Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1061 Super Pilot

What came out of the hole in the city wall was nothing else. It is a silver-white standard mecha.

Mechas have no absolute advantage over fighters in air combat, and may even be at a disadvantage to a certain extent. Unless the mecha pilot's skills are superb, he will have an absolute advantage when facing fighters.

The most attractive thing about the white mecha in front of me is not its silver paint, but the series of red stars on the mecha's shoulder armor, some large and some small, almost covering the shoulder armor.

Each star represents a victory. The big stars represent the recorded mechas, the small ones represent fighter planes, and the stars in the four corners represent tanks or Thunderstorm tanks.

The stars painted on the mecha were so densely packed that it was difficult to count them at a glance. There was no doubt that this was once the car of an ace pilot.

It's just that the pilot has retired, and this mecha is just the mascot of the army. Commander Xicheng never expected that someone would fly this mascot.

The military is actually a very obvious place. For example, the artillerymen in the past liked it. Hanging a fragment of a shell casing around their neck, they believed it would help them. Reduces the chance of a cannon exploding.

During the period of queuing to be shot, many soldiers also liked to put a coin in their breast pocket. They believed that this coin could block a fatal bullet for them.

However, in fact, even if the bullet hits the coin, it is still fatal. What's more, the probability of a bullet hitting a coin is very slim, but no one would mind kicking one. This is no different from forwarding koi fish before an exam, making sure to pass every exam, and answering questions with a pen used in the Confucius Temple to pray for blessings.

The mecha master responsible for guarding the West City, the superstitious mascot, was the mecha piloted by this legendary pilot. It is said that this legendary mecha master had gone through one hundred and ninety-seven battles, large and small, and was one of the top ten veterans of hundreds of battles.

And almost every time you faced an extremely difficult and dangerous battle, you were almost wiped out several times, but he survived tenaciously. Even the body of the machine was basically kept intact, and a crazy amount of military industry was accumulated during this period.

The pilots believe that as long as they carry this mecha, they can contaminate the luck of the legendary pilot.

But to them, this is just a mascot, and no one really expects him to turn the tide on the battlefield and reverse the situation.

But I don’t know what happened, but this time someone actually drove this mecha!

Because this mecha is just a mascot, it is not possible to even communicate with this mecha in a short period of time, and it is not possible to judge the other party's friend-enemy relationship immediately.

However, the opponent did go straight to the infected air force and killed it. It is not difficult to see its tendency.

But the problem is that the legendary pilot of this mecha has long since retired from the army, and his body is just an ordinary mecha, and there is nothing particularly powerful about it.

Facing the overwhelming enemy firepower, rushing forward like this is no different from seeking death.

Just as the commander expected, the three or four fighter planes suddenly stared at it, swooped down, and aimed their soul guidance rays to send this flashy mecha into the sky.


Three consecutive buzzes of soul-guiding rays were heard, but the legendary mecha only turned slightly sideways and dodged one, then spun half a circle in mid-air and slipped through the gaps of the other two.

The driving skills were unpretentious, but extremely useful. While dodging the attack, the mecha was already less than a hundred meters away from the attacking fighter plane. The anti-aircraft cannon on its arm was turned on, and it started firing.

The two sides are walking towards each other, and the distance is so close,

There is little room for escape.


The two fighter planes emitted black smoke and fell from mid-air. The pilots escaped quickly. The individual targets in the air were too small to aim at. The mecha did not pursue them, but took the opportunity to increase altitude.

In air combat, height is particularly important. A taller body can accelerate by gravity, giving it a greater advantage in combat.

The infected fighter planes have blocked the sky. Whether they can break through the blockade will determine whether the mecha can continue to achieve results.

The fall of the two fighter planes made the infected notice this flashy machine and immediately launched a concentrated fire on it.

Soul guidance rays need to be stored, so they chose machine gun fire. Although the armor of the mecha is thicker than that of the fighter, its speed is much slower, and aiming is not difficult.

Bullets fell like a violent storm, but the mecha that hit the sky was jumping left and right in mid-air, causing most of the bullets to miss.

Even if it was impossible to dodge, opening the shield instantly would block it. This is a standard method of avoiding barrages in air force training. Every pilot knows it, but no one can do it as perfectly as he does.

But at this moment, he was only 500 meters away from the blockade area. More than ten fighter planes were besieging him, all of which had completed the energy storage of the soul guidance ray.


More than ten fighter planes fired almost indiscriminately, and the soul-guiding rays left twisted streams of light in the air, intersecting at all locations of the mecha.

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die!" Russell, the co-pilot, yelled in horror. The mecha was attacking the ground formation like this without even a wingman. What's the difference between this and seeking death!

Yake's eyes were cold, and his eyes turned into bright blue. The next moment, time stretched infinitely in his eyes, and the speed was exaggeratedly slower than the strength of bullets, allowing him to see the trajectory of every soul ray.

He controlled the mecha to make incredible movements, passing by the intersecting soul rays. Even if it was a salvo, there was a sequence.

It was as if the mecha had really used up bullet time, allowing soul rays to pass by.

But the enemy's firepower was too dense. After all, there was a soul ray that couldn't be avoided and went straight to the cockpit.

Yak, however, calmly raised his shield to block the moment he was about to be hit, and at the same time used the legendary skill of shield deflection.

The moment the energy attack hits, turning on the shield has a chance of reflecting the enemy's attack.


The soul-guiding ray was like light meeting a mirror and was reflected back violently. The fighter plane that had just launched the attack exploded and fell as if it had been struck by lightning.

The mecha's thrusters were fully activated, soaring into the sky, violently breaking through the high-altitude blockade, and reaching above the clouds.

"The killing has begun!" Yake licked his lips. Although this mecha was not his own, it unexpectedly felt very good. He felt that he had definitely performed beyond his level.

The mecha rushed up to the sky and suddenly pulled out a big sniper gun from behind. The sniper rifle used by the mecha was ten meters long. It was like a heavy cannon when placed on the ground.

Even if the shield is turned on, being hit by this thing will result in the shield being shattered and everyone dying. But for Yak, who broke through the blockade, the killing has just begun!

[To be continued]

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