Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,084 The Poseidon Exploring the Path

"It's decided. Poseidon, you are in the best condition right now. I will leave this investigation task to you. The world we selected this time is the world of "Dzi Bead Transformation". According to historical records, the cultivation of this world The system is the jewel on the wrist of cultivation.

Jade represents physical attributes, and other gems represent magical attributes. From low to high, there are twelve levels in total. If you reach level 13, you can basically reach the strength of a top level three god.

According to records, there are two cultivators on the snow mountain who have reached close to the strength, but they have not broken through the final bottleneck. You need to pay a little attention to them, because these two are not human beings, but are cultivators of heavenly beasts in that world. Also, there may be hostility towards you as a human god.

At the same time, these two people should be suppressing an evil god whose strength is close to that of the main god. When you go there, you can clean it up and you should be able to get considerable merit. "The God of Kindness warned the Poseidon who was preparing to set off.

He was chosen as the pathfinder, on the one hand, because his power of faith is more abundant than other gods. As long as any creature living in the sea can provide him with faith, the intelligence of fish and shrimps is very low, but There are so many of them, even if they are heavily fished by ocean-going fishing boats for years, their number is countless times that of humans. In this world with declining theocracy, they can still provide him with relatively sufficient faith.

On the other hand, almost all planets suitable for human survival have oceans. Poseidon can develop a large number of new believers by taking a trip in the ocean. In this way, even if he is killed in that world, he can still stay in place through the power of faith. To be resurrected, there is no need to regroup in the divine world.

Various factors forced Poseidon to accept this arduous task of exploring the path, picked up his trident, and set off towards the gate of space.

As a world with less potential than Douluo, the development of the world of "Dzi Bead Transformation" by the God Realm is quite limited. Generally, the gods go there to show their faces, leave some legends, and then allow the people there to develop their beliefs freely. In fact, , there is no need to care about what their teachings are, as long as the source of belief remains unchanged, the gods can take a share. In this way, it can be regarded as sustainable development.

But the top priority now is to eliminate the scientific ideas that have emerged on Douluo Continent. They have to send people to the world again and use some radical methods to collect faith.

Before Poseidon descended to earth, he asked the gods to add a set of buffs to him. After all, he was an immortal descending to earth, so he needed to be a little grander. Even if he couldn't have thousands of rays of sunshine, he would at least have to step on colorful auspicious clouds and wear golden battle armor.

The gods were quite generous to him as a pioneer. Including the four supreme gods of the God Realm, all the gods above the main god level mobilized their divine power to give a set of blessings to the Poseidon.

For a moment, Poseidon's body was filled with all kinds of colors,

The energy fluctuations were surging, and before these blessings disappeared, he even had the power to rival the Supreme God.

The golden light of the trident in her hand shone, and the cloak behind her made a sound. As the space door unfolded and stepped out, even she couldn't help but feel a bit heroic. At this moment, he! He is the king of the world!

Just as he stepped out of the space door, he heard a loud commentary in his ears: "Now we invite the champion of the last Rocket Cup Free Fighting Competition, Song Huandong! Give our fighting king your warmest applause!"

The explanation was accompanied by enthusiastic cheers, which made Poseidon look confused, not knowing which world he had come to. I always feel that something is wrong with the style of painting in front of me.

Immediately afterwards, the host continued to shout: "So, who is there in the audience? Want to challenge our fighting king in person? The invincible Song Huandong?

This challenger is very active! It seems that he is very confident in himself, and his spatial control is quite stable. He is able to break through the space barrier on the field. It seems that he is a very powerful legal expert!

Everyone saw him walking out of the space door! Hmm...this player's, uh...aesthetic is very unique! We see that this player's usual weapon is a golden harpoon.

It does not appear to be a product from a well-known manufacturer. The enchantment aspect is quite simple and has a retro feel, but the material is quite excellent. It seems that this challenger is a skilled player. Let us interview you. What do you think about yourself? Are you confident about the challenge? "

Poseidon looked up in confusion, looked at the host on the high-altitude hosting platform, and fell into a daze.

"It seems that our challenger doesn't like to talk very much." The host laughed dryly. He felt that the person below looked at him as if he was mentally retarded.

"In that case, the challenge begins!" After finishing speaking, the host said in a crosstalk voice: "This program is exclusively sponsored and broadcast by Qianlitou Game Company. Giving someone a head from a thousand miles away is less about courtesy and more about affection! Qianlitou Game, To provide you with the best gaming experience! 24-hour professional real-person beheading service allows you to kill in front of your partner!”

Poseidon: "?"

What the hell is this? He has heard of the game, but what the hell is giving someone a head a thousand miles away? A game company that specializes in giving away people’s lives is outrageous! Moreover, he clearly came to the world of "Dzi Bead Transformation", so why was he sent to such a technological arena as soon as he came up?

He originally didn't want to be exposed in front of so many people as soon as he came up, but the problem is that he can't leave now even if he wants to, so he doesn't know what material the floor of the stage is made of. It is extremely hard. The shields around the stage are just inductive. The energy contained in it made his scalp numb.

With his current strength, it is not impossible to force his way out, but he felt several powerful energy fluctuations in the audience. It is definitely not a good idea to choose to force his way out now. At this time, he seems to have to participate in the inexplicable challenge.

Opposite him, a short but muscular man walked toward him with his upper body bare, holding a huge steel cannon taller than him and thicker than his waist in one hand, but it seemed that he was carrying As light as a wooden stick, when she came to him, she stretched out her hand to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you!"

Poseidon felt the pain in his palm, but he still replied: "Nice to meet you!"

But he couldn't help cursing in his heart: "What kind of material are this bastard's hands made of? Even if they are made of iron, they can't be so hard! Hiss! They killed me!"

What exactly is this place? Is there a transmission error? Is this a competition in this world to determine the strongest person in the world? "

Poseidon was silent, but he had already made up his mind to compete with the guy in front of him.

[To be continued]

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