Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1077: Encounter on a narrow road

"I'm really not as good as you say. When I was filming team survival mode in the past, I usually didn't have much effect. Even now, I'm just a little better at fighting. I'm not good at solving puzzles or anything like that." Ke felt a lot of pressure. He had no experience in being the boss. Let him be the captain of the team, and he doesn't know how to direct it at all.

"It doesn't matter, you just get used to this kind of thing. If you think you are better at fighting, we can arrange a killing mode. There is a three-on-three mode. You can go in and get used to it first." Peng Shuai suggested.

"Okay! I'll try my best!"

"Let me introduce you to my teammate, Qin Ming. He was originally from the combat department. Fiery Canglang, a group with strong combat effectiveness. However, after being shot by an arrow in the knee, he retired from the combat department and was responsible for supporting in the game. Owned The ability to change terrain. It should be very suitable to cooperate with you in combat."

Although the introduction was full of flaws, Yak still shook hands with Qin Ming, and then began the killing mode matching.

Perhaps it was some luck, but the team they met was Tang San, Oscar and Ma Hongjun's team.

Just three people have basically been able to pass the qualifying rounds stably. Perform killing mode matches. It is also to increase combat experience and temporarily improve combat effectiveness.

Entering the dungeon, Yak felt his eyes darken, and he couldn't see his fingers around him. He didn't like this environment very much. Because it is very detrimental to his fighting style. Even if he wants to show off his skills, he must at least be able to see his opponent.

Fortunately, his teammates came up with a solution to this situation. After Qin Ming entered the dungeon, he had an extra spacesuit on him. This is his equipment. It comes with a 3D printer that can print props using materials commonly found in dungeons.

Realizing the darkness among us, he immediately printed out a work light to illuminate his surroundings.

Only then did the group notice that they were actually in a cave. The sudden light scared away a few bats.

The sharp chirping echoed in the narrow cave, like a ghost's cry, and something seemed to be hidden in the shadows behind it. Although the work brought light, it also cast the shadows of the stalactites in the cave onto the walls of the cave. The shadows made people always feel that something was following behind them.

The cave is extremely winding. There are many forks in the road. Every time you pass a corner. Everyone is on tenterhooks, fearing that something will suddenly burst out from inside.

"To be honest, this is the dungeon that I am least good at dealing with. I remember being scared offline in this dungeon several times before." Yak said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. Just be responsible for commanding the battle. Fatty and I will solve other problems. Since the cave is like a maze, let's keep it simple. Just walk in a straight line." Qin Ming took out something like a huge gun. , aim at the wall in front of you.

"Wait a minute, although the wall cannot be destroyed, breaking the wall all the way forward will consume a lot of energy." Yake felt something was wrong, although he felt that with his current fighting skills, even one-on-three would be no problem.

But the problem is, if your teammates fall down due to fatigue. He may be killed by the frightening plot and the fatal plot set up in the dungeon. He must have room to operate if he wants to.

"Don't worry, destroying terrain is my specialty. This thing consumes almost nothing for me. Unless I encounter particularly hard terrain, but in that case it only consumes the store and not the physical energy. As long as there are enough plants nearby. For example, next to Those moss and fungi can quickly replenish electricity.

As he spoke, he had already started working. The thing that looked like a huge gun in his hand did not release an attack, but acted like a vacuum cleaner. A strong suction force suddenly erupted, sucking in all the earth and rocks on the wall in front of it. They didn't know where it was stored, but they saw the wall in front of them sinking quickly. In the blink of an eye, another cave appeared. Dig holes as you go. The group was actually able to walk in a straight line through the rugged cave. "

No matter what kind of maze it is,

As long as you can keep walking in a straight line. You can go out sooner or later.

the other side……

Oscar, they didn't have such convenient lighting tools. Fortunately, they brought a low-quality wooden spear in their backpack, which he managed to make into a torch. The quality was rubbish anyway, so he wouldn't feel bad if he burned it.

"Where are we going? The hidden task given by the system is to escape from the maze. Do we want to do it?" Tang San was not good at solving puzzles and asked Oscar. During this time, he had become accustomed to using Oscar as an external brain.

"Of course we have to do this hidden mission. Even if we don't do the mission, we are in the maze. There is no way to locate the opponent. If we wander around, we might as well look for clues and leave the maze first." Oscar raised the torch in his hand and looked around. environment of. Try to analyze it for clues.

Because fear is sealed, he can think calmly even in a dark cave. This gave it a considerable advantage over the other two.

"Even if we want to do a mission, I'm afraid we'll still have to wander around at first." Ma Hongjun tried to use his ability to control soil to change the terrain, and it was indeed possible. But that would consume too much of his physical strength. After all, he was not specialized in this area, and his earth attribute abilities were mostly used for fighting.

"The normal way to crack a maze is to first explore the surrounding terrain and then write it down in your mind. Then crack it!"

"That's true under normal circumstances. With your ability, occasionally we can take shortcuts by breaking down walls.

However, if the system gives such a task, it should give corresponding clues. If it is just a test of memory, I am afraid that I will encounter the enemy team first before exiting the maze.

Have you noticed? The stalactites in this cave don't seem to grow straight. "Being able to keep a calm mind made Oscar's observation ability much stronger than the other two, and he was the first to discover the unique place in the cave.

"If you didn't say anything, I really wouldn't have noticed. These stalactites seem to be a little curved. Isn't this normal? I've never seen what real stalactites look like before." Tang San looked up. Looking at a stalactite on the roof, I found that this thing does grow in a curved way.

"Normally, this thing should hang straight down due to the influence of gravity. The crooked shape may be affected by other factors, such as... light. I have seen a documentary before, which said that some stalactites can interact with moss. Or algae plants grow together in symbiosis, and then grow in the direction of light.

Maybe it's dark outside now. Or maybe the light from outside has spread here so weak that it is difficult for humans to distinguish it. But I think if the stalactites of plants are really symbiotic, we should be able to distinguish them. We might as well try and walk along the direction of the stalactite curvature. "

[To be continued]

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