Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1082: Stalemate

"Can I ask what's going on outside now?" Yak couldn't help but ask.

"Theoretically, you have no right to watch the news, but these are not secrets. I can tell you." Chen Zihan took out a bag of hand cakes from his jacket pocket and handed it to Yake.

Yake was not polite and took it over and asked: "Then tell me what happened on the battlefield after I fell into coma."

"After that... nothing happened after that. You delayed a lot of time, and the breakout was only half successful. After that, the two sides were confronting each other, but the empire is probably interrogating the captured prisoners. They should know about us soon. The food reserves are sufficient and can be consumed with them all the time.

I don’t know if the empire will be unable to hold back and take action at that time, if we are allowed to farm here all the time. The gap between the empire and the infected will definitely become smaller and smaller. The later we take action, the greater the losses will be. I'm afraid the empire will have to give up its defensive war by then. "After Chen Zihan said this, she felt helpless. I'm afraid it won't be long before she goes to the battlefield again.

At that time, the empire must have already thought about how to deal with her, either by sending powerful demigods or using powerful war weapons. In short, although she is powerful, she is not without weaknesses. If she were not backed by the army, her ending might be similar to King Kong masturbating on the Empire State Building.

"Is there anything you want to ask? If not, I'll check in."

Yake was silent for a moment: "Be careful in the future."

"Well, thank you."

In fact, the situation outside was far from as easy as Chen Zihan said, although the two sides fell into a brief stalemate. But he is accumulating strength and preparing to explode.

After the main army of the empire was transferred, in addition to releasing a big move. Apart from verifying Silva's strong defense, it had no effect. It has even become the weakness of the empire. The threat of raids by infected people has made it difficult for the army to calm down. The entire army hopes to enter the underground city and kill all the infected people.

It's just that the imperial commander will definitely not allow this to happen. There are too many infected people gathered in Tianjing City now, and the severity of the radiation is so great. Even worse than after the explosion.

In this area, once injured in battle, the probability of infection is infinitely close to 100%. The empire will not rely on personal loyalty to win or lose, and it will be difficult for infected soldiers to be trusted.

In this case, the greatest possibility of sending your most elite troops to launch an attack is that if you fail to steal the chicken, you will lose the rice. You will not be able to break the city and at the same time increase the power of the infected.

But it is impossible to leave it alone. Soldiers cannot enter high-radiation areas to fight, but automatic machines can, and so can biochemically modified beasts.

They even include some soul beasts with low intelligence. This part of the transformation experiment was carried out without the knowledge of the soul beast empire. After all, whether these kinds of soul beasts have intelligence is still in dispute, and they are not included in the carnivorous soul beasts. If the Soul Beast Empire found out that they were using these Soul Beasts for biochemical experiments, it would likely cause unnecessary conflicts.

This time we will try to use this secret weapon. The most important reason is that there has never been an infected person in the Soul Beast Empire. It seems that the physique of Soul Beasts is different from humans. It will not be affected by the significant increase in soul power concentration, but may benefit from it.

This can be seen from the fact that a large number of soul beasts gathered in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest, and there was no non-combat attrition due to this. Training such biochemical soul beasts can greatly offset the home field advantage of the infected.

It's a pity that the soul beast's strength is slowly improving, and this type of low intelligence is even slower. For this reason, these soul beasts can only be provided with external weapons.

For example, the beast-shaped power armor, or the rockets on the back. Although the machine gun tower on the shoulder is armed to the teeth, it is still slightly insufficient against the infected.

This requires the correction of automatic weapons and long-range firepower. Compared with the infected, the biggest advantage of the empire's technology tree is that they can use missiles.

It is powerful and does not require a human driver.

It can almost make positional warfare disappear from the stage of history. Relying on fire suppression from long-range heavy artillery positions. It is still possible to barely cover the beast-shaped machine and fight the infected.

The Empire is urgently developing a hydrogen bomb. In principle, the Empire can already produce a hydrogen bomb, but the volume will be extremely large, especially when the yield is pursued.

It would cost too much to break through the extraordinary Sylva with extraordinary strength. The empire has decided to use the radiance of the sun to break Sylva's shield.

However, this requires the empire to stabilize the front within a short period of time, suppress the infected inside the city, and give them enough time to deploy hydrogen bombs.

In addition to the offensive strategy, the empire pays more attention to the infected people who have broken through. The local garrison forces in various places are definitely not enough to resist this terrifying force. Therefore, the Central Third, Fourth, and Seventh Front Armies split up and moved toward The city occupied by the infected and surrounded by the infected who broke through.

Major missile bases across the country. Missile launch vehicles have been modified one after another to transport missiles to war locations.

During the battle, the empire gradually noticed that missiles that had been extremely effective in wars in the past were actually very suitable for dealing with infected people.

Compared to the chaos in the Tiandou Empire, the other two empires are quite willing to watch the excitement and not be afraid of big things. At the same time, the peak competition is also in full swing and has not been affected by the war.

The Tiandou Empire is also very helpless about this, but it is impossible for this to be an international game, because it takes into account the war within a country. As a result, international competitions were shut down.

The qualifiers are basically over for a while. All that's left is for the system to calculate the results and give out the promotion list. Next is the cruelest knockout round. Although the eliminated players still have a chance to be resurrected, they still have to participate in the final round. There are only fifty places available for the Peak Contest finals.

Just when the entire continent believed that the uprising of the infected was just a local war. Another force that had not appeared for a long time was in dire straits.

The God Realm is unexpected for the speed of development of the human world. Even if they have moved their living place to a different space where time flows at the same speed as the human world, it will be difficult for you to catch up with the rapid development of the human world.

Even this local war in front of us. It also filled the God Realm with pressure. If there is no way to improve the strength as soon as possible, I am afraid that the gods will join forces. It is also difficult to deal with the human world, let alone the tulip that suddenly resurrected from nowhere. For this reason, the God Realm is preparing to take some less humane methods.

[To be continued]

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