Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,087 Neptune’s Endorsement

Poseidon has no idea about the contract in front of him. Although he knows more or less what the contract is by observing the human world, the problem is that there are too many words on it. Even though the whole universe uses Chinese buffs, you can read all the words on it. I understand, but there are many things that I know every word separately, but when they are put together, I have no idea what they mean.

It's like everyone sees it before opening a game. The user agreement is almost as long as a roll of toilet paper, and most people in this case just agree and move on. In fact, there is no other choice, which leads to complaints against game companies that cannot be won.

Poseidon is facing a similar situation. In this world, he is not familiar with others, and he got into an inexplicable fight when he first came out. Now he doesn't know whether he should sign this contract.

He tried to read the contents of the contract, but after reading two pages, he really couldn't understand it. Even with the mentality of reading a reference book, I still can't understand the content that I should not understand.

"It would be better for you to explain to me the general content of the contract." Poseidon finally spoke, because he realized that if he didn't speak, he would be in trouble. The plot seems to be unstoppable. It's like those games that can't be played without checking the box and agreeing. If he doesn't sign the contract, these people in front of him don't seem to be planning to leave. And the organizers of the competition didn't even care. If it couldn't be considered a huge profit breakout, it seemed that the only thing they could do was sign a contract.

Poseidon was a little confused. Could it be that there are stronger practitioners in this world? Otherwise, how dare you have such an attitude towards the winner of the competition. Out of careful consideration, he did not use force, but prepared to sign the contract. He could still vaguely feel the presence of the God Realm. It should be possible to go back if you want.

The worst outcome is that his body is blown apart and rebuilt in the God Realm. With a sense of superiority as a time traveler. He was disdainful of the effectiveness of these contracts. As long as he leaves this world, who can catch him to enforce the contract?

"This is just a simple endorsement agreement. It only requires you to cooperate with our promotion and shoot a few advertisements. Any advertisement can make millions. After all, you are the champion.

We will also arrange other promotions for you in the future. Help you design and package your own image. Help you manage your own social account and get more fans.

However, this also means that your social account is the property of the company. Of course, you can open a new private account yourself, but while the agreement is valid, you are not allowed to use your identity to conduct any publicity for your private account.

We have the right to monitor and guide your use of social accounts. All losses caused by irregular use or unauthorized speech will be borne by you, and the company does not bear any legal responsibility for this. "

The staff member said a lot, which sounded harsh, but not unacceptable.

However, many of these requirements are not allowed and do not bear any legal responsibility, which is really unpleasant to hear.

So much so that Poseidon, who used leaving this world as his trump card, became more disdainful the more he listened to the detailed contract: "Only the weak will rely on these restrictive word games to protect themselves. The so-called contract is just relying on the country as a backing." , can be formulated so arrogantly, as long as it is strong enough, no one can be restrained by these word games."

To a certain extent, what he thought was not wrong, but the prerequisite is that the individual must be strong enough. For example, if the Monkey King travels to modern society, there is no need to abide by the laws there. , calculated as one somersault per second, is also one-third the speed of light. Weapons on the earth have no way to deal with individuals at this speed.

But the comparison between the power of Poseidon and the Dzi Bead Star... then it's haha.

"Okay! It's decided." Poseidon signed his name, which wasn't his real name anyway.

The staff took back the contract and also showed a smile. All he needed was a signature. He did not need the so-called real name, nor did he need this Helia to implement the contract seriously, but they guaranteed that their professional team could make Helia Unable to extricate myself from the rest of my life.

Although under the supervision of the truth agency. The evil forces hidden in these gray industries would never dare to kill, or even cheat or threaten, but that didn't mean they couldn't deal with a fool like Poseidon.

The scope of protection that the law can protect is limited. All it can protect is your legitimate rights and interests, but those that are illegal are another matter. When a person is used to enjoying superior treatment, used to dictating to others, used to drinking, sex and wealth, once these are deprived, these people will be as fragile as those leeks who jumped off the building after the stock plummeted during the economic crisis.

Are those guys who jumped off the building really not going to survive? Not necessarily! In fact, these people probably live much better than most poor people. But just because he couldn't accept it, he lost his superior capital. But he chose to end his life.

In Tulip, people like this, if their wealth is not clean to begin with, are basically not protected by the law, and they deserve to be threatened by those who run gray industries.

Poseidon was not aware of the other party's strategy yet, he just felt that he could leave this world at any time. There is nothing to be afraid of. Then he was led out of the building by the staff.

After leaving, he noticed how prosperous the world was. Everywhere you look is covered by tall human buildings. Looking up at the sky, although the sky is blue, you can only see from the gaps in the building that humans seem to have occupied every inch of space on this planet.

The hovercar shuttles between buildings. Pedestrians can also fly freely. It’s no longer just the bottom floor of a building that houses shops. This makes it possible to see a dazzling array of shops as far as the eye can see.

The planet where "Dzi Bead Transformation" is located. The areas governed by Tulip are not considered developed areas, and are even considered backward compared to other areas. But many people are willing to immigrate here.

The reason is that the planet of "Dzi Bead Transformation" is the planet with the most developed entertainment industry in the entire Tulip. Only here can you have the opportunity to meet your idol on the street.

In addition to the entertainment industry on the surface, of course there are also industries that are not so visible. Although the gods in the divine world have seen too many beauties, many of them hugged each other and enjoyed them all before they became gods. Blessings to man.

But facing the girls at Tulip, I still felt uncontrollable. In fact, the skin of these girls was delicate enough and they were not like other natives. Even the hairs can be seen clearly.

[To be continued]

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