Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1062 Suspected Root Algorithm

"Brother! You didn't tell me you were so awesome!" Russell, who was in the mecha fire position, felt that his views were shattered. Yake's operation was simply amazing. Everyone seemed to be playing different games. game.

To give a simple analogy, everyone is playing DNF-type online games, but Yak is playing Zelda. As long as the operation is good enough, he can directly enter the castle from the novice village, and defeat the final boss with a little temper. There is no game like this. The controls are so good that you can ignore the difference in attributes. If you get hit once, you will be dead. If you don't get hit even once, it will be over!

"I'm probably not this strong normally, but this machine is so easy to use." Yak's eyes flashed blue, as if he was Neo who had seen through the matrix code.

"This feeling...isn't it? Root algorithm?" Cheng Ying, who was originally just watching this battle with the mentality of watching a drama, suddenly widened his eyes and sprayed happy water directly from his nose.

The so-called Root Algorithm is a scientifically unexplainable phenomenon that once appeared in Chen Qin. Chengying originally called it "Tao", but after releasing Thriller Paradise, he felt that the Root Algorithm was more suitable for this purpose. The name of a phenomenon.

Just now, Cheng Ying's mental power created a vacuum around Yake's body. It was impossible to directly observe its movements. The situation on the scene could only be viewed through its reflected electromagnetic waves. The phenomenon of the physical laws being distorted was almost the same as Chen Qin's use of the source. The algorithm is exactly the same. The difference is that Chen Qin's root algorithm is used to defeat the enemy, while his algorithm looks like it will make sure that he will never make wrong operations for a period of time.

"Is it really the root algorithm? Do you want to capture it by force?" Ice Emperor's eyes lit up. She also wanted such a powerful ability.

"If it is really the root algorithm, even if we capture it before it stops, it will be useless, and it may even cause catastrophic consequences." Cheng Ying is still calm and has no intention of committing suicide.

"Disastrous consequences? He only has one mecha, and his cultivation is only over eighty levels. What's so disastrous?" Ice Emperor curled his lips: "We can defeat him with any landing craft, okay?"

"If that's really the root algorithm, and it's the same memory as we guessed, then there's almost nothing we can do to him until he stops.

He will never make wrong operations, which is reflected in the current battlefield. It's just that his operations are awesome. He can kill seven in and seven out in the scene and no one can stop him. But that's because his enemies are only of this level. You said that if we are one What is the correct operation to fire the star-destroying main cannon of a Dreadnought-class battleship? "Chengying hypothesis.

Ice Emperor tugged his hair: "In that case, he will probably end up playing with the planet under his feet! How can there be any correct operation! Even if he self-destructs all the energy, he will not survive."

"Indeed, there is a high probability that he will be wiped out, but what if his characteristics must ensure that he can survive? The energy of the mecha is limited, which does not mean that he cannot borrow the power of others or the power of nature.

Do you still remember how we evacuated Douluo Planet? Even if the Cloud Shepherds collectively self-destruct, the damage they can cause is only comparable to a fusion weapon like Big Ivan, but they have triggered a doomsday disaster like a super volcano eruption.

Not only can they do this, but Yake can also do it.

Remember the story I told you about the wandering earth! Although there are many plots of personal heroism in it, it is indeed the choices of a few people that can move the entire planet.

If we conduct an arrest, can you determine what kind of exaggerated strategy the root algorithm will give for this? Who knows when the time comes, he will strike a certain teleportation node in the void with one strike of his sword.

He summoned a demon king from another world to resist our capture. "

"Is it that exaggerated?" Bingdi felt that Cheng Ying was thinking too much.

"Then do you think Best Metal is exaggerated? It's an absolutely solid metal. Even if I use my mental power to expand ten kilograms of metal into a huge film that can wrap the planet, its solidity has not decreased at all and it is still indestructible."

"Okay! What you said makes sense. The root algorithm is unreasonable to begin with, so when will it stop!"

Cheng Ying shook his head: "I don't know, but according to Chen Qin's experience, this trait will probably disappear after some of his strong thoughts relax."

"Don't you need to test it? For example, test his specific characteristics. If you guess wrong, then you will miss the opportunity to catch him."

"It's not necessary. If I guess wrong, we can capture him at any time. Whether the empire wins or the infected win, it won't make it any more difficult for us to take him away. In this case, why not just wait and see what happens. What?"

Ice Emperor curled his lips and said: "Tch! I won't tell you anymore. No matter what you say, you are right."

Tianjing City, West City Wall.

The infected air force encountered a little trouble. There seemed to be an ace pilot hidden among the enemy. Although his cultivation level was not high, his driving skills were extremely superb and he had shot down more than ten fighter planes.

And this record is still rising. The mecha has its feet on the clouds, and the huge sniper rifle in its hand is like a heavy cannon. It is loading and aiming in an orderly manner, and the bullets are falling like meteors. No matter how you try to avoid it, you can't seem to avoid it.

At ultra-long distances, you can shoot down fighter planes by drawing a parabola. In many cases, if you don't do a lot, you won't be hit. It was precisely the action of dodging that allowed the fighter plane to arrive at the right place at the right time. Then it turned into a ball of fire in the air.

After someone realized this, they immediately notified all infected pilots through the pilot's internal channel, immediately asking everyone to change their strategies. After confirming that it was aimed and seeing the muzzle flash. Bian immediately stopped operating the fighter plane. Let it slide freely.

But even if they did this, they were still hit. Their opponents seemed to be demons from hell, able to see through people's hearts. No matter what strategy they adopted, they would be seen through by the enemy, and then they would destroy the shield with one shot and end the battle.

Above the clouds, Russell was completely dumbfounded as he watched Yak's operation. This was not like an operation that humans could do at all. Every step was as magical as a miracle.

It felt like the enemy was hit for sure the moment he fired. By reversing the order of cause and effect, no matter how the opponent reacts, this blow will definitely hit, just on the surface. However, Yak's eyes only glowed blue, which was no different from using his martial spirit normally.

[To be continued]

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