Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,059 Air Combat

Since the war, the air has always been the territory of the imperial army, but this time, this time, they finally realized that they had made a huge mistake.

The infected can build huge underground cities, and naturally they can also create their own fighter jets.

Although an industrial system involves an explosion of technical categories. It is very difficult to establish a complete industrial system in such a short period of time.

But the relatively simple military volume is not completely impossible. Especially in this universe, the technical difficulty of fighter jets is actually quite low.

Back when Chengying had just manufactured steam engines, he had already started manufacturing jet fighters. Even today, soul guide stamping technology is still an extremely practical technology, even if the problem of thermal expansion and contraction needs to be considered. Most of the time the accuracy can reach micron level.

This greatly reduces the time required to climb the technology tree from scratch.

In addition, the storage soul guide can also carry propellant for fighter aircraft. It can carry a large amount of propellant without increasing the mass, which is absolutely revolutionary for aircraft.

What's more, even in Tulip, fluid-less propulsion is still in the experimental process, and the technology is not yet mature.

At present, the engines of most rockets are essentially the same as those of Sky Monkeys, and the infected fighter jets are essentially giant Sky Monkeys that can adjust their flight direction.

They focused almost all their technology on propulsion and steering. This allows the fighter jet to be extremely flexible and maintain extremely high speed in the air.

As for how to land...

This problem is not within the scope of the designer's consideration. The infected people can fly, and the worst they can do is jump out of the plane. The fighter plane is designed for one-time use. There is no expectation that this thing can land smoothly, and it doesn't even have any landing gear.

Such a large flying monkey is much less difficult to design, and almost no difficulty to produce. You can really do whatever you want without thinking about landing.

The speed of the fighter plane is 30% faster than the fastest fighter plane in the empire, although the top speed is quite unstable due to the influence of aerodynamic shape and shock waves.

But this thing was originally designed to crash, so instability is not a big problem. It just needs to be able to fly roughly in a straight line when escaping. Anyway, even if the record explodes in the air, the driver will be fine.

The low cost made the number of these things quite huge. More than 500 of them were dispatched at one time, and each row carried a large number of soul bombs.

Their goal was not an air battle, but to bomb the surrounding city walls and weaken the strength of the barrier surrounding the city walls.

In terms of the range of the weapons they carry, the infected are still at a disadvantage. They can equip fighter planes with machine guns and rockets, but it is absolutely impossible to mass-produce sophisticated precision-guided missiles in such a short time.

It has a natural disadvantage in terms of range. Even in the air, it is better at close combat. After all, the soul guide ray has a range of nearly a kilometer.

That thing has no mass and is very fast. It shoots out in almost a straight line. As long as it is locked, it is basically impossible to escape.

Although the speed of the raid was fast, the empire also had fighter planes on standby near the city wall. More than two hundred standard fighter planes took off quickly, preparing to intercept the large flying monkeys of the infected.

However, this kind of thing is really difficult, and the speed of the large flying monkeys is really too fast. Missiles can indeed track enemy fighter jets to a certain extent.

But that's only if the missile flies faster than the fighter jet. Or both sides are facing each other.

The problem is that these large flying monkeys fly too fast.

Each driver has strong physical fitness. There is no need to worry about acceleration causing harm to the body. As a result, they can accelerate and turn unscrupulously, and the missiles cannot catch up with them. There were many fighter jets chasing four or five missiles. Draw a gorgeous trajectory in the air.

People who didn't know better thought he was followed by a wingman.

The imperial fighter plane, which was at a speed disadvantage, released missiles without achieving any results, and was immediately hit by a violent storm. After the distance was shortened, the power of the soul guide ray was revealed.

The fast attack is impossible to dodge, and after being targeted, it is basically shot down because of it, although the range is indeed a fatal weakness. But the speed of the large monkeys was too fast. As long as the fighter planes were targeted by them, they basically could not escape the fate of being killed by them.

For a time, the two hundred fighter planes responsible for blocking suffered heavy losses and retreated hastily. Unlike the infected, they were not worried about crashing and did not even install landing gear for the fighter plane.

Most of the pilots of the Imperial Army have no ability to fly. If they are shot down, they will most likely end up with a plane crash and death. The chance of being able to successfully parachute is extremely slim, so they cannot care about battle losses like the infected.

The fighter planes carried a large amount of explosives and threw them in the direction of the city wall. The violent explosion submerged the entire city wall, and also bombarded the barrier on the city wall to the point of collapse.

Unlike ordinary city-level shields, the walls surrounding the infected are too huge. It cannot be covered by a whole shield.

So interactions are broken into chunks. Installed on the corresponding city wall. A total of seventy-two barriers were formed, covering a hundred miles radius.

Such a huge range means that they have weaknesses, that is, any shield is independent if destroyed. It means that a gap has been opened in the encirclement.

Along with the onslaught from the sky came the Infected's ground forces. This time it was a mighty army of hundreds of thousands. Although all of them were no longer elites at the Titled Douluo level, they at least had the cultivation of Soul Saints.

It looks extremely shocking, with hundreds of thousands of people boundless, but if you look carefully, you can find it. Only the outermost of these people are warriors, and those in the middle of the team are actually just ordinary infected people who have received simple training.

They are indeed very powerful, but not organized. It's hard to say how much strength they can exert. This can be judged from the relatively thin purple sea of ​​clouds above their heads.

The purpose of the infected is not to attack the city, but to send out a large number of infected who lack combat effectiveness.

These people could be engaged in production before, but after being surrounded, they became a burden. They had to be escorted out of the encirclement. Allow them to play their best role.

After seeing through this, the commander of the Tiandou Empire not only did not breathe a sigh of relief. Instead, his expression became more and more solemn. If these 100,000 people were killed, the empire would win the war. It also lost strategically.

[To be continued]

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