Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,075 Human body plug-in

"To be honest, I don't know why I suddenly became so strong. Many skills that I didn't know how to use before were suddenly mastered. Even I didn't expect it to be so smooth.

In fact, I don’t know many more skills than before, but the ones before looked fancy. But I can now use all the techniques that I could hardly use in combat.

It feels like when playing a game, some complex game features have been simplified into one-click triggers, and the effects can be adjusted as you like. "

"Can pilots also have epiphany breakthroughs or explosive seeds? I always thought that your profession can only rely on the accumulation of skills to become stronger little by little." Chen Zihan's practice speed increased by leaps and bounds after becoming an infected person, so for epiphany and She is quite experienced in exploding seeds.

But something like a pilot that really relies on skills is similar to fighting that relies solely on physical ability. There are basically no shortcuts. Theoretically, progress can only be made through hard work and excellent talent. But the current situation can no longer be explained by hard work and talent.

"I'm not sure if this happens to others. Anyway, I suddenly felt that I knew how to do everything. I always feel that this super feeling can be extended to the game."

"Then I wish you good luck, but I think the difference between games and reality is quite big. I was tortured quite miserably in the game." Chen Zihan took Yake and headed all the way to the lower level of Silva.

Generally, production positions that do not involve combat will be placed in the middle and lower levels. These positions are relatively safe. Even if a battle occurs, the probability of it being affected here is very small.

The size of the game strategy department can be considered very small, with only two studios of 20 square meters and one lounge. There are a total of 24 game rooms and 30 employees, divided into two shifts during the day and night. People, ten people at night.

Although it is true that you can sleep in the game room, and the sleep mode can make the brain think that you have rested to a certain extent, you will definitely be tired if you keep spinning like this.

"Let me introduce you to each other. This is your next new teammate, Yak." Chen Zihan directly introduced his real name. The infected only knew that there was an extremely powerful and talented mecha master who caused huge damage to their strategic transfer plan. Troublesome, but I don’t know the appearance and name of this mecha master. So there is no need to hide this aspect.

"Hello! Call me Peng Shuai. I am the minister here. Welcome to join!" The person who received Yake was a fat man in his early twenties.

"Thank you, is our job just to compete?" This is the first time Yake has joined a professional team. Although his spare time is not that small, it is much less than that of professional players. His high winning rate also relies on skills. , rather than attributes of the character.

"Almost, it's about to enter sleep mode. You still have a few books left to finish the qualifiers. Let's finish it as soon as possible and let's form a team to clear the books. The team survival mode is the best. Try to line up the team books. You can use it first. Unit 12, please! Unit 7 has been sent for maintenance."

Peng Shuai was very direct. He just gave a brief introduction and went straight to the topic. There are many professional players who do not have very high emotional intelligence. Obviously, this is the case right now.

Yake is not someone who cares about such things. He can still play games after being captured. No one else has received this kind of treatment. What else can he be picky about?

Log into the game immediately,

Speaking of games, he hadn't played them for many days, but this time he not only didn't feel unfamiliar with them, but actually felt comfortable with them.

Even the game's controls feel smoother than before, oh, it's like the depth of neural connections is deeper than before.

He immediately took advantage of his good condition and played a round of games...

"I said... this guy can play games even when he is captured!" Cheng Ying had a weird expression: "This treatment is too good, it feels like that demigod-level girl is going to be wasted."

"Why didn't I see it? If this guy still had the root algorithm, wouldn't he be unbelievable in the game?" Ice Emperor joined Cheng Ying's conference room to watch the live broadcast of Kiyak's game.

“It can only be said that he can be as powerful as cheating in the game, but his algorithm is the most restricted in the game. There are almost infinite operations that can be performed in reality, but there are far fewer operations that can be performed in the game. .

For example, the earliest game controller has only ten buttons in total, including the start and pause buttons. In a game like this, even if you operate it in an unexpected way. If you encounter a monster that is beyond the player's response range. It is absolutely impossible to win.

His algorithm is that the more choices you have, the stronger you will be. There are far fewer choices in the game than in reality. He faces a copy-generated level. You can achieve almost a hundred percent winning rate because the possibility of winning is always non-zero.

But if he's facing other players, that's a different story. If the character's attributes are too different. The probability of winning can be zero. "

"Although you talked so much that I couldn't understand it, it seems that his opponent was beaten." The Ice Emperor pointed at the screen. The arena between the two of them was an ice field.

But it's not on the ground, but a huge ice floe floating on the ocean.

Yak's main ability in the game is the bow and arrow. When he is in the air for a certain period of time, he can enter a state similar to bullet time. In this state, they can shoot at a faster speed. And have longer time to aim.

However, I want to use this trick. Basically you can only jump from top to bottom. There is no height difference. Achieving this effect requires a very complex skill set. Simply put, it tests the player's reaction ability. It requires a very high level of skill to play successfully. It is an ability with a very high upper limit and an extremely low lower limit.

His opponent's ability is much simpler, at least easier to control. It is a big sword with flame attributes. It can release the sword energy after a short period of charging.

Although it will be weakened by the ice field, it has the advantage of easily changing the terrain. On this battlefield, as long as you attack without thinking, there is a high probability that the ice will melt directly. Smash the opponent into the sea water.

The game's simulation of various body sensations is quite realistic. Although the pain sensation will be weakened. But the physiological response meets the form of injury. It is reflected in the survival value. If you fall into near-zero sea water, ordinary people will lose their temperature in a short time. Even if you don't drown, it will be difficult for you to survive for more than one minute. Even if the player's physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary people, falling into the water will It's definitely not a joke.

However, the big sword player with such a huge advantage is being chased and beaten at this time.

[To be continued]

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