Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1081 Public Opinion Troubles

Yake's game video quickly spread on the Internet. The operation is really too gorgeous. With Zelda's abilities, not only the light and shadow effects are dazzling during the battle, but what is even more valuable is that it can make people see clearly. Every action the player makes and the meaning of each action.

The barrage was so densely packed that my mother asked me why I was kneeling while watching the video, etc. These operations were really inhuman. Some players even thought after watching the video that the masters in the video had even more combat power. It can be compared to the strong men in this aspect such as the Nine Chiefs of the Dead or the Twelve Hour Officials.

Generally, such top game NPCs require players on the game's combat power rankings to join forces to fight against them. I am afraid that only the top five players can defeat these unique data in a single fight.

At the same time, a small number of people noticed that the source of the video was Tianjing City, and the tag was clearly directed towards the infected.

This seems outrageous to people all over the world. Most people on the mainland know what the infected people have been doing recently. But if you haven’t been to the scene in person, you won’t have a clear understanding of the situation. There must be more or less fallacies in a situation that you can’t figure out simply by relying on your imagination.

Most people believed that the infected had been trapped in the city. They must have lived a life of precariousness, hunger and cold. It is only a matter of time before the Emperor destroys this group of infected rebels. This is their confidence in the powerful strength of the Tiandou Empire.

The empire also promoted this. After all, it was impossible to tell the people that they had suffered successive losses at the hands of the infected. More than 80,000 infected people are expected to break through. If that happens, it will definitely arouse public panic and make the problem even more difficult to solve.

However, this video is a slap in the face of the empire. What is under siege, what is infected is in danger, like a candle in the wind, what is infected has been cut off from supplies, the end of the war is just around the corner, all of the following are self-defeating.

The infected are still interested in playing games, and they also show off their unpredictable skills in the game.

Are you telling me that these are infected people trapped in a small city, suffering from hunger and cold? Many netizens have expressed that we have no grievances with the empire in the past and have no enmity in recent times. Why does the empire treat us as fools?

Although this time it did not cause any substantial losses within the empire. However, it disrupted domestic public opinion and led to a significant decline in the government's credibility. The imperial government was trapped in a public opinion war for a long time, struggling to refute and counter-refute rumors.

It was true that he had told too many lies before. Only after he was slapped in the face did he realize that he had made a mistake in his decision. But the slap had already been slapped down and he had to bear the pain no matter how much it hurt.

For a time, the official had to announce to a certain extent the true situation of the infected, but on the other hand, it was stated that the Imperial Army was invincible.

Difficulties are only temporary. Once they are overcome, the future of the empire is still bright.

Various experts responsible for the public opinion war fell out one after another, and the imperial navy also began to take the lead at this time. At the same time, several domestic entertainment stars broke scandals or hot topics almost on the same day, diverting public attention.

The best way to cleanse public opinion is not to repeatedly propagate things that are contrary to the enemy, but to find ways to divert the public's attention. The memory of netizens is very short, and may not even last a week. As long as there are other big news that can attract attention. News can easily divert public attention.

The empire is still very skilled in this move, but the unlucky ones are a few celebrities with many stupid fans. Their interests are nothing compared to the interests of the country as a whole, and they are directly exposed as violent news.

This has caused many people who were clamoring that the government is deceiving the people not long ago to start quarreling with other people on the Internet because their idols were hacked the next day.

The infected people did not expect the public opinion offensive to achieve any significant results? Not much manpower was invested anyway. As long as it has any effect, you will make money.

Yak didn't know much about these things due to information restrictions. But after leaving the game, he was still praised by his colleagues, who regarded him as their secret weapon.

He doesn't know why, but he feels that this kind of work atmosphere makes him very comfortable. It's much easier than when he was in the empire, where he had to be wary of his colleagues and pay attention to his boss's face.

"Are you still adapting? You look good. You should have adapted well here today." Chen Zihan's voice sounded, attracting everyone in the handover class. At the attention of the staff, everyone saluted in unison and said in unison: "Hello, eldest sister!"

Yake was still a little uncomfortable, so he also yelled, making Chen Zihan laugh out loud.

"It seems that you like the working atmosphere here." Chen Zihan took Yake aside and gave him a temporary ID card: "Go to the cafeteria to get food, open the dormitory door, use hot water, etc. We all need this card, don’t lose it.”

"Didn't you say before that I'm not even qualified to use a bicycle?" Yake took the card and asked doubtfully: "Has the policy from above changed?"

"What are you thinking about? Even if your tactics are of great significance, we have already established a social system. How can it be changed just because of you?

You were not eligible to use it before because you did not participate in labor. No value has been created for us as a whole. Although you are currently undergoing labor reform in name, you are still performing labor and creating value for the infected society. "

"Ah? Does this count as creating value? The most I can do is help my colleagues improve the attributes of their game characters. I remember not long ago there was a shameless company that claimed that the data of game characters was their company's private property. Players only have the right to use property, and all players are equivalent to renting accounts, and the things they pay to buy are just the services of the game company they purchased." Yake remembered seeing this news not long before he was captured.

"What are you thinking about? That's something only a shameless company can do. You don't know who the person behind Thriller Paradise is, right?

Do you think someone from Tulip would do such a shameless thing? The game official has personally acknowledged it. All equipment, props, and money in a player's account are the player's private property. Nowadays, working in the virtual world is serious work. "

"Okay! After all, you are also a national representative. Are you so free every day? Do you have time to waste with me?"

"Well! I am the most leisurely of all national representatives. After all, I am responsible for fighting. And have you forgotten your working time and sleep pattern? During this time, I actually went back to rest. Currently It’s not time for me to go to work yet, so if you need anything, you’d better tell me now.”

[To be continued]

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