Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1076: It’s not cheating, it’s better than cheating

Yake didn't really cheat, but his operation was as if he was cheating. Originally, falling into the cold water was a near-certain death situation.

After being melted through the ice by the flaming sword, other players would definitely avoid those holes. After falling in, the icy cold sea water will instantly make the players lose their ability to resist. Just imagine the winter in the north. After taking a shower, there is no heating, and then you open the door directly and come to the outside world where it is 30 degrees below zero. How does it feel? If you magnify this feeling ten times, it's probably the same as falling into an ice cave.

However, Yak jumped directly towards the ice cave. His move directly shocked his opponent. For a moment, I wondered if this guy was fixing the match. But he is just an unknown casual player. is this necessary?

However, he soon realized that he was completely wrong. The other party did not admit defeat by jumping into the ice hole. But it's amplifying the move.

As mentioned before, Yak's skills need to be released in the air, but on the endless ice field, simply relying on the airborne time brought by jumping is definitely not enough.

So without saying a word, he jumped directly towards the ice hole. The gap between the water surface and the ice surface gave him enough time to stay in the air.

Immediately his bullet time effect was activated, and everything began to move slower in his eyes. Immediately afterwards, there was a bow in his hand.

This is a sophisticated weapon that has the special effect of shooting one arrow into five. The most important thing is that it is effective on special arrows if it is placed in front of you. Five shots at a time, all hitting, the damage is absolutely heartbreaking.

However, the opponent in front of him was enough for him to use special arrows, draw the bow and shoot in mid-air. At the same time, two bombs are released, one in front and one in the back. The two bombs are round and square, with the round one behind and the square one in front. This is also a series of skills similar to his bullet time. Both bombs were placed behind him. It looked like he was going to attack himself.

In fact, a bomb in the rear was detonated first. The shock wave blew away the bombs ahead. The square bomb that was blown away hit Yak's body and knocked him into the sky.

Although this caused him to lose a certain amount of blood, he gained a lot of time in the air, and when he got into the air it meant the game was over.

In the bullet time state, he kept drawing the bow and watched at normal speed. The arrows are like a string of beads. The one in front just flew out, and the one in the back caught up. Like machine gun fire, click, click, click, all hitting the opponent. The instant kill was completed without giving the other party any time to react.

This is a smooth operation. There is just the slightest deviation. You will fall into the icy water. If you are lucky, you may be blown up by your own bomb, losing your balance and falling to the ground. But in that case, you can only wait for the opponent to rush over and hit the target. It is a typical one-pass operation that is as fierce as a tiger. When you look at the results, you can see zero bars and five.

However, he still won, killing his opponent instantly with equipment that was no better than his opponent's.

meeting room……

"I'm going? Are you back so soon?" The potato chips in Peng Shuai's hand fell to the ground. Because there is a lack of food in the dungeon, if you want to taste the various snacks in the outside world, you can only do it in the virtual world. This is also one of the benefits of these players.

"It's not like you met a professional player and was instantly killed."

Yak shook his head: "No, that guy doesn't seem to be very strong.

Probably not a professional player. "

The information contained in these words is shocking. What does it mean to not be very strong, if you lose. It is certainly impossible to say that the opponent is not strong.

"What the hell? You went up and knocked down your opponent. You weren't a professional player before, were you?" Peng Shuai's eyes widened with disbelief on his face. He was originally waiting here to guide the newcomers. But now it seems. This person in front of me is not a newcomer at all, but a big boss!

"That's right! That guy didn't understand my skills. As a result, he was suddenly attacked and killed by me. You guys should wait for me to play a few more games first. After finishing the remaining qualifiers, I will fight you again."

"Oh!" Peng Shuai hurriedly agreed. Although the infected people's current social situation is almost in public ownership, it does not mean that performance is not important to them. The man in front of them is their hope of winning the championship.

Another round of matching begins, this time the battlefield terrain is a castle. Towering spiers can be seen everywhere. Fighting in this kind of terrain, Yak's advantage is simply not too great, relying on his excellent stealth skills. He leaned behind the enemy without making any sound.

In addition to these skills for frontal combat, Yake's most practical skill is sneak attack. The name of the skill is sneak attack, and the effect is the same as the literal meaning. If you get behind the opponent without being noticed by the opponent, and launch an attack, you can trigger a critical hit with eight times the damage.

Yak took out a huge two-handed sword, touched it, and launched a sneak attack. His opponent was still looking around to see where he was. I felt a buzzing on the back of my head. Then the screen went black.

When the attack power of a huge two-handed sword is multiplied by eight, it is definitely enough to kill most players instantly.

In the conference room, Peng Shuai, who was about to arrange the copies with his teammates, saw Yake, who had just switched to white light and entered the instance, appeared in front of him again in less than a minute, and everyone was stunned.

"Don't tell me that you killed your opponent instantly this time."

"Ah... that's about it. The opponent's vigilance was too low. I touched his back without being noticed. As soon as the sap was applied, he fell." Although the fighting style is a bit unsatisfactory. But the results are truly outstanding.

"How about I wait for you a little longer? At your rate, ten one-on-one dungeons can be completed in less than ten minutes."

"But... forget it, I don't get instant kills every time, it's just good luck and good luck."

Peng Shuai believed it for the time being, so he prepared to arrange the script again. Half a minute later...

White light flashed before his eyes again, and Yak appeared in front of him.

"I'm lucky. This time my opponent used a heavy weapon and the forward swing of the attack was relatively large. I happen to be more restrained against this kind of opponent. I may not be able to end it so quickly next time."

Half a minute passed, and the white light flashed again.

"There was a lot of contact with that dungeon just now. I happened to have a special weapon with thunder and lightning attributes on me. The opponent was paralyzed by me as soon as he came up. It was a fluke! It was a pure fluke!"

Peng Shuai: "..."

I fucking believed you. Once was good luck, twice was a fluke. Three or four times, he killed his opponent instantly, and he said that he was just lucky. No one would believe it!

"Okay! Don't be humble. I've already seen it. You are such a master! Finish the game quickly and lead us through the level!"

[To be continued]

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