Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,078 An unexpected encounter

Oscar's judgment has certain basis. First of all, plants may indeed be more sensitive to light than human eyes. Secondly, the time in the copy may be night. Even though the light had been reflected many times in the cave, it came near them. They are also difficult to observe.

In addition to this, it is important to note that stalactites grow very slowly, and because of this, even a very weak effect is not noticeable. Over time, it will also have a certain impact on its growth.

Therefore, even in a cave where you can't see your fingers, there is a high probability that the curved stalactites are affected by light.

The group of people walked along the curved direction of the stalactites, and they walked ruggedly without hitting a dead end. After walking for a while, the three of them basically confirmed that their ideas were correct.

On the other side, Yak's group is rampaging through the maze. To be able to walk in a straight line is to do whatever you want. However, being able to walk in a straight line doesn't mean you can get out. In the beginning, they dug hollow caves from time to time while digging for women.

This at least proves that they are still in the maze, but they can't dig anything out for a long time. After using my feet, I realized that they had overdone it.

The direction is beyond the scope of the maze, but it is not the direction of the exit.

As a last resort, they could only turn back, choose a new direction to dig holes and move along the edge of the maze.

There is no telling who is faster between the two sides. Follow the correct path through the maze. Often we have to go around a lot and walk a long distance. It may not be faster than going around the edge of a maze to find the exit.

"Did I say we haven't found the exit yet? Is it possible that this maze is three-dimensional? The exit is actually not on the plane where we are." Yake is not very good at mazes, so he can only follow and guess.

Qin Ming shook his head: "There is indeed that kind of three-dimensional maze. But ours is not like this. You may not be able to feel it. When I just excavated, I actually tried to tilt it up or down.

The result of the attempt is that there are no holes in both directions. In other words, there is basically no part of the maze that breaks away from this plane.

Even if we are unlucky, we should be able to find the exit by digging around the migrant workers. "

Peng Shuai couldn't help but ask: "Is it possible that the exit of the maze is actually in the center of the maze? We have to pass through a teleportation array or something to get out."

"It is true that this possibility cannot be ruled out, but after all, it is more likely that the exits will be located around. If we can't find it, let's search towards the center of the maze.

I spent almost no energy digging through the walls here, and I discovered that the sharp stones above these caves actually contain organic matter. Absorbing them consumes no energy. Also charges my devices. "While he was talking, the vacuum cleaner that had always been successful in digging the maze suddenly seemed to be stuck and made a squeaking sound. It was as if the drill bit hit a hard object.

"Is your equipment malfunctioning? What's going on?" Peng Shuai asked.

"It's not a malfunction, it's just that we encountered a very hard object, probably a building or a rock. It can be destroyed by replacing it with a new drill bit, but I don't think it's necessary. What we encountered shouldn't be a stronger rock. layer, it is more likely that he encountered a special building near the exit." Qin Ming patted the hard black stone wall, and used his terrain tool to start destroying along the wall.

At the same time, the three Oscars who had been following the stalactites also came to the obsidian wall.

They didn't get here by digging a shortcut. So I saw the message on the wall.

Although they didn't recognize the words above at all. But fortunately, the system provided translation.

"You brave men who have passed the trial place! Your courage and wisdom are worthy of praise. You will receive rewards from the goddess. Go! The glory of God is with you." Although it has been systematically translated, the content on the wall Still looking dazed.

"The goddess's reward should be the reward of the hidden mission! We have cleared the hidden mission.

You should be able to gain a certain advantage in this dungeon match. "Tang San ran towards the door excitedly.

"Although that's true, to be fair, the system can't just issue tasks to us. I'm afraid our opponents have also received this hidden task." Although Oscar said this, he still ran towards the door quickly. Regardless of whether the opponent has also received this task, completing this task first will definitely gain an advantage.

Just as they were running towards the door. The wall beside the door suddenly disappeared, and then three people rushed out of the cave, it was Yak and his party.

Although they didn't see the words on the wall, they saw another group of people running frantically towards the exit. Without thinking, he rushed over. What the enemy wants to do. It must be stopped.

Besides, they also received this mission. Anyone with a normal mind can think of it. There is definitely some level of reward for leaving the maze.

Tang San was already very close to the door. However, the position where the three people came out of the cave was right next to the door. In order to prevent the other party from passing through first, he had no choice but to take action. Fortunately, the hidden weapons he was good at were very suitable for this kind of encounter.

He casually threw the thunder boomerang in his bag. The psychic weapon was extremely powerful, and coupled with the powerful technique of bat wing reincarnation, the effect was outstanding.

If you were facing an ordinary opponent, you would definitely be in a hurry under his sneak attack. But unfortunately, the opponent he faced this time just restrained him.

It's hard for Yark to be of much use in solving puzzles, but he shows no mercy when it comes to combat. Although his opponent's hidden weapon is sharp, this kind of attack is what he is least afraid of. Because it is impossible for him to make mistakes in his dodge.

Even if Tang San's hidden weapon had the bug's automatic tracking ability, it would be useless in front of this pervert who had almost 100% dodge, unless he used a locking skill. It is the kind of skill that will definitely hit the opponent after being released, but no hidden weapon technique can do this.

This kind of absolute hit skill can only appear in the system's built-in skills. It cannot be obtained by players' own training, and Tang San's method of throwing hidden weapons is basically no different from locking skills to ordinary enemies. Therefore, he has no need for such skills at all. There's not a single one on me.

As a result, he obviously threw more than one hidden weapon, but none of them hit his opponent. Yake was forced to rush to the entrance of the maze with the dense hidden weapons.

[To be continued]

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