Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1063: One person’s reversal

The killing is still going on, and there are still a lot of bullets in the storage soul guide. If we continue to kill with the current efficiency and ensure that one bullet can kill an enemy, then it will not be a problem to destroy all the enemy fighters on the scene.

It's just that a person's combat power is limited after all, no matter how fast he shoots. It also takes two seconds to fire once, which is determined by the loading speed.

It's not that he doesn't have weapons with faster firing rates, but that there is no way for faster weapons to achieve such a range, at least he doesn't think he can.

The sniper rifle equipped with the mecha basically does not have any automatic parts. All are manually loaded and manually ejected, which can maximize the accuracy of the firearm to ensure that the range is far enough. This is also true for many old-fashioned rifles in reality, such as the familiar 98K, Mosin Nagant, etc. In modern times, adding a sight The reason why the scope can still be used as a sniper is that in terms of firearms, the simpler the structure, the more reliable the performance.

But this undoubtedly requires sacrificing the shooting speed. Even if he shoots at the extreme speed, including the time to find the target, it will probably take half an hour to eliminate all the infected air forces.

At this time, he had become the target of public criticism. There were still more than 500 infected fighter planes, all of which came out in full force, determined to destroy this ace pilot.

The opponent's flying speed is faster than him, and the weapon's firing speed is also faster than him. All he could rely on was his greater skill and greater dexterity.

But it is extremely difficult to deal with being surrounded. Almost dancing in a thicket of bullets. Many times, the mecha will even make some incredible moves. For example, stretch one arm forward and one arm backward. The right elbow is bent upward, and the left elbow is bent to the left. Split your legs to form a horse. This action looked extremely funny, but it happened to miss every bullet in the air, while Yak calmly fiddled with the joystick, as if this was just a normal operation for him.

After all, it was impossible for all 500 fighter planes to engage in firefights with him at the same time. The number of fighters that could attack him at the same time was at most dozens of fighter planes.

This gave him enough room to dodge, allowing him to survive even if he was surrounded by a large army. Even when he saw the infected air force and reinforcements coming, he didn't show any panic.

The infected knew that they were recruiting more troops, and the imperial coalition also saw the war-god-like performance of the mecha driven by the mysterious man.

This kind of driving technique allows you to remain in a deserted land even when surrounded by enemies. Only the god of war can describe it. Commander Xicheng urged the operator: "Have you not deciphered the other party's connection code yet? Establish contact with the driver as soon as possible. We must cooperate with his battle."

Although Yak himself was in a state of ease, all the spectators were sweating for him. His style of play where he had to use some extremely exaggerated freeze-frame postures to avoid enemy artillery fire was like dancing on the tip of a knife. , even dancing on the tip of a knife is much safer than this.

If someone with a weak heart sees him doing this, he is afraid that he will have a heart attack. From the commander's point of view, the scene in front of him is full of tragedy. If the battle in the air is replaced by the fighting on the ancient battlefield.

That was when our army was defeated. A powerful general single-handedly entered the enemy's formation and fought fiercely with the enemy's army. He fought bloody battles for three days and three nights, killing seven in and seven out, but in the end he was outnumbered and died of exhaustion. He died in battle. At that time, there was not a single wound on his body.

Although the style of painting is different, in most people's eyes, this scene is full of such tragic colors.

If we don't send a large army to respond at this time, the death of that famous general is simply inevitable.

"Connected, connected!"

In the correspondent's shout,

The commander grabbed the microphone and said hurriedly: "How is the situation over there? Do you need support?" He didn't even ask for his identity. Anyone who could do such a thing would be in trouble if he was an undercover enemy.

"Ah? Who are you?" A confused voice came from the other end of the communication. At the same time, the mecha's movement was half a beat slower, and it was almost hit by the enemy's beam.

"I am the commander-in-chief of the Western Military Region, Bai Mo, do you need support now?" Bai Mo was quite embarrassed, but this situation is normal. In ancient times, soldiers almost had to recognize the appearance of their generals. No matter how unfamiliar they were, they had to at least have seen them once. Otherwise, the situation would be very bad if the soldiers on the battlefield did not know the generals and the generals did not know the soldiers.

But now, as long as you bring a walkie-talkie, whether you have seen the general listening or heard the general's voice is meaningless, so it is normal for the commander not to be recognized.

"Support? Even if it's just for me. Once we shoot them all down, the day lilies will be cold. If you can send some manpower, attack from the southwest. I feel that the enemies there are more fragile. If you succeed, it should be We can achieve good results. I will try my best to mobilize the enemy's formation to make their left wing weaker."

The voice on the other end of the call was too calm, and what did you mean by waiting to record them all? You plan to shoot everyone out with one shot!

However, the commander still kept in contact with him and mobilized the deployment of troops according to his requirements.

More than two hundred air forces that were almost dispersed reunited this time and charged towards the left wing of the infected air force. You don't know what to ask? The enemy army was originally extremely powerful. When facing them this time, he seemed extremely fragile. He was easily shot down and crashed, like fireworks, with a piece falling off.

"Now turn your army around. What you just ate was the enemy's bait. If you continue to go deeper, you will be surrounded." Yake's eyes seemed to be able to see through the enemy's purpose.

The reminder was given one step in advance. Although the commander did not believe it, the reminder just now proved that the opponent's judgment on the battlefield was indeed good. In order to give the opponent face, he ordered the air force to immediately pull up and turn around.

Then he saw with cold sweat on his face that the originally fragile group of infected fighter jets were now surrounding their original position like wolves and tigers. If they had not run away immediately, they would have been completely wiped out by now.

"Now raid their central army. I have found the captain of their central army. I will shoot him down when you rush down." Yak continued to command.

Under his command, the Imperial Army split the infected fighter group into two sides with little effort.

Cheng Ying smacked his lips: "It seems I guessed right. This guy's characteristics are indeed not limited to piloting fighter planes. If we attack at this time, who knows what kind of power he will use to fight back."

[To be continued]

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