Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1064 Algorithm Comprehension

"What you said is simple. The infected will be defeated." Ice Emperor looked at Cheng Ying's proud face and couldn't help but strike.

"Where are the victorious generals on the battlefield? Defeat is not normal. Just because I gave them a hand doesn't mean I want to guarantee their final victory. I don't belong to any camp. At most, I can only help the infected. It just creates an opportunity to fight for rights.

If I help them, I must help them to the end, which is unfair to the empire. To be honest, if they know the truth, if they let them choose, they will definitely hope that we will not treat Douluo Star at all. Intervene. "Chengying always has lines of defense.

"You can't tell me! But after watching it for so long, how much have you learned about the root algorithm? I can't catch him and study it. Even if I catch him, I'm afraid he won't be able to study anything."

"Well... it is indeed difficult to study something. The root algorithm seems to be difficult to explain in a scientific way. But it may not be impossible to learn this thing.

The root algorithms of Yake and Chen Qin were not originally possessed by them. This at least proves that people who do not have the root algorithm can also obtain the root algorithm after reaching certain conditions. The cultural level of these two people can eliminate the vast majority of the need to obtain the root algorithm.

The first and most important point is that to obtain the root cause, the algorithm no longer requires profound knowledge, and it should be something that can be carried out without any action, as shown in several previous monitoring and experiments. There are no clear signs for these two when using the root algorithm.

Even under close monitoring, the two people did not even have obvious mental fluctuations. From this phenomenon, it can be deduced that obtaining the root algorithm probably only requires a thought.

Of course, it may also be to put ourselves in a certain situation, such as a plot with a passionate protagonist like Yak. If it is the latter, it may be difficult for us to learn, but if it is the former, there is still a little attempt. possible. "

"I always feel like you are talking nonsense. How can you deduce so many things without any clues? But it seems to make sense, so how can I get the idea?" The Ice Emperor was a little interested, and he just needed to think about it. Who wouldn’t want to gain otherworldly abilities?

"Uh... how do I know this? I can read minds, but it requires close contact with the mind of the person being read, and it requires me to concentrate. Even so, some things hidden deep in the subconscious The content was not read by me. The most important thing is that it was impossible not to be discovered.

Whether you can realize this ability depends on your personal understanding and your luck. Anyway, my thinking speed is fast enough. He can try to go through all the possibilities he has thought about, maybe it will work, and it won't cost any money anyway. "

"Doesn't that mean you didn't say anything? Who can't have random thoughts? I haven't seen anyone gain superpowers by relying on random thoughts." Ice Emperor felt that he had been cheated, and a lot of Cheng Ying's nonsense sounded reasonable. But it's actually of no use at all.

"How do you know you can't do it if you don't try? It's nothing costly anyway." Cheng Ying had already started trying as he spoke. With the speed of his thinking, there were countless thoughts that went through him in an instant, but they seemed to be all It has no effect and is no different from ordinary random thoughts.

"Okay, it doesn't cost any money anyway. Just give it a try." Ice Emperor pretended to sit cross-legged on the ground, as if a cultivator was having an epiphany.

The enlightenment state that soul masters had in the past will basically not appear in soul masters now, because hey, there are too many things to learn in education classes. Whenever I want to have an enlightenment, I will suddenly find something I am enlightening. I seem to have seen it in an exercise book a few days ago.

Then there’s no epiphany.

So the Ice Emperor was just pretending to sit cross-legged. In fact, he was thinking about some meaningless things in his mind. For example, what are you going to eat tonight? A random drink will appear in the trophy for a while. In addition to Dr. Pepper and Douzhier, are there any other dark drinks?

In short, eight out of ten thoughts are related to eating. It doesn't look like he can understand the root algorithm.

However, even Ice Emperor herself did not expect that in the process of her random thoughts, she suddenly felt a flash of inspiration.

"Wait! I seem to have a feeling! I feel as if I can definitely do something. Is this the root algorithm you mentioned?" Ice Emperor said excitedly.

"Don't tease me? You were just thinking wildly for a while. You can't really figure out the root algorithm! Have you never thought wildly before?" Cheng Ying felt that this was unreasonable.

"Forget it, just give it a try and see what your so-called root algorithm is?"

"Well... let me give it a try! I feel like I need a coin. Do you have any?" Hyokui touched his pocket, but there was no coin in it.

In this era, let alone coins, physical currency has almost been eliminated. I want to get something like coins. Generally, you can only get game currency by going to a retro-style arcade.

"Stupid! Don't you know how to control atoms? Just pinch one yourself." Cheng Ying had already thrown a coin to her: "Speaking of which, you won't suddenly realize some skills like the electromagnetic gun, right? This kind of thing does not require root algorithms and can be easily achieved using technology."

"I feel like it's not an attack-type ability. Well... it should be that you need to throw the coin out, and then... it seems to have been activated." The Ice Emperor was confused and watched the coin roll and fall to the ground. There seemed to be no abnormality in the process. occur.

Cheng Ying: "???"

But just when the coin hit the ground. Something unusual happened. The coin, which originally had only two sides, was neither heads up nor tails up, but stood up.

"Don't tell me, this is the root algorithm you have figured out. What does it mean to flip a coin and it will definitely stand up? I can do this too!" Cheng Ying threw a coin and the coin rolled in mid-air. , and after falling to the ground, he stood up steadily.

"As long as you control the force and calculate the angle of throwing it, you can easily stand it up with coins. This technique was difficult for ordinary people in the past, but now most Tulip citizens can do it. ." Cheng Ying felt that his feelings had been deceived.

"I didn't calculate it carefully. I just threw it casually and it stood up. If you don't believe it, I can do it again."

[To be continued]

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