Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1083: Squeezing Faith

The God of Kindness sat at the top of the conference table, his face as deep as water, his hands with white gloves intertwined to cover half of his face, and he performed Ikari Gendo's signature move. He glanced at everyone present.

"Over the years, the worship of us in the world has become less and less, and mortals have forgotten their respect for the gods, and even many ignorant dimensional science and technology theorists regard us as heresy.

This kind of world is not normal. Sanctions are needed. Human thinking must be reversed. We can bestow blessings on them, and naturally we can also bestow divine punishment on them.

It's time to punish the heretics in the world. "

"Although you say so, our strength is obviously not enough to carry out the task of punishment! If we want to make them afraid to regain their respect for us, we must not drag it out like a war.

We must crush mankind with the power of thunder and make them realize that they are powerless to resist under the feet of the gods. Only then can we re-establish our majesty. Unfortunately, we seem to be unable to do this now. "The evil god interrupted the good slang.

"Okay, let's go directly to the topic of our meeting. How to increase our power in a short time to suppress the world? At present, our largest source of faith has been shaken at its roots. Indeed, there are a large number of people on that continent Threat. But we have reached the time when we have to take action. We need to obtain the power to defeat them. Think about this. No one will object." The God of Kindness glanced at everyone present and after confirming that no one objected, He nodded and said:

"Since no one objects, what do you think about increasing our power in a short period of time?"

The God of Destruction rolled his eyes: "What idea did you have, you old boy? Do you think I won't know about it? Don't think so, you bitch even built a memorial arch.

Improving our strength in a short period of time is nothing more than gathering a large amount of faith power in a short period of time. Don't you know this kind of thing? Tsk! hypocritical! "

"Well, the God of Destruction said it very well. The best way to improve our strength is to gather a large amount of faith power in a short period of time. So tell us how we should do this?" The God of Kindness is very shy. The city wall is even thicker, this irony doesn't matter at all.

"Haha, there is almost no one on the Douluo Planet below us who can provide us with faith, so naturally we have to go to other worlds to find a way." The God of Destruction has long been accustomed to the shamelessness of the God of Kindness.

Poseidon had something to say. He actually wanted to say that he still had a source of faith. After all, those who believed in him were not humans, but a large number of sea soul beasts. However, his faith was gradually decreasing. After all, the number of ocean-going fishing ships was increasing. There are too many, even sea soul beasts,

The number is also declining sharply, and many of them can already be included in nature reserves as endangered species.

"Very good, does anyone have any constructive suggestions on this? In other worlds, how should we gain a large amount of faith in a short period of time? Let's brainstorm and tell us what you think?" The kind god asked knowingly, Showing the essence of an officialdom veteran.

The God of Evil couldn’t stand it anymore: “Okay, stop fucking pretending, I can’t stand it anymore.

It’s not like I’ve never done this before, but later on, considering the factors of sustainable development, I stopped doing it.

Gaining faith in a short period of time is nothing more than preaching the disaster of annihilation. Only by following a certain god can you survive disasters and the like, if you feel that this effect is not good. You can personally cause some natural disasters and the like.

Then he would perform miracles and exert divine grace in the natural disasters he caused, such as causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and the like, and then go there to rescue refugees. There is basically nothing faster than gathering faith.

If you don't want to fish in the marsh and want to continue to squeeze faith at a high speed, there is a way, and that is to instigate two countries in that world to go to war. Then different gods bestow magical powers on each country. The more pious the faith, the more powerful the magic.

Then it instigates nationalism in both countries and deepens the national hatred between them. Balance the outcome of the war and make this war. There will be no end to the fight, and the harder they fight, the more people will die, and the more faith we have, the better our future will be. When the time comes, there will be a small war for three days, a big war for five days, and a holy war for more than a month. The power of faith will definitely increase slowly.

Of course, if anyone is confident about their appearance, they can also find ways to go down to earth to collect idiot fans. I am not very professional in this area, but I can learn from Douluo's operating methods.

Leading their fans to cause hatred everywhere, I remember them. No matter what this kind of thing is called, it is just to do some stupid things first, then trigger hot topics to increase the popularity, and then gradually convert the popularity into traffic and so on.

I'm not a professional in this area. If you want to do this, I suggest you go down to earth and investigate, or you can do it as a mortal. Find a brokerage firm and find yourself an agent. "

Every idea that the God of Evil came up with was basically the bad pus type, but the gods nodded again and again, saying that this was a good idea. Back then they also... ahem, in short, this method is indeed You can quickly collect the power of faith. But there is no doubt that this is a devastating blow to local civilization.

Even the last, seemingly benign, idol route would create a lot of brain-deadness in the civilization, making it more cruel in a sense.

"Evil, what you said is very good. These are suggestions with great reference value. Our God Realm governs many worlds and grants them peace and tranquility. At this time, our God Realm is in crisis. It is also time to let these worlds work for their peace over the years. .Pay the price!

Everyone, prepare to choose your own way of collecting faith in many worlds! We must strengthen our own strength in a short period of time, and then carry out an eradication of the Douluo continent. Jiang Ming's technological virus will be wiped from this continent forever.

In the future, we must also learn from this experience and lessons. Once a civilization is born and the bud of scientific thought is born, we must kill it with all our strength as soon as possible, even if it restarts civilization. Okay, that’s it for the meeting.

Now let's discuss how to distribute the world under the rule of the gods. Once there, whether you provoke wars or cause disasters, it has nothing to do with me.

First of all, we are allocating the world of Dzi Bead Transformation. Who has ruled this world in the past, and those who have experience and understand the local national conditions can be given priority. "The God of Kindness said with a smile.

[To be continued]

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