reasonable design, allowing the operator to control their own body and make many subtle movements.

On the battlefield of conventional firepower confrontation,

This kind of function is not very useful, and it is not an exaggeration to tell the truth, but when facing a strong person, this flexibility can play a huge role.

The mecha was designed like this because it was forced by the strong men of the Star Luo Empire.

If it is only designed to look like a tank, then facing those guys who can dismantle the machine with bare hands, there is basically no ability to resist. Before you turn the muzzle, they have already circled behind you. If it is just a tank, they only need a few A few strong men rushing in with sticky bombs can wipe out a tank division.

At this time, this dexterity had already had its due effect on the battlefield. Facing an army whose strength was generally no less than Titled Douluo, they were not at a disadvantage in hand-to-hand combat.

But compared to ordinary soldiers, it was the mecha army that was at a numerical disadvantage this time. Even after inheriting a large amount of Tulip's inheritance, capturing reincarnations, and even EVA, the cost of mechas remains high, and more importantly, the training of pilots.

It is true that neural connections can be used to control mechas, but due to subtle differences in physiological structure, such control is undoubtedly imperfect. It is impossible for the empire to tailor mechas for everyone. The difference in height and body shape can only be determined by the machine. The teacher's technology made up for it.

This is also an important reason why it is difficult for those beast soul masters to become mecha masters. If it is just a matter of height, short, fat and thin, it will be easier to adapt, but if it is an extra tail than the mecha, it will be too troublesome. Even if the spirit is not released, the spirit master with a tail will swing it subconsciously during the battle, and the movement of the tail will adjust the balance. This is the same as an amputee will subconsciously think that his limbs still exist.

In short, for various reasons, the number of mecha divisions is very rare. Although they are equally matched in hand-to-hand combat, the numerical disadvantage still makes the imperial army's front line continue to retreat.

The power of the infected, you have finally been taken seriously by the empire for the first time. In the past, the empire was more worried about the radiation they carried. It did not pay much attention to their war capabilities. It believed that as long as the regular army of the empire arrived, it would be enough. They can be wiped out easily.

Now it seems that in terms of pure military strength, the infected people who are all soldiers are probably barely enough to reach the level of the God's Empire.

Just when the commander of the Tiandou Empire thought that the infected wanted to fight a head-on decisive battle, fighter planes suddenly flew out of the underground city exposed on the surface, accelerating to supersonic speeds in an extremely short time. state. At a frantic speed, he rushed towards the opposite direction of the battlefield.

The empire has always believed that the infected can only rely on their own powerful abilities, without the support of an industrial system. As long as they are surrounded but not attacked, they can be trapped to death bit by bit.

But at this moment, the infected told the empire with reality that they also had their own fighters.

[To be continued]

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